Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2390: Helpless?

Everyone still had a hint of joy, this **** ghost ban was finally broken!

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, things turned around!


The six people holding the imperial weapon spouted blood one after another! Using their strength to excite the Emperor Wu's will in the imperial weapon in their hands would consume huge amounts of energy, and the backlash just now made them hurt even more!

Even Di Long also spouted a mouthful of blood, and the Destroying Needle was even faintly unstable, as if to escape from his hand and fly away!

Fortunately, he was prepared and shouted, and a terrifying will emerged from his body, which instantly suppressed the turbulent needle in his hand, and then he put it away all at once.

What appeared at that moment suddenly disappeared too fast, except for a few people, no one noticed the emergence of that strong will on Dillon.

But a few pairs of eyes condensed slightly!

"It seems that Tianji Dao really protects this descendant."

I don't know who hummed softly, but everyone's attention was not on Dillon at this time.

Many people are a little dumbfounded with a sound of inhalation.

"how is this possible?"

"You can't even break the Array Needle?"

"That's the invincible will of the six middle emperors! Was it shattered?"

In their view, even though the will of Emperor Wu was only transformed by a trace of divine thought left by Emperor Wu, it was enough to represent the invincible power of Emperor Wu! Coupled with the imperial weapon itself, and the full force of the six geniuses, there can be no formations that can stop this world.

Even characters like the Four Great Tianjiao thought at the very beginning that they could not use them personally! Unexpectedly, such twists and turns.

"Child and mother double kill formation!"

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ti Long's face was quite ugly!

A burst of green and a burst of white!

Just now, even though he was not injured as badly as the other six, he still forced a bite of blood, which seemed to be worse than the other six.

However, his real injury was not serious. What really made him feel angry was that he boasted about going to the sea in front of everyone, but at the last moment, he fell short!

He could feel a lot of questioning eyes, even with a hint of chill!

"Son-mother double kill formation? What do you mean?"

Xiao Yuetian's face was ashen as ever! Had it not been for he knew that he was like his peak, and he would not have had many chances to kill Di Long, he would have been angry!

You know, the will of Emperor Wu in the imperial weapon is not truly invincible! Unless the Emperor Wu himself makes a move, it will take them to use it once, and it will take a long time to recover! It is equivalent to saying that the six of them just spent such a high price, not only did not break the ban, but also lost a powerful hole card in their hand!

The will of the middle emperor! At the critical moment, that can play a decisive role!

"Ti Long, aren't you known as the heir of the Heavenly Mystery Dao? Is it because the name is lost?!"

"Huh! I have used all the array needles. It seems that Tianji Dao is the best way of saying the next nine realms, but you!"

They are naturally angry! But why isn't Dillon himself like that?

It's just that he's not going to turn his face right now. After all, even if he has more cards, each of the six players just now is a good target. He really wants to tear his skin. Although he is confident that he can leave, he has to pay a certain price! The key is that he has not given up on the treasures in Baoshan!

At this moment, even those who have faith in the Heavenly Ji Dao stopped talking.

Two consecutive failures are indeed a devastating blow to any array mage!

But Dillon was unwilling!

"The son and mother double-kill formation! The person who sets up the formation is such a big hand! This type of formation, let alone me, even if my sect elders come in person, there is no guarantee that it can break!"

In short, it's not that he is not good at it, but that the people who set up the formation are too bad! Far beyond imagination.

"Child and mother double kill formation?" Someone hadn't noticed just now. At this time, the color changed slightly after hearing the words, "There is actually someone in the world who can set up such a formation?"

"This fellow Taoist knows?"

Someone nearby immediately asked, including the four princes, who also frowned.

"I have only heard about it. I once visited a hidden master of formation with the elders of the division, and I heard about it from that elder."

This person seems to have a wide range of friends, and he is from an extraordinary background. He talks freely, "At that time, the predecessor said that the formations are always changing together. The more changes in the formation, the higher the requirements for the formation! Many ancient large formations are the handwriting of some masterful formations, and they are so perfect with the help of many heaven and earth treasures! "

"What does that have to do with the double-killing formation in front of you?"

Everyone knows a little about the formation method, just like alchemy, any martial artist can refine some so-called powdered ointments! But there are not many people who are really proficient!

"You don't know what, the more changes in the formation, the greater the difficulty! I heard that the senior said that with his strength, that is, he can barely deploy seven or eight different formations without resorting to any treasures. . But if you want to be above ten, that kind of formation master is at least at the level of the formation master or even the big formation master!"

After he finished speaking, without waiting for other people to ask questions, he pointed to the restriction in front of him, "You can see, this restriction, even a layman, can see that there are at least ten murderous changes in it!"

Everyone seemed to understand but the only ones who had studied the battle method nodded slightly.

At this time, Ti Lung shook his head, "I don’t know ten, at least thirty-six changes! And the most important thing is that this is a set of child-mother double-killing formations! It is equivalent to saying that someone inside, one inside and one outside, laid two A set of peerless array!"

Speaking of this, Ti Long suddenly sighed, "It seems that the person who deployed the formation is a peerless powerhouse in the realm of my formation, and a large formation with 36 kinds of murderous changes alone is enough to be at the rank of the formation craftsman! This person, on the other hand, has set up two large arrays! The son-mother series, let alone the layman, if the insider does not realize this and easily step into this array, the result will be..."

Everyone was in an uproar!

Although they didn't know much about the formation method, as Ti Lung and another genius explained, they also heard the terrible ban!

"According to Fellow Daoist Dillon, is it possible that the man who deployed the formation was a holy formation master who failed?"

I don't know who said something, but Di Long hesitated, "Even if it is not a holy formation master, that is a strong one close to the holy formation master!"

A restriction left by a strong man who is at least close to the Holy Array Master! Everyone was silent all at once.

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