Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2463: Swallowed three people

Who is Lianqi? Among the six forces, there are many lower emperors! After all, it is extremely difficult for the Upper Three Realms to enter the Emperor Wu, but because of the aura of the heavens and the earth, and the ancient heritage is still well preserved, not as fragmented as the Lower Nine Realms, and many people can smoothly call the Emperor Wu Supreme!

But it also belongs to the lower emperor, and Lian Qi's strength is at least ten thousand miles away controlled by the entire six forces, the existence of the top five!

There are even rumors that unless the middle emperor takes the shot, he will not find a few of the lower emperors who can be an enemy of him.

This kind of existence simply despised the so-called genius like Li Ye! Because he used to be Tianjiao who stood on top of countless geniuses! To become the next emperor now is even more contempt of everything!

With this catch, he was full of confidence and was sure of it!

However, an unexpected scene appeared!


That ancient book was indeed caught by him, without difficulty at all, but the ancient book in his hand suddenly exploded in the next moment! At the same time, terrible flames swarmed up like tarsal maggots! Even the strong like Qi were caught off guard, and the dark red flame was attached to the front half of one arm.

"Small bugs!"

After Qi groaned, the extremely powerful Zhen Yuan was about to disperse the flame on his arm.

It's just that he didn't expect that the terrible flames far exceeded his expectations! Once attached, it is like adding fuel to the fire and spreading crazily! At the same time, even his extremely terrifying Wuhuang Law Body was burned!

There was a terrible voice, and at the same time a sharp pain made Lian Qi's face finally change.

"What kind of flame is this?"

For the first time, Lian Qi felt a hint of panic. You must know that ordinary flames, even the real fire of Samadhi in some powerful people who practice fire attribute techniques, will not necessarily hurt him.

Everyone was surprised too!

"grown ups!"

The other three powerhouses in Yuetian Castle were shocked and wanted to step forward, but suddenly found that a few people did not know when they were held in place by a terrible binding force, unable to move!

This time, it made them panic! One of them roared, and a terrible aura burst out all over his body trying to break free, but suddenly a force far surpassing him was suppressed at once, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out on the spot!

When the other two saw it, they were so scared that they didn't dare to mess around, but that person lost half of his life. Although he didn't die, he couldn't fight again.

All processes are fleeting!

No one expected it to evolve into this way, from the strong appearance of the people from Yuetianbao, killing many people in the Broadsword Gate, and destroying the restaurant at the Broadsword Gate, until Li Ye appeared and took out the ancient book of the Emperor!

But this result was unexpected.

It's a pity that even if the two strong men of the Moon Sky Castle didn't move, the next moment they were blown away by a force!

Before one of them had time to scream, suddenly a terrifying huge monster appeared from behind him! He took a big mouth and swallowed the whole person in one mouthful.

"Monster! What kind of monster is that?!"

Everyone exclaimed! Being able to swallow a half-emperor powerhouse in one bite is definitely an incomparable one!

"At least it's close to the existence of the Demon Emperor! How could such a powerful demon beast appear?"

Monster beasts naturally exist in Shensheng Prefecture, and even compared to the Lower Nine Regions, almost powerful Monster Beasts are in the Upper Three Realms! Especially one of them is the demon world where monsters are the masters!

At this time, Lian Qi roared, and finally no longer kept it. The true essence on his body turned into an endless monstrous terrifying edge, and the flame on his arm was shaken away!

However, a closer look revealed that his arm was scorched and black, although it did not damage the roots, it also caused Lian Qi to lose face!

The dignified lower emperor was injured by a little devil in the realm of emperor? If this is spread out, people will definitely laugh out loud!

Lian Qi's face was gloomy, and his eyes were murderous!

"Little beast, if the emperor doesn't cramp you today, he will not be a man!"

Emperor Wu's roar is terrible enough! Even some people with weaker cultivation bases in the ancient city bleed directly from the seven orifices, and some even fainted by themselves.

In that short time, the monster that appeared suddenly swallowed another person! But the last person wanted to escape, but was suddenly completely scorched by a flame from one of the monsters' heads.

The three half-emperor powerhouses fell in a short time! The people who watched were stunned for a while, and they didn't react for a long time.

Even when Qi Yi saw that several of his subordinates were dead, he was trembling with anger!

He has not been defeated since his debut, but today is the one he feels most humiliated!

He was killed by a kid who was far inferior to him, and injured an arm!

The demon beast is Li Ye's demon pet prosperous!

After coming to the Upper Three Realms, it is more like a fish in water! He even roared to the sky, and the three heads screamed at the same time!

flame! poison gas! Frozen!

The three attributes are unique to the three-headed dog of hell!

Three terrible roars, even half the emperor dare not hold it! Once touched, it is dead!

But Lian Qi sneered disdainfully! A punch! In an instant, it seemed to shatter the sun, moon and stars, cracks appeared in the void, directly shattering everything!

"A beast who has stepped into the realm of the Demon Emperor with only half his feet, dare to be an enemy of the Emperor?!"

Others were afraid, but Lian Qi smiled proudly!

Unless he is the real Demon Emperor, he is not afraid of any monster at all!

This punch even made Wangcai wailed, his body dripping with blood, and his huge body was blown out.

"Sure enough, it is more than ten times stronger than the Emperor Wu of the Lower Nine Regions!"

The same is the lower emperor, but even Qi's strength is far beyond the original Shen Danzong's several martial emperors, even the most powerful White emperor, they may not be able to withstand ten moves in the opponent's hands!

But the more so, the more aroused Li Ye's inner fighting spirit!

Killing the Martial Emperor of the Lower Nine Realms is nothing, but killing the Martial Emperor of the Upper Three Realms is truly terrifying!

A terrifying edge flashed in his eyes, and Li Ye screamed angrily, turning his seven-star sword into a sky-shaking sword light, and cut out endless sword intent! Even the sun and the moon will fall apart under this sword!

"Star One Sword!"

This is almost the sword intent that Li Ye has merged with all the sword techniques he has learned so far!

Even in it, there is already a hint of the artistic conception of the sword! Once you continue, you can understand the path that belongs to the sword!

Sure enough, everyone was shocked as soon as this sword came out!

Lian Qi's complexion changed wildly!

The reason why he didn't put Li Ye in his eyes was because of his natural superiority! Born in the upper three realms, so-called geniuses in the lower nine realms just look down! In addition, his cultivation level was completely crushed, and he never thought that Li Ye, a little demon who came up from the lower nine domains, could threaten him.

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