Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2423: Haizi persuaded

At this moment, let alone everyone, even Haizi himself was a little surprised!

There is no doubt that even he does not know that the Seagod Trident in his hand still has this effect! The point is, he has no control! It was completely the reaction of the Seagod Trident himself!

"It seems that certain rumors of the Sea-Monster clan about the Seagod's Trident are not groundless!"

Looking at the stalwart body that could be called invincible and terrifying, someone took a deep breath and said slowly. <<

"It is rumored that the Sea-Monster trident is one of the gods of the Sea God’s divine weapon. Regardless of the truth, the Sea-God Trident has always been passed on by word of mouth in the Sea-Monster family, it is an invincible **** beyond the emperor’s weapon. Bing! The true totem belief of the Kraken clan!"

"Could that be the legendary sea god?"

Many people have a peculiar light!

Gods! For countless years, how many people have been chasing that legend!

Immortal! Immortality! With the sun and the moon! Live with the world!

The original intention of any cultivator to embark on this path may be different, but it is almost certain that after a certain level of cultivation, there is actually only one ultimate goal!

"In the world, do gods really exist?"

A genius couldn't help muttering to himself.

Although there are many myths and legends about the Primordial Primordial Era, they are too far away from today! Even to people today, the ancient times are extremely ancient, let alone the ancient times!

Not even any records have been handed down, only various legends and myths.

"Maybe there, maybe not, who can know! In the eyes of the world, we are equivalent to gods! In our eyes, Emperor Wu is equivalent to the invincible gods! Who knows that above Emperor Wu, What is there? No one can answer whether there is an eternal and immortal **** in the world. Perhaps, only those ancient and invincible existences in the Primordial Era will know that they really want to."

Tianyangzi couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Everyone is watching! Whether it is Seagod or not, but the invincible and terrifying side, almost even the four great arrogances can't help but move at this moment! Even they found that unless they were using some of their ultimate life-saving hole cards, it was almost impossible to defeat this existence!

It's a pity that that terrifying stalwart body appeared for a while, then gradually faded, and finally disappeared. At the same time, the Poseidon Trident also dimmed a little, and the divine light weakened.

When everyone saw it, their eyes flashed!

"The Seagod Trident has weaknesses! At least the invincible side cannot exist for a long time!"

Originally, the invincible figure appeared like a sea god, and even a dignified arrogant like Wu Wen Haoran had a solemn expression, but at this time, his brows were frowned and stretched out.

"No matter how invincible, there are limits!"

"Not invulnerable!"

Many people's eyes flickered, but it is undeniable that the Seagod Trident's sudden explosion just now caused many people to re-position Haizi's terrible strength!

Haizi himself is equivalent to an invincible evildoer, and holding the invincible Trident of the Seagod, many people even think that the entire Lower Nine Realm is unbeatable!

"Perhaps, only the ancient bloodlines of the Four Great Tianjiao and Tianyangzi are qualified to defeat him."

The Poseidon Phantom disappeared, and Li Ye was also secretly relieved.

At that moment, he even felt that he was imprisoned all over, unable to move! That is far beyond the limit he can bear! That was an invincible will that completely surpassed him now, and even surpassed everyone in the entire Lower Nine Realms!

"Old ghost, are there really gods in the world?"

The Great Emperor Tianjian hesitated slightly, but then he was ambiguous, "The so-called gods, it depends on how you define it! But at least one thing, behind the invincible will just now is a terrible existence that even the emperor dared not touch."

"So powerful?"

You know, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor is an invincible great emperor powerhouse in nine days and ten places, and Emperor Wu is like an ant in front of him!

"At least this emperor has no resistance in front of that existence even if it is in the peak period! Maybe the senior in your body can be restored to the peak, but the emperor doesn't know how it is."

Heavenly Sage?

Li Ye was thoughtful, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor meant that regardless of whether the Sea-God of the Sea-Monster clan was really a god, but at least, if he was still alive in the world, he was at least an invincible power at the level of a saint.

Poseidon disappeared, but Haizi didn't dare to do it easily now.

The fight just now made him understand that Li Ye was definitely not the ordinary genius he had killed before!

Even Poseidon couldn't do anything about it. Haizi's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he snorted coldly, "You can survive the Poseidon's anger! This king admits that you are qualified to follow this king!"

After that, regardless of Li Ye's reaction, Haizi broke through the seventh heaven and earth and directly entered the eighth heaven and earth.

A group of people were stunned, but everyone with a discerning eye could see that Haizi was shocked! As the son of Sea Emperor, how noble, but at that moment, it was obviously a disguised surrender.

It may not be appropriate to say that he admits defeat, but Haizi's attitude is completely opposite, which proves that Li Ye's strength even he can't win! That being the case, why bother to fight to death at this moment?

Naturally, Li Ye didn't do it either. After all, the side of the Seagod Trident in Haizi's hand just exploded. Unless he was sure, he wouldn't dare to try again if he changed someone. No one can guarantee whether that terrifying invincible phantom will wipe him out all at once!

However, the two people's unresolved situation caused some people's expressions to become a little low.

"Monster! This person definitely belongs to the generation of enchanters who is comparable to Tianyangzi Gu Yuesheng! It seems that this time the status of the four great arrogances will be severely impacted!"

"The Star Sea Region is thick and thin, an ancient bloodline, and now there is an invincible evildoer. It seems that there is a good show to watch."

As each genius exploded the most invincible side, countless undead souls were alarmed on Jiuzhong Peak!

Facing the dead souls that were once the most dazzling geniuses and strong men of the Lower Nine Regions after their death, a little carelessness is the end of the body and death, and from then on to accompany those dead souls.

There are very few people who can set foot on the seventh heaven and earth of Jiuzhongfeng, and those who set foot on the eighth heaven and earth are even more proud!

The ninth world!

Li Ye stepped directly into this world, and he was also surprised that there was no suppression at all here, as if he had formed a world on its own without any influence.

Take a closer look, in the Ninth Heaven and Earth, there are already scary figures standing there, being able to come here is already standing at the true pinnacle of the Lower Nine Regions!

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