Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2427: Press the topaz body

The terrible look came from the old man in black robe!

"Fair duel, no interference!"

The sound is not loud, but it makes some people who are not thinking in their hearts slightly stunned!

They have seen the methods used by the old man in black robes, but they kill people without blinking. It is really irritating, and destroying them is like a flick of a finger! Even the four great arrogances dare not try easily, let alone others?

Obviously someone just wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob, and take advantage of Yun Qiantian and Yuhai Lingzi's defeat, and kill anyone to meet the conditions!

It's a pity that the old man in the black robe is obviously unwilling to happen. Fire ran out of text?????. ?ran?en`

"It seems that one of these two people will have the opportunity to go to the Upper Three Realms."

Since they couldn't take advantage of the fire, everyone dismissed the idea.

At the same time, the fight between Yuhai Lingzi and Yun Qiantian had reached the most critical moment!


The two terrible forces have no reservations. At this moment, both sides are doing their best, because in this battle, only one person can survive! Otherwise, neither of them has a chance!

With this, whether it is Yun Qiantian or Yuhai Lingzi, they have no reservations!

Magic soldier! Peerless exercises! Even some secret methods of killing the enemy with a thousand and self-defeating are used!

"Jade broken! Watt all!"

Suddenly, the soul of Yuhai in the void roared, and his whole body seemed to be crystal clear like jade, like a jade sculpture!

Seeing this scene, someone couldn't help showing a touch of emotion!

"The jade skill of Topaz Palace!"

"You actually cultivated to this point!"

Many people's eyes flashed, and it was obvious that Yuhai Lingzi was in a hurry, and finally used his most pressing means!

"Jade skill! Turn your body into jade! It's better to be jade broken than tile! It is rumored that the practice of jade skill to the extreme can make people turn into an extremely hard topaz body! Even the imperial weapon can't hurt!"

"Jade skills, there are only a handful of people who have truly cultivated in Huangyu Palace for so many years that they can transform into jade! This jade sea spirit is indeed blessed. It is rumored that he is born with a crystal jade body, but it is the best physique for practicing jade skills! "

The situation reversed in an instant! Yuhai Lingzi, who was transformed into a body of topaz, almost became impervious to fire and water. At the same time, he blasted out a punch, directly causing Yun Qiantian's entire body to burst and spouting blood.

When everyone saw it, they were all wondering in their hearts. If they encounter the body of topaz, which is equivalent to invincible and immortal, can they break the defense?

"The body of topaz is claimed to be comparable to the indestructible body of the diamond, but there is no absolute in the world. It is just that to destroy this defense requires a very powerful force! Or a magic weapon capable of piercing the body of topaz Treasure."

Undoubtedly, even if Yun Qiantian's blood returned to his ancestors and his strength greatly increased, he would not be able to break through the topaz body's defenses. He was crushed in a short time without the strength to fight back, and he was finally stepped on by Yuhai Lingzi. Wearing the scales of his chest, the whole person collapsed one after another and almost passed out.

"It seems that the body of topaz is better! That kid's body of flood dragon is not complete, otherwise it would be a battle."

"The outcome is divided, one of them must die!"

No one will stop it, and no one will stop it!

Because whether it is Yuhai Lingzi or Yun Qiantian, who lives or dies is not important to them!

"Do you have any last words?"

With a foot on Yun Qiantian’s chest, Yuhai Lingzi was also very exhausted at this time, but the body of Topaz made him almost invincible. With the winning ticket in hand, he couldn’t help showing a cold smile. .

"Last words? Humph! There is nothing to say for the winner and loser!"

Yun Qiantian was also simply, knowing that his fate would be soon, so he stopped struggling!

"In that case, I'll give you a ride!"

Seeing that Yuhai Lingzi was about to raise his hand to slap Broken Yun Qiantian's head, suddenly, he felt a chill, and instantly flashed all over his body, giving up killing Yun Qiantian.

"what do you mean?"

Looking closely, a figure stood beside Yun Qiantian, it was Li Ye.

"Li Ye! I don't need you to be hypocritical!"

Just now it was Li Ye who moved suddenly, and he gave up his plan to kill Yu Hai Lingzi when he was shocked. At this time, Yu Hai Lingzi's face was green! It just doesn't look obvious under the body of topaz.

And Yun Qiantian roared, showing no mercy! In fact, there is no unresolvable grievance between him and Li Ye, but Yun Qiantian's self-esteem and pride prevent him from bowing his head! Even now Li Ye saved his life!

"If you click until you finish, you have already won. There is no need to kill them all."

Yun Qiantian didn't care if he didn't appreciate it. He glanced at Yuhai Lingzi, and Li Ye finally fell on the black robe old man. After all, he knew that the rules were set by the old man in black robes, and he stopped it, undoubtedly offending the old man in black robes.

Sure enough, seeing Li Ye intervene, the old man in the black robe showed displeasure!

"The old man just said that other people should not interfere!"

"Senior, he is already defeated. Why do you have to kill you too soon? Even if you are not qualified to go to the Upper Three Realms, you don't need to stay here."

It's not that Li Ye is a bad guy, but he is very disgusted with this kind of killing for almost no reason!

In other words, he was very disgusted with the old man in the black robe!

Everyone was amazed. They didn't expect that after the black robe old man killed the chicken and the monkey, some people would have the courage to stand up and question!

Xiao Qing and others all showed a trace of nervousness, while the Four Great Tianjiao and others sneered slightly.

"Li Ye! What are you, dare to intervene in my affairs! Get out of here!"

The old man in the black robe hadn't spoken yet, but Yuhai Lingzi roared! You know, this is his only choice to go to the Upper Three Realms! Will never let anyone destroy it!

And at this time, he turned into a topaz body, which was in a state that almost no one could take. Although he had seen Li Ye's prestige before, he had no fear at all! Do it directly!

The body of topaz was originally the hardest special physique in the world, and it turned into a jade mountain when he shot it! Smashed down!


Yushan is broken!

The same is the art of refining! Although Li Ye's body was tempered step by step the day after tomorrow, it should not be underestimated!

The two sides bumped, only to see Li Ye's whole body shaking slightly, but Yuhai Lingzi was directly blown out! Even if the body of topaz was almost invincible, he didn't break his body of topaz this time, but the powerful force caused him to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"This kid, the physical body is still above the topaz body?"

Li Ye cultivated physical skills. They naturally saw Li Ye and Haizi on the way before, but they never thought that it was so terrible!

Yuhai Lingzi was also stunned, with an incredible face!

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