Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2406: I can't live without death

"It is indeed Iron Cloud Hook, but unfortunately it was still defeated. You must know that when you get to this place, those immortal souls are all powerful and powerful at the first level of the king, even after death, most of them retain the noble. The strength of the environment!"

After hearing this, many people shook their heads and sighed.

Being able to come to the mountainside is actually regarded as the best among the many geniuses. The average person has long been at the foot of the mountain and just stopped! Even died in the hands of those immortal souls.

Coming here also means that their strength is at least the top existence of the lower nine regions. Unfortunately, even so, it is difficult for them to pass through the mountainside, because starting from the mountainside, the undead souls that appear are definitely not those at the foot of the mountain. The souls are comparable.

Sure enough, everyone saw that some black shadows gradually appeared, turning into dead souls all over the cold with a strong life.

Among them, some of the dead souls can still see what they have passed on to judge their origins.

Many geniuses have even more complicated expressions, because they have seen many of the legendary invincible geniuses and peerless powerhouses in the sect, but now they have become immortal souls without emotions, and they have also blocked them. The way to go.

"Isn't that the true person Crane in the Yunzhong Pavilion! It has been rumored that he went to the Upper Three Realms more than a thousand years ago! I didn't expect that he would eventually fall here!"

Someone uttered an exclamation, and everyone looked at it. Sure enough, even though an immortal soul appeared that had been dead for countless years, the robe on his body was still well-preserved, exuding a touch of divine light, and it was obviously not a normal thing! Although the body has slight signs of mummification, it is not serious. It allows people to recognize the appearance before birth, and also lets people know the origin of this immortal soul.

"Mr. Crane! This is a strong man who was standing 1,500 years ago. I heard that he was not a disciple of the Yunzhong Pavilion. Later, he worshipped the Yunzhong Pavilion and became the chief disciple, and he was known as the Yunzhong Pavilion Qian. A genius with the best talent in a hundred years, he entered the realm of the king before he was thirty years old!"

Seeing the immortal soul, it happened that among the crowd, there was a genius from Yunzhong Pavilion! At this time, his expression is extremely complicated. Here, it was a good thing to see the ancestor of the sect, but if this ancestor has become an undead soul, and the six relatives don’t recognize him, he will kill when he sees the living. Not a happy thing anymore.

"Master!" There was a trace of sadness on the man's face, but he soon revealed a strong killing intent!

Without any hesitation, this person will do his best as soon as he makes a move! Because he knows very well how powerful and terrifying the existence of the genius who is known as the unworldly genius of Zongmen thousands of years ago is, even if he has been dead for thousands of years and has become an immortal soul, it is not to be underestimated!


Not only the disciples of Yunzhong Pavilion, but also many geniuses of sects, have met the ancestors of their respective sects on Jiuzhong Peak, but it is a pity that these ancestors have long lost their thoughts. Dead souls on the edge of the dead world.

These geniuses don't care that these dead souls are their ancestors, after seeing them, they tried their best to kill! Because they know very well that if these ancestors still have any thoughts, they will choose to die in the hands of their descendants!

Killing them is just to give them a relief!

One by one legendary peerless genius, strong against the sky, and those who have left heavy pens in the various histories of the Lower Nine Regions, never before has anyone thought that their end will be so miserable.

Even after death, he couldn't get a good night's sleep, and he was trapped here forever, becoming a **** to guard the Jiuzhong Peak and block outsiders from entering.

On one side is the top genius of the Lower Nine Regions of this era, and on the other side is the existence that once stood at the top of the Lower Nine Regions, even if it is dead, they are extremely powerful.

In a **** battle, the undead souls were beheaded and turned into blue smoke, but more geniuses died on the Jiuzhong Peak.

The suppression of the power of heaven and earth has no effect on those immortal souls. On the contrary, the living people here will feel the malice of the whole heaven, their strength is greatly weakened, and the immortal souls are all magnificent. The famous invincible powerhouse, in a short time, suffered heavy casualties.

Only people with extremely powerful strength can step up towards the top of the mountain step by step.

Gradually, reaching the location of the mountainside, there are very few geniuses able to come here, and the weakest ones are at least stepping into the half-emperor realm, with a gleaming light on their bodies and treasures in their bodies.

At this time, Li Ye also came to the mountainside.

"It's that madman!"

"This pervert is here too!"

When some geniuses saw Li Ye, they all showed a vigilant look. Unlike the original, Li Ye is now completely famous among them! The first powerful array mage who opened the ancient prohibition and opened the portal!

You know, that prohibition could not be resolved by even Di Long, the descendant of the Heavenly Mystery Dao, but was done by an unknown person.

Just at this point, Li Ye had already been privately entered by everyone into the invincible and enchanting genius who was expected to challenge Tianyangzi Gu Yueyu.

"This person's formation is extremely powerful, and he is better than Di Long, the descendant of the Heavenly Mystery Dao. I don't know if he has the means to reach the top."

Seeing Li Ye, someone muttered to himself.

"A powerful formation does not mean that the martial arts cultivation base is also great! If you want to truly reach the top, it depends on your personal cultivation base! The external force of the formation is not omnipotent! And for those immortal souls, many formations will be lost. The effect, especially the powerful immortal soul, is much stronger than many living people. I think no one can stand at that height except for a few people."

There were indeed many people who tried before, but many corpses were left. When others saw it, they all chose to wait and see temporarily.

"It seems that there are not many people who have crossed the mountainside now! Except for the four great arrogances, there are only a few people!"

"Yes, this Nine-fold Peak is really the same as in the legend. Otherwise, it is impossible to ruin so many powerful men and geniuses for thousands of years. No matter how much you call the wind and rain in your lifetime, once you die here, you will turn into a guardian An immortal soul, trapped here forever, cannot be overborn, it is simply not as good as death!"

Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you will not be able to live in peace after you die, and you will become a zombie. For a genius like them, it is absolutely unacceptable!

"Look at how he breaks through! If he can't even pass this level, he is not qualified to challenge Tianyangzi and the others, let alone the four great arrogances!"

Many people stepped back slightly and gave way to an area.

Even some of the geniuses who wanted to try to break through the mountainside temporarily gave up and looked at Li Ye.

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