Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2382: Forcibly suppress

Everyone exclaimed!

You know, although the three of them are not as powerful as the four great arrogances in the entire Lower Nine Realms, they don't have such an impressive record as Tianyang Zi Gu Yueyu.

However, these three people can be pulled out at random, unless they are characters like Tianjiao and Enchanting, who dare to say that they can be suppressed steadily?

Moreover, the three of them are not stingy with the imperial weapon directly, and shooting is the most powerful method!

For a time, in the void, the three imperial artifacts were like the incarnations of three emperors, three terrifying auras turned into three huge palms, suppressing them towards Temujin!

"The Emperor Wu will!"

Seeing this scene, many people are a little speechless.

That's Wu Huang's will! Even if the imperial weapon was refined by the Emperor Wu himself with countless years of spirit and energy, it itself carried the invincible will of the Emperor Wu, but it was not the Emperor Wu himself, it would be difficult for outsiders to wield it!

Even if it is the blood of Emperor Wu, the descendants of future generations want to wield the will of the ancestor's divine weapon, it also needs to pay a certain price!

"Really crazy! Just like this, the power of these three imperial weapons will more than double in at least a short time, and it will take a while to recover!"

"The three of them have to work together and have to be so careful. It seems that they are really afraid of this Temujin!"

"It's more than afraid! I don't dare to do it alone! With the joint efforts, I still go all out! With the background and strength of the three of them, even facing the existence of the four great arrogances, it is not an exaggeration."

Emperor Wu's will itself is equivalent to Emperor Wu's presence! Even if it wasn't the Emperor Wu, but at that moment, it was like a real Emperor Wu directly attacked!

And this time, it was the will of the three martial emperors to shoot at the same time!

In an instant, it seemed to have opened the world, and even the bright moon was slightly shaken, almost broken!

If the strange treasure is against the sky, it is also an external force! In front of the real Emperor Wu's will, he still seemed a little pale! In this case, it was the will of the three emperors.

Fortunately, the person they were dealing with was not Gu Yueyu, but Temujin!

"Good job! See how I beat you up!"

Ordinary people have long since turned into a discoloration and fled, but Temujin let out a long roar, and his breath rose again as he laughed!

Although under the repression of the Three Dao Wuhuang’s will, even a true giant could not turn over, his whole person was suppressed to the ground, his feet crushed the ground, and a radius of hundreds of meters collapsed, like A meteorite from outside the sky hit the ground and directly smashed a basin.

"It's terrible! This is the will of Emperor Wu? It's just that the will is so abnormal. If Emperor Wu comes in person, what kind of scene will it be?"

When everyone saw it, they were all moved by it, even if they were all very proud, but in front of absolute power, they could only lower their proud heads.

Moreover, for them, Emperor Wu himself represents invincibility! Among the lower nine domains, I have never heard of anyone who can leapfrog and challenge the Emperor Wu, even if there is, it is a rare occurrence for thousands of years!

Even if it is a peerless evildoer like Gu Yueyu, he still has to rely on the strange treasures in his hand to have the confidence to fight the Emperor Wu head-on! If it weren't the case, meeting Emperor Wu would also turn around and flee.

This piece of heaven and earth was not only blessed and suppressed by a certain peerless powerhouse, but even the earth was like this. It is harder to break it than to reach the sky.

But under the repression of the will of the Three Martial Emperors, Temujin was directly crushed and smashed the ground.

Taking a closer look, everyone couldn't help but took a breath!

"What a man!"

It turned out that at this moment, Temuzhen shook his legs to support his whole body, even if he was suppressed by the will of the three martial emperors, he would never fall down! "Can this be supported?"

The three looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes!

After all, under this trick, they firmly believe that even if the evildoers like Tianyangzi are found by them, unless there is a treasure of protection, they can only be suppressed!

"The ancient bloodline is really terrifying! But today even if it is the ancient bloodline, I don't want to get out!"

The three of them didn't think that they could kill Temujin, the best way to kill, but at least they could not let Temujin intervene and save them!

Moreover, they also knew that Wu Wen Haoran deliberately wanted to recruit the upright big man in front of him, so there was not much killing intent when he shot.

For a time, the four of them were in a stalemate. If any one of them relaxes, it will be a situation of losing all the games!

"One is against three, and still facing three martial emperor will! This person is really invincible!"

"More than invincible, I suspect that even if he is against the four great arrogances, he has some chance of winning! Of course, the premise is that he needs at least one imperial treasure, otherwise, against the four great arrogances, nothing else Said that the various powerful treasures in their hands are enough for others to drink a pot."

There is no such thing as absolute fairness in this world. The so-called geniuses are not only compared to their martial arts talents and understanding of the great Dao, but also the foundation of the masters behind them.

The simplest, a genius who came from a big sect will carry a few powerful magical treasures on his body more or less!

Even the imperial weapon, and even the strange treasure!

In front of these treasures, even if one or two outstanding geniuses were born in the casual cultivation, they could only stare.

This is the bottom line!

On the other side, Gu Yueying already had an absolute advantage, under one side, he was the master of everything!

Between gestures and actions, even accompanied by the atmosphere of the Great Dao, although it is nothing more than the tangible and godless, it does not truly comprehend the Dao, but even if it is just the tangible and godless Dao, it is enough to shock people!

Li Ye's whole body seemed to be under the weight of ten thousand jun. It was not the first time he felt in a world!

This is the method that Emperor Wu possessed to suppress all things with his own world! Even if you are a dragon or a tiger, you will be completely suppressed in front of this heaven!

"Want to suppress me?"

What about the coercion of Wan Jun! Li Ye made a crackling sound all over his body. Although it was difficult, he took a fierce step!

Just one step, as if stepping on the most vulnerable part of the world, the whole world trembled violently!


Gu Yueyu was shocked! He originally thought he had the chance to win. After all, even when he challenged Wu Wenhaoran, he had never been so desperate because he had his own pride! If it weren't for the bottom of his heart, he would definitely not be able to overwhelm others with a treasure!

But now that they have done this, they suddenly realized that he thought he had the chance to win, but now it seemed that there was a hint of uncertainty!

"I don't believe you can really be so against the sky!"

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