Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2405: Who can reach the top?

Faced with the dead souls of those strong men who died on the Nine Peaks in the past, everyone was caught in a bitter battle.

It's not that their strength is too weak, but that their realm has been suppressed to the innate realm on the Nine Peaks! Even with a powerful magic weapon, the treasure body, facing those undead souls that are not suppressed at all, it is also vulnerable.

Not to mention ordinary geniuses, even people like the Four Great Tianjiaos will meet obstacles!


There was a terrible roar, and the few undead souls almost didn't even react at all, they burst into fly ash and dissipated in the air.

A terrifying figure disappeared, flashing towards the top of the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

Many undead souls were awakened along the way, but it was difficult to stop this figure for too long.

It's just that as you get closer to the top of the mountain, the undead souls that wake up become stronger and stronger!

In the end, even this invincible figure finally ran into trouble!

Those are two immortal souls that are extremely powerful, and even look like ordinary people!

Except for the pale skin and the lack of eyes, the inside and out are different from the shriveled bodies of the undead souls under the mountain. The two undead souls in front of them even carry strong vitality!

"Want to stop me?"

This person who came here quickly was Wang Kui, one of the four great arrogances! It's just that when he got here, his footsteps also slowed down slightly, because as strong as him, he was not truly invincible after all. Once he was not careful, he would also risk falling here.

When everyone was attacked by undead souls, Li Ye became the slowest person.

Unlike other people who broke out all kinds of body protection treasures forcibly climbing, he step by step, starting from the foot of the mountain, it seems to be sharpening himself.

Under the terrifying pressure, although it seemed that the speed was extremely slow, his body was undergoing a certain transformation under the terrifying pressure before he knew it.

The seventh peak of Battle God Technique! Li Yeka has been in this state for some time, even if it is the power of Tianlei, he has endured a lot of baptism and tempering, but he can't go further!

Obviously, this has already reached a certain bottleneck in his cultivation. If he can't find the correct breakthrough method, perhaps he will be stagnant in the Battle God Art in this life.

When he stepped into the Nine Peaks, he felt that this place would be extremely dangerous for others, but for him, it turned out to be an excellent place for tempering his flesh!

Finally, Li Ye encountered the obstacle of his first immortal soul.

It was a dead soul whose whole body was like a corpse, but still wearing a tattered like some kind of sect costume. His hollow eyes could not see any emotion, but with a strong killing intent, he found Li Ye’s After it arrived, it seemed to have awakened some of its consciousness.

"Intruder, die!"

The hollow and icy voice, even with a harsh tone like metal friction, it is obvious that these immortal souls still carry a trace of consciousness, although they have forgotten their identity, but after an outsider invaded Jiuzhongfeng, Was awakened in the eternal darkness.

This is an immortal soul that is equivalent to the strength of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm!

Countless years after his death, he could retain his cultivation level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm. One can imagine how powerful this dead soul was before his death!

At least he is also a powerhouse above the Heavenly Sovereign Realm!

Even higher!

But now, as an immortal soul, there is only the most primitive instinct left. There is only one idea in his mind, kill any outsiders who dare to trespass on the Nine-Chong Peak!

The immortal soul does not use the magical weapons and treasures in his lifetime, but even so, now that everyone is suppressed by the power of the Nine Peaks, it has become a nightmare for everyone!

"Let me try, in this environment, how powerful my body can exert!"

For a long time, Li Ye seldom showed the power of the physical body under the tempering of the God of Fighting Art!

Now that his cultivation base has been suppressed, his physical body will not have any influence!


A punch is directly blasted out, without any tactics, but it is more like simplifying the complex and returning to the basics!

If anyone sees it at this time, it will definitely be extremely shocked!

This punch is clearly a shadow of Daofa will! Although it hasn't really reached that height, you must know that what Li Ye was good at before was flame, killing, and death.

Now it is obvious that he has a little more of the purest way of strength.

The undead soul didn't understand fear at all, but under this punch, it didn't even block a move, and the whole was wiped out, and the whole body was instantly crushed into a plume of smoke and dissipated.

This result, even Li Ye himself was surprised.

He looked at his hands and opened his mouth, "It seems that I can do this with my body alone?"

From far away, there are several geniuses who have just reached this height, seeing the scene that happened just now, all of them were dumbfounded!

"What a terrible boxing technique! Although I can't see what genre it is, it has such a level of terrifying power!"

"That undead soul flies into ashes and annihilates without blocking it, it's absolutely abnormal!"

These geniuses are considered to be famous among the Lower Nine Realms, but at this time they dare not come close at all. In their eyes, Li Ye seems to have become the most unprovoked after the four great geniuses and several peerless evildoers. The presence.

"This person came from the Xinghai Region, which has the weakest name in the Lower Nine Regions. I didn't expect to be so powerful. I see his strength. He wants to climb to the top of the mountain. I have great hope!"

"That's not necessarily true, although he is still very strong now, but don't forget, this is the foot of the mountain! Didn't someone just escape from above in embarrassment? I heard that the undead soul above is getting more and more terrifying, even some are so powerful Without being suppressed by the power of heaven and earth at all, I really want to go up, life and death are hard to say!"

As geniuses, they are all proud, but I have to admit that when many people met those powerful immortal souls on Jiuzhong Peak, they all suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​reaching the summit.

Compared to going to the Upper Three Realms, his life is obviously more important.

Li Yeke didn't care about the eyes of other people, and continued to step by step, and at the same time immortal souls appeared in front of him.

I don't know when, behind him, a group of people gathered.

"The mountainside is already! This kid is really against the sky!"

"No, you know, the young master of Yunlang Mountain Villa hadn't crossed here before, and was seriously injured!"

When everyone heard it, they all took a breath.

"Yunlang Mountain Villa, that is an ancient fourth-grade family, and I remember that their young master is second only to evildoers in strength, and they also carry their Yunlang Mountain Villa Iron Cloud Hook, right?"

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