Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2381: Unfair duel

One world!

At this moment, even characters like the Four Great Tianjiao couldn't help but be moved! Because they know very well that in the face of this kind of power, even if they have various evil methods against the sky, they will be greatly weakened!

As if they were facing, it was a real Emperor Wu! From the power level, they can be completely suppressed!

"Yangfangtiandi! I didn't expect Gu Yueyi to be forced to this point! Even the Mingyuelun from the Gu Yue family was taken out."

"This genius of the Star Sea Territory can be regarded as a generation of strange people. It can force Gu Yueying and other evildoers to use the strange treasures outside the sky. How many people can the Lower Nine Regions find?"

Some people can't help sighing, even if they look down on Xinghai Territory, they have to admit that this time Xinghai Territory has given them a great surprise and shock!

Ancient blood! Now there is another super dark horse that can fight against such evil spirits as Gu Yueying.

"It's a pity, Heavenly Treasure, this thing is more precious than the imperial weapon! Even the Emperor Wu doesn't have to be owned by anyone! The Gu Yue family also heard that the Emperor Gu Yue played all over the Nine Realms as invincible. Only the ancient ruins and the cave mansion have found such a strange treasure!"

Regarding the legend of the Gu Yue emperor from the Gu Yue family, the Lower Nine Regions are divided into different opinions. Some people say that there are experts in the Gu Yue family to help, and others say that the Gu Yue emperor is the reincarnation of an ancient, peerless and powerful person. Of course, more, but It is said that when Gu Yuehuang was young, he once accidentally entered the ancient ruins and found an ancient cave mansion, from which he obtained many masterpieces and powerful ancient scriptures! This rejuvenated the entire Gu Yue family.

"This is a strange treasure that can display a world of heaven and earth! With this thing, even if you face the emperor, you will have the power to fight! Moreover, it is still in the hands of evildoers such as Gu Yueyu. When the emperor comes in person, there is nothing to do with him!"

"No more! You don't even know! Gu Yueying once used it once and directly inflicted a heavy blow on a martial emperor. Although he did not succeed in beheading him, he was still in the Nine Realms!"

Someone who knew Gu Yueyu's proud record before said coldly.

Hit the Emperor Wu!

Many people took a breath!

They looked towards the void. At this time, the whole world seemed to be included in the starry sky, and a bright moon hung high above the sky.

In the bright moon, a figure that resembles a moon **** was condescending, exuding a majestic atmosphere that reigns over the earth. Just this terrifying momentum made many people breathless.

"You are the second person I have seen me use after I got this treasure. Even if you die, you die well!"

Gu Yueying! At this moment, it was like being bathed in moonlight. At this moment, he was a god! He is the heaven that controls everything in the world and rules everything!

As someone said, he had experienced conflicts with other geniuses during his training, and the result was obvious, that person was directly beheaded by him!

However, after the beheading, it did not end!

The people he killed also had a great background, and soon after, terrible people came to the door! That is a martial emperor! The real Emperor Wu!

Everyone didn't think that the original Gu Yueying could escape, after all, even if it was an evildoer, it was still not enough in front of Wu Huang.

Emperor Wu is invincible, few people can break it since eternity!

"That time, Gu Yueyi became famous in a battle! No one knows what happened in the process, but the Emperor Wu who came to the door to inquire about the crime escaped with his injuries, and he never dared to investigate the matter of Gu Yueyi beheading his junior. ! And after that battle, Gu Yueyu was even more in the sky, no one dared to provoke, whether it was a genius evildoer of the younger generation, or a strong man of the older generation, after all, a peerless evildoer who could severely injure the Emperor of Martial Arts, unless there was Grasping a single blow will kill, otherwise few sect families are willing to offend this kind of enemy."

A strong man in the same universe as Gu Yueyu murmured to himself. In his eyes, the four great arrogances were only rumors after all, but Gu Yueyu's strength was truly accumulated by various exaggerated and proud achievements along the way!

"That kid, he must die."

Wang Kui smiled coldly, even he didn't own the strange treasure! This kind of thing is more precious than the imperial weapon, but even Emperor Wu was jealous when he saw it!

"A strange treasure from the outside world, the Gu Yue family is worthy of an eternal heritage, with a long history. This heritage is not comparable to ordinary sect families!"

"It is true. Although the imperial weapon is powerful, unless it is the Emperor Wu, it is difficult for outsiders to exert 100% of the power, even if it is a person like the evildoer Tianjiao, at most it is unsustainable to perform four or five achievements. However, Tianwai Qibao But it's different! Even compared to the imperial weapon, Tianwai Qibao has a variety of magical powers!"

Supernatural powers!

One world!

In fact, seeing the entire world change, and a round of bright moon hanging above the sky, everyone knows that there is no suspense about the victory of this battle!

Whether it is the four great arrogances or Tianyangzi, they have lost interest in watching.

Under such treasures, it is difficult for them to find a way to crack them. Unless they can also use the treasure of equal power level to come out, otherwise, they will suffer a loss in the treasure of weapons. If there is not much difference between the realms, the impact will be very obvious.

"Little Lord!"

Seeing Li Ye trapped, Temujin roared!

The blood of the ancients was completely boiling at this moment, and the violent aura seemed to turn him into a terrifying giant spirit **** in the ancients!

"Hugh must be murderous! Let me meet you!"

Naturally, some people would not want a third party to rescue Li Ye at this time, and suddenly one of them made a decisive move, and a sword light swept across, the sword spirit was like a rainbow!


Temujin blasted out with a punch, and directly smashed the person with a sword into the air, without even stopping at all.

When Wu Wen Haoran's followers saw it, their expressions suddenly changed. Although they knew that the ancient bloodline was terrible, they were so abnormal that they were beyond their expectations.

Suddenly, three people shot directly without hesitation. Any one of these three people is enough to be included in the ranks of super genius or even peerless genius. The cultivation base has stepped into the realm of half emperor, and placed in the star sea area, they can all follow Figures like Yun Qiantian are shoulder to shoulder!

But now, they are just followers around Wu Wen Haoran, and there is no need to speak at all. The three of them have teamed up very tacitly and laid a net of heaven and earth!

"No matter how strong the ancient bloodline is, it is impossible to suppress the three of us! Stop him!"

The three are also smart, knowing that no one alone is Temujin's opponent, and they will fly out without reservation when they make a move!

Suddenly, three powerful imperial prestige is coming for nine days, and once they are shot, they are three imperial weapons!

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