Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2424: The final trial (10th!)

The appearance of Li Ye caused terrifying eyes to fall on him.

Some of them are curious, some are full of chills and hostility! Naturally, one of his eyes caught Li Ye's attention.

"Empty fantasy!"

Seeing that familiar figure, Li Ye was a little speechless. It is true that the appearance of this bald head can be seen everywhere, the key is that every time there is a ghost, no one knows how the empty fantasy appears.

"Amitabha, Li Daoyou, we meet again."

Kong Huan nodded towards Li Ye from a distance, looking as if the two had a good relationship, but Li Ye had a slight alert in her heart! After all, starting from the Southwest Star Territory, Kong Huan was too mysterious, even so mysterious that even Li Ye would be afraid of three points.

Even if the two played against Li Yeji last time, he was the only one who knew that Kong Huan didn't go all out in that time! Although he did not reveal all his cards, at least one point, Kong Huan will be the most powerful and terrifying opponent he has encountered since his debut.

After Li Ye, several people set foot on the ninth world one after another. Although it took some time, at least being able to set foot on this place is enough to be proud!

Heavenly Phoenix Saint and Tie Muzhen succeeded in reaching the ninth heaven and earth, but A Fei fell short in the seventh heaven and earth, and directly fell back to the original stage of Nine Chong Peak.

A closer look reveals that Li Ye's acquaintances are really many.

There is no need to mention the Heavenly Phoenix Saint Tie Muzhen, Xiao Qing, Kong Huan, Yu Heng Wu Dao, Yun Qiantian, a few people have also successfully come up!

Suddenly, many people thought that the Star Sea Region was the weakest among the Lower Nine Regions, but so many geniuses suddenly emerged.

Many people were stunned. After all, this result was something they had never expected from beginning to end.

"Xinghai Realm!"

Some people muttered silently in their hearts.

When the last person was shocked from the Jiuzhong Peak back to the original starting point, finally, the entire Jiuzhong Heaven and Earth, which was originally like a huge and incomparable ancient arena, changed!

"It seems that you have passed the first trial."

Black robe old man!

I don't know when, the old man in black robes who had appeared at the entrance of the Nine Extremes Palace once again appeared in front of everyone.

It's still so mysterious and unfathomable, and it's hard to see through.

"Senior, am I eligible to go to the Upper Three Realms now?"

One day I couldn't help but ask questions. After so many experiences, my purpose was to go to the legendary fairyland, the Upper Three Realms! As for the rest, everything is incidental.

"Yes, senior, since we have all ascended the highest point of Nine-Chong Peak, can we open the door to the Upper Three Realms?"

Yun Qiantian was the last to climb the ninth world, and he could see that he had experienced a tragic fight! There were scars everywhere on his body, and his complexion was a little weak.

What he wants most now is to board the Three Realms! As for the grudges with Li Ye, they are all secondary.

The old man in the black robe didn't speak, but the terrifying gaze caused everyone to close their mouths, and even the first few people who spoke were shocked.

After a long time, the old man in the black robe finally spoke slightly, "If you want to go to the upper three realms, there is still the last level of trial left."

There are trials?

Everyone is shocked!

You know, the genius of the lower nine domains can come here, less than one hundred! Almost all the people in the lower nine domains are standing at the top!

Isn't that qualified yet?

"Excuse me, senior, what kind of trial is it?"

Tianyangzi asked loudly, with confidence in his eyes! After all, even the people who are also in the ninth world, there is a gap in strength. He is confident that he is strong enough to overcome any trials.

The four great arrogances, Tianyangzi, a few evildoers, and Li Ye and others frowned.

They didn't know the origin of the old man in the black robe. It seemed that even if someone knew some features, they didn't know much.

"The final trial is very simple."

The black-robed old man finished speaking, far away, as if directly in the void, a huge portal appeared, which looked like a huge floating platform, on which was a huge ancient teleportation platform, directly opened enough A passage for one person to pass through.

Seeing the portal, everyone couldn't help their eyelids beating slightly.

Upper Three Realms! Even a person like the Four Great Tianjiao couldn't help but his heartbeat increased! After all, for the Lower Nine Realms, there are too many fairyland legends in the Upper Three Realms, and it is basically an ultimate pursuit of all the practitioners of the Lower Nine Realms!

"Among you, whoever kills anyone present can enter it!"


When the voice fell, everyone was shocked!


"What does it mean?"

"Kill one person to get in? Does this want us to kill each other?"

Everyone was in an uproar! Some people couldn't help getting angry, "Senior, what do you mean?"

"Doing or not doing it depends on you!"

The cold voice, even with a hint of displeasure! It made the person who questioned just now seemed to be cold all over, but even so, he still said angrily, "Senior, is this too much?"

Will there be weak people who can come here? Obviously not!

Even if there is a difference in strength between each other, when it comes to life and death, it is not a usual practice, even the four great arrogances dare not say that they can be harmless!

As a result, everyone's atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Can you pass the final trial if you kill one person?

Many people have already looked at the others, and it is clear that none of the four great arrogances will actively provoke them. After all, no one is a fool. At this time, there is no doubt that the persimmon is soft!


Yun Qiantian's face was pale, because there were no less than seven or eight eyes that fell on him!

As the last person to set foot here, naturally in everyone's mind, his strength is the weakest!

In fact, it can almost be judged like this, because Yun Qiantian can come here, it can be said that there is more luck!

Of course, some people's eyes fell on others.

Yu Heng is fearless, Temujin, Heavenly Phoenix Saint, including Li Ye!

However, no one took the lead, because even the weakest, no one was sure to kill!

"Senior, we can't recognize this move!"

Suddenly, a genius frowned. This person was not the strongest among the people, but he was upright, with a hint of anger on his slashed face, and his figure flickered directly towards the platform on the void. go with!

He actually wanted to avoid the black robe old man and directly enter the portal to the upper three realms!

When everyone else saw it, their eyes lit up!

Yeah, since the door is right in front of you, why bother to be near and far, and let the black-robed old man at the mercy?


Tenth more! Hi or not?

Don't worry, there are more than ten more today! Let me slow down, there will be more!

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