Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2389: Array device

As soon as the blasting needle came out, Xiao Yuetian and others, who had some doubts, didn't hesitate!

"It turned out to be a needle, if that's the case, I'm waiting for six people to help fellow Di Long!"

People of ancient heritage naturally understand what this seemingly ordinary embroidery needle represents!

That is a legendary treasure that can break the formation of all things in the world! Not a magic weapon, let alone a strange treasure!

"Mie Zhenzhen, what is that?" Li Ye naturally didn't know, and couldn't help showing curiosity. ????

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor uttered a complicated sigh, "This thing, I didn't expect that there will still be leftovers, boy, it seems that you don't need to break the formation yourself, since all the extinguishing needles have appeared, I want to break this. There is some certainty in the double formation of the son and mother."

"This thing, really can break all formations in the world?"

Li Ye was a little unbelievable. As a formation mage, he knew very well that it is not impossible to force a formation simply by relying on treasures, but there is also a limit! Unless it is some supreme, peerless figure standing above the sky, there can be no absolute in the world.

"Theoretically, you can say so."

"Theoretically? Is that not absolute?"

"Boy, where is there any absolute in this world? Even if it is a god, there are places beyond its power, let alone the world! No one can say clearly the origin of this needle, but according to the understanding of this emperor back then, There should be more than one Array Destruction Needle! Only by putting together a whole set of Array Destruction Needles can you have the terrifying ability to destroy everything in the legend. It depends on the book. As for a single one, it is indeed a magic weapon to destroy the formation, but it is not so exaggerated. "

Kill the needle!

Li Ye silently wrote it down in his heart!

In the void at this time, six imperial artifacts bloomed with terrible light!

"Look! Emperor Wu will!"

With an exclamation, everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, the six imperial artifacts in the void turned into six terrifying figures, and any figure seemed to dominate all things in the world, watching the world! All things are like ants in front of them!

Even if everyone present is the best in each big universe, but in front of the six figures, it is still difficult for anyone to be calm and relaxed. Only people like the Four Tianjiao can ignore the will of the Emperor Wu and the heart of the Tao. Do not move!

"The will of the middle emperor!"

These six figures are not ordinary Wuhuang will! It is the incarnation of the six middle emperors! Even if the deity is not here, but at this moment, it represents an absolute imperial power!

At the same time, Ti Lung also threw out the extinction needle in his hand. In an instant, the silver needle, which was originally only the size of an embroidery needle, suddenly became huge and thousands of meters long!

Six invincible figures shot at the same time, turning into a devastating mark!

However, in front of that power, even the mountains and giant mountains would instantly annihilate and turn into nothingness, but the silver needle remained unmoved, and at the same time, countless dense patterns appeared on the surface!

Do not! Take a closer look, it is not a pattern, but a complex array of patterns!

"This is an array!"

When Li Ye saw it, his whole body trembled!

"Young Master, what is an array weapon?" Temujin looked puzzled, you know, among the magic weapons, there is no such classification as an array weapon. Need to read

Even the Heavenly Phoenix Saint and others are all confused, after all, the outside world has never heard of the statement of formation.

Only Li Ye was hard to suppress the shock in his heart!

Others don't know that when he fell into the small world of Tianshengzong, he had read many ancient books of Tianshengzong, and they talked about formation weapons!

"The formation weapon is different from the magic weapon in the hands of the martial artist, and it is not a strange treasure of the outer world. It is the formation mage portrayed by the unsuccessful way, forged with his own blood, and finally the spirit of a powerful formation mage as a sacrifice. Products can be born!"

Thinking of the records of Heavenly Sage Sect, Li Ye once thought that few people would choose to forge an array weapon, after all, the price was too great! Fortunately, in the end, it is necessary to sacrifice a powerful array mage as the most sacrifice, and let the array tool swallow the spirit of the array mage to complete it. It is destined that the array tool cannot be passed down like other inheritances.

"Unexpectedly, I can actually see the day when the array device appears."

Li Ye stared at the extinguishing needle, his eyes uncertain.

In his opinion, the birth of the array weapon must represent the fall of a powerful array mage, and it is the most miserable kind of never super-life! The spirit of the array mage becomes the spirit of the array weapon! Even once resisted and spurned by countless array masters, they thought it was an evil way!

But it is undeniable that the power of the array is definitely beyond the imagination of the world!

"Young Master, is this array very powerful?"

"Powerful? It's hard to describe, at least it can be called an array weapon. Once someone knows how to use it, its terrifying aspects are much more than that of a royal weapon!"

He didn't explain much, because even he knew only what he knew from the records of Heavenly Sage Sect.

As for why he remembers it, the reason lies in the four holy rafters in his hand, which is a formation weapon!

The treasure of Tianshengzong! This was the last time he met the last Sect Master of the Heavenly Saint Sect, and he knew that the Four Saint Rafters in his hand would actually be a legendary array weapon!

"Formation, one thought forms a formation! The sky can be broken!"

He had a feeling that although the blasting needle now looks inferior to the four holy rafters in his hand, once the Heavenly Sword Emperor said, there is not only one blasting needle. Once a set is made, its scary , Unimaginable.


The six invincible bodies turned into the mark of invincibility, instantly making Mie Zhenzhen wake up from a deep sleep!

In an instant, it turned into a dazzling beam of light, like a punishment from the sky, slamming against the restrictions outside Baoshan.

Everyone, without blinking their eyes, wants to see the result!


I don't know who exclaimed!

Sure enough, the restriction was torn a gap and gradually expanded! At this time, it is enough to accommodate a person to pass.

"This is just the beginning!" But suddenly someone poured a basin of cold water, "Unless it can be completely broken, there are not many people who can get in!"

As he said, although the gap was torn open, according to this trend, most people can't get in.

"The gap is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Come on! Why is it so slow!"

At this time, the ban has been broken for the most part, seeing this, in fact, Dillon himself also showed a smile! It is not impossible for him to completely stimulate the power of the needle, but it is expensive, so he will think of other ways to replace it! It now appears that his choice is wise!

But at this moment, an unexpected change happened suddenly!


A terrible force bounced directly from the inside of the prohibition, and its power even directly flew the extinction needle high! At the same time, the endless power instantly shattered the six invincible figures in the void!

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