Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2426: Rebirth

Wuxiang Island! Yue Xianglun!

Li Ye didn’t care about his ridicule. After all, the Xia Jiuyu had almost cut off the way to communicate with each other thousands of years ago. Unless some very ancient inheritances may still be preserved, or some strong people against the sky, it’s impossible. contacts. 〔<〔

In addition, the Xinghai region has been weak for thousands of years, and it is normal to be unfamiliar with other heavens.

Xiao Qing seemed to know that Li Ye didn't know clearly, he smiled, "Don't be familiar with that stupid man, this Yuhai Lingzi is not easy, Huang Yugong has always been a cruel survival of the fittest, no matter who he is, as long as he is eliminated, he will die! You can stand out from the Yellow Jade Palace, but you have occupied Xi as a disciple for so many years. It is by no means a vain name. That kid is going to be unlucky!"

He was referring to Yun Qiantian naturally.

Once the first person in Xinghai Region! But here, almost everyone thinks it is the best soft persimmon.

"He is going to lose."

An indifferent voice followed, and everyone saw Yun Qiantian spewing blood out of his mouth, and the dragon tooth gun in his hand was shaken off instantly, and the whole person was swept and shaken out.

"too weak."

I don't know who shook his head, there was no trace of contempt in the words.

"Without ten tricks, Yuhai Lingzi didn't even use his famous Jade Sea."

When the Longya spear was released, Yun Qiantian's face was covered with horror! He did not expect that anyone who came out would defeat him so easily! You must know that in order for the Nine Extremes Palace to go smoothly this time, he even brought the Yunjia Town Clan's Baolongfang Gun!

However, Yuhai Lingzi, no matter how frightened Yun Qiantian was at this time, he raised his hand and turned into a terrifying sword, and was about to harvest his life!

Kill one, enter the door!

At this time, let alone Yuhai Lingzi, a ruthless person who emerged from the brutal fighting of the sect, even ordinary cultivators would not show mercy for that dream!

"No! I am the best talent of the Yun family in thousands of years! How could I die here!"

Upper Three Realms! Just one step away! He is not reconciled! Not reconciled! As long as he goes one step further, he can complete the obsession of the Yun Family for thousands of generations and enter the upper three realms like a fairyland!

However, if you die here, you will have nothing!

He roared frantically, and a layer of hard black scales appeared all over his body!

"Blood back!"

Someone's eyes are cold!

"Jiaolong bloodline! I didn't expect that at this time it would actually stimulate the return of blood in his body!"

In an instant, a terrifying aura burst out of Yun Qiantian's body, like a dragon that had been sleeping for countless years came to life!


Yuhai Lingzi was shaken away, crushing pieces of void giant mountains with a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Everyone saw that Yun Qiantian's body had already changed a little at this time! Although still maintaining a human form, a single horn appeared on his forehead, and at the same time his body was wrapped in black scale armor, and his eyes were even more icy!

"Return to ancestors!"

Yuhai Lingzi's face sank. Just one step away, he was able to kill his opponent. At this time, his success fell short. The key thing that made him unacceptable was that his opponent had a breakthrough in this critical time!

"Hey, there's something exciting to watch this time! Although the bloodline is not the bloodline of a **** beast, it is quite close! Now that you are excited to return to the ancestor, Yuhai Lingzi will have to spend a lot of money."

Someone sneered. Sure enough, after the blood returned to the ancestors, Yun Qiantian and Jie Ruo were two people. They stretched out their hands and grabbed them, and the dragon tooth spear that had just been taken off reached his hands.

Everyone seemed to see a roaring dragon, flaring its teeth and claws!

"Power! That's the feeling! I Yun Qiantian is the one who can step on that portal! No one can stop me!"

Suddenly, his strength increased greatly, making Yun Qiantian almost exasperated from his decadence just now!

Yuhai Lingzi is naturally not bad, the sharpness in the eyes flashes, and he makes another shot!

The two are powerful enough to open up the world, countless mountains, rivers and the earth are falling apart in their hands, and everything is enough to be easily destroyed by them!

I saw Yun Qiantian raising his hand and stabbing it out, and the earth was penetrated and turned into an abyss!

Yuhai Lingzi was not afraid, and a field emerged with a roar, and the green jade turned into a terrible light, enough to destroy everything!

The original one-sided battle suddenly became difficult to predict.

"The bloodline returned to the ancestors, really amazing! It's a pity that it is not a pure dragon bloodline, let alone a true dragon bloodline, otherwise Yuhai Lingzi will be beheaded if he can't hold the three moves!"

"Indeed, this bloodline should only be the blood of a powerful flood dragon that was once drunk by an ancestor. Although it is not pure, it can gain some magical powers after returning to the ancestor!"

The two smashed from the sky to the ground, smashed the ground from the ground and rushed into the depths of the void.

In the end, one of them was covered in blood and fled back from the void in embarrassment.

"It's Yuhai Lingzi! It seems that he still lost after all!"

Take a closer look, the person who escaped is Yuhai Lingzi! Obviously, he still lost to Yun Qiantian, who had returned to his ancestors by blood, but then everyone saw Yun Qiantian's appearance is quite bad, most of his body's scales were damaged, and he was covered in blood.

Both lose!

Seeing the appearance of the two, many people frowned slightly.

After all, only the opponent who killed his own was qualified to step into that portal. Since the old man in the black robe said that, they didn't think there would be a special case.

"Neither of them beheaded their opponents, it seems that they both lost the qualification to enter the portal!"

Tianyangzi smiled slightly, but squinted.

Sure enough, seeing the appearance of the two, the old man in the black robe frowned, and suddenly stretched out his hand and waved, the two of them did not even resist, they were directly shocked out! Both squirted blood from his mouth.

"You can't kill your opponent, you are not qualified to enter the upper three realms!"


Although this result was expected, hearing the old man in the black robe said so, it still made people feel sinking!

Yuhai Lingzi's choice is not unbelievable! Take the lead and want to kill the weaker Yun Qiantian! The only thing that made him miscalculate was that Yun Qiantian had awakened his blood at the last moment!


Yuhai Lingzi is not reconciled! Originally he had great hopes!

Yun Qiantian is also unwilling! You must know that he has even the bloodline to return to his ancestors, which is his strongest peak state! After hearing it, he roared directly!

But he didn't dare to take action against the old man in black robe, even if his strength increased greatly now! So his goal is Yuhai Lingzi!

"Yuhai Lingzi! Take your life!"

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

The two of them were almost fighting for their lives in order to gain a glimmer of hope in the upper three realms!

Suddenly, I don't know who was slightly moved, but before he took the shot, I suddenly felt the terrifying eyes all over his body! Can't move!

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