Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2376: Don’t learn, just kill

"Is that kid dead?"

The wind was light and the clouds were calm, when everything calmed down, everyone was also a little curious, the result of this battle.

On the one hand, Gu Yueyu, who was second only to the four great arrogances, and on the other hand, was the peerless sword repairer who suddenly appeared. The result of this battle, not to mention everyone, even Wang Kui and others were slightly concerned.

After all, they had also heard of Gu Yueyu's name, although they hadn't had any fights before, but they could also tell that Gu Yueyu's realm was enough to threaten their existence.

Especially when they saw Gu Yueyao's move, even more so!

"The Gu Yue family has a well-deserved reputation."

Tianyangzi narrowed his eyes, and he was also known as one of the evildoers second only to the four great arrogances, and he was naturally in competition with Gu Yueyu. At this time, he was also calculating slightly in his heart, if he and Gu Yueyi had a chance to win.

The result is obvious, he has a good chance of winning, but he is definitely not sure! The key is that whether Gu Yueying reveals his full strength is purely unknown.

When everyone looked at it, Gu Yue stood up in the air, unrestrained, and at this moment, even the four great arrogances, the limelight was overwhelmed!

However, Wu Wen Haoran smiled slightly. He didn't feel any displeasure at all because Gu Yueyi had seized his limelight. Instead, he smiled and said, "Gu Yue's cultivation base is more advanced than I saw last time. They all sigh inferiorly."

This is of course modest, but everyone couldn't help but take a breath!

It is definitely not something ordinary people can do to make the Four Great Tianjiao say such things.

And the most important thing is that the two are not pure masters and slaves, but similar to brothers!

"That is to say, only people like Gu Yueying are qualified to talk and laugh with the four great arrogances and be called brothers and sisters."

Someone couldn't help showing envious eyes. After all, any of the four great arrogances stood at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms in this era, and within a few years, they could create an era of them.

Emperor Wu? No one doubts whether the Four Great Tianjiao can become Martial Emperor, because they all know that when the Four Great Tianjiao reach the point, their goal is even higher!

Above the Emperor Wu! The realm of the emperor in the rumors is what they are after.

This is different from what Yun Qiantian said at the beginning that he might become a great emperor. In the heaven where the four great arrogances are located, Emperor Wu is far from being comparable to the Star Sea! Although the number of people was small, it was not so scarce as the Star Sea Region.

Only the great emperor, in the lower nine realms today, there is no such thing as an invincible powerhouse of this level!

Because of this, the peerless geniuses of the major heavens and even the enchanting Tianjiao would think of going through the Nine Extremes Palace to the upper three realms, because the world of the lower nine realms is too small! Can't hold them at all.

"Brother Haoran was joking. The younger brother's cultivation base is good enough to deal with some young people, but compared with Brother Haoran, it's far worse."

Gu Yueyu didn't care too much, although he was also full of pride, but he knew more clearly that there was still a gap compared to Wu Wen Haoran. And he really admired Wu Wen Haoran, so he followed. It's just that at his level, even Wu Wen Haoran didn't dare to be condescending, so the two talents were worthy of brothers.

Far away, a person is hurt all over, but the fighting spirit on his body has not diminished in the slightest, on the contrary, it has increased even more!

"Can you still stand up? I have to say that even I can't help but admire you. Unfortunately, you are not my opponent."

Gu Yueyu smiled proudly, but looked at Li Ye. His target was not other people, but Li Ye!

"I'm not defeated yet!"

hooligan! The person who shot just now is A Fei, but compared to Gu Yueyu, his strength is indeed slightly insufficient. Unlike Temujin, A Fei is not an ancient bloodline, let alone an innate body! His bloodline physique is even very ordinary! It's just that a Taoist heart that unswervingly pursues the peak, let him step by step to the present.

However, a hand was pressed on his shoulder.

The power of that hand was not great, but it seemed to have a magical power, which made his nerves relax all at once, showing a wry smile. At the same time, an unlucky one fell into his hands, he was not polite, and swallowed it directly, under the startled eyes of everyone, he directly began to heal.

Only Li Ye can hold A Fei at this moment.

Everyone knew that A Fei was not Gu Yueyu's opponent, and Li Ye naturally knew. The reason why he didn't stop it at first was that ALFY's soaring fighting intent and not going away sword intent made him unable to refuse.

But at this time, obviously he didn't make any more moves, and A Fei's life was worrying.

"Finally, are you willing to make a move?"

Everyone held their breath. Of course, they weren't expecting Li Ye to take action, but they wanted to know, how would Li Ye react to the enchanting genius of Gu Yueyu invited to fight?

"This person will definitely let the big man with ancient blood next to him take the shot!"

"Ancient blood, I don't know how the Haoyue of the Gu Yue family is in the sky?"

A group of people are quite curious, after all, Gu Yueyu's reputation is not low, and he is included in the evildoers, second only to Tianjiao. And what Temujin showed just now is also not to be underestimated.

Even Wang Kui and the others were a little eager.

Ordinary people wouldn't let them care at all, but whether they were from the ancient bloodline or the Gu Yue family, they were all qualified to challenge them, so even if they were confident, they wouldn't have any thoughts of underestimating the enemy.

"Young Master, let me fight him!"

Sure enough, Temujin was also eager to try. Unlike those who didn't know Li Ye, he knew that the little white face in front of him was not the opponent of the young master, the young master was a murderer who even the Emperor Wu dared to slaughter.

So he really wanted to fight on his own, looking forward to it.

Gu Yueyu's face sank. Although he didn't put Li Ye and Afei in his eyes, he still dared not look down upon such a terrifying evildoer with ancient blood on his body! Although he is arrogant, he also knows that if he meets, it must be a fierce battle.

"Don't even have the courage to fight in person? Sure enough, the so-called genius of the Star Ocean Territory, but Er."

Shaking his head slightly, a trace of sarcasm hung on Gu Yueyi's face.

"Exciting general method? To be honest, your radical general method is too direct, but since you are so eager to try it, if you don't give you this opportunity, it seems I am too impersonal."

When everyone heard it, their expressions were strange.

Gu Yuezheng's face was even colder, and then she let out a cold snort.

"However, if you want me to do something, there must be some color, otherwise it will be too boring." Li Ye smiled slightly, but Gu Yueyu's eyes became colder.

"What do you want?"

"It's very simple. I don't like to learn from each other. I only like to kill. Why don't we just bet on our lives."

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