Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2375: Kogetsu

There is no one who can stand out from the lower nine domains and come to the nine-pole palace! Almost all are strongmen who stepped on countless geniuses and made a **** path!

When it comes to the benevolence of women, almost no one is so merciful.

But everyone was moved at this time, their faces were full of astonishment and a kind of incredible!

"God, this kid is crazy!"

"He actually killed Wu Wen Haoran's followers? He doesn't want to live anymore?"

The person Li Ye killed was one of Wu Wen Haoran's followers, although he was just an unremarkable person, including Wu Wen Haoran himself, he might not remember this person's name.

But Li Ye's move is undoubtedly like challenging his majesty face to face!

"It's up to the owner to beat the dog. This kid is dead! Even if you dare to kill one of the four great arrogances, Wu Wen Haoran, no one can save him!"

Some people could not help muttering to themselves, everyone is genius, but even genius does not mean they are invincible in the world! Strong players have their own strong players, there are people outside the world, there are days outside the world!

Being able to come to the Nine Extremes Palace proves that they are all strong. But the same powerful and genius, now only the four great arrogances are recognized as horrible figures who absolutely cannot provoke and run wild.

As for the others, in front of them, the dragon will have to lie on their arms and the tiger will lie down!

Wu Wen Haoran's face became ashen! As a descendant of Tianmen, in the spiritual realm, he wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain! Turning the clouds and raining, covering the sky with one hand!

Even if he came to the Nine Extremes Palace and encountered several other powerful opponents, he never had any worries! Because he is Wu Wen Haoran! The descendant of Tianmen!

"Little beast! You are looking for death!"

Naturally, Wu Wen Haoran couldn't take the shot personally, but there was a violent shout behind him, raising his hand and turning into a full moon, like opening the world, terrifying!

"Yueshi Huanlun!"

Someone recognized this trick and couldn't help but exclaim!

"He is from the Gu Yue family!"

When I heard the Gu Yue family, many people were deeply moved and took a breath. One of the geniuses from the previous era blurted out, "Gu Yue family, I didn’t expect to be born! This is a hidden family. It is said that It is also the existence of the entire Lower Nine Regions. A terrifying Martial Emperor once appeared in the Gu Yue line, once swept the Lower Nine Regions, but later did not know why, but chose to escape!"

Another strong person even exclaimed, "Guyue family, claiming to carry a trace of ancient blood, although no one has come forward to confirm it, even the Guyue family has never clarified it, but it is rumored that the Guyue family is strong. Once shot, it must be Haoyue in the air, like the people of the Moon God, under that Haoyue, there is almost no rival in the same realm! Even people with stronger cultivation bases are not willing to offend easily!"

Sure enough, as everyone exclaimed, that round of Haoyue seemed to hang upside down on the void, and at the same time everyone seemed to feel a certain cold force and even suppressed their cultivation!

Of course, this suppression is not obvious, and it is far inferior to the suppression power in this world.

But even so, this person's shot is enough to shock many people!

"Haoyue is in the sky, and it's still in the shape of a chakra! This person is definitely a worldless genius in the Gu Yue family!"

A strong man familiar with the Gu Yue family couldn't help but exclaim.

More people directly recognized the identity of the person who shot!

"Gu Yueyu! He is the Gu Yueyu of the Gu Yue family! Unexpectedly, even he decided to follow Wu Wen Haoran. Is this Tianmen destined to give birth to a generation of legends? To be comparable to the Great Emperor Hengtian?"

Gu Yueying! Obviously, the person who shot was definitely not the kind of generalized generation, and he calmed a lot of people as soon as he shot!

But Li Ye hasn't done anything yet, but one person is one step ahead!

Peerless sword intent appeared out of the sky and turned into a sword from the sky, regardless of whether you are a bright moon or a scorching sun! Under this sword, they all look bleak!


This sword has almost brought the sword intent to the extreme! Even though many people present are good at using swords, but in front of this sword, they are like playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong's gate.

The sword collapsed and the Haoyue dissipated.

have equal shares!

Everyone's complexion changed in shock!

"Who is it?"

"What a strong sword intent, although it is still short of the fire, it is infinitely close to the original will to comprehend the way of the sword!"

The knowledgeable person couldn't help but speak, with a moving expression in his tone.

After all, Jian Xiu is hailed as the most powerful cultivator, especially the peerless Jian Xiu, who has few opponents in the same realm! Even if you leapfrog the challenge, it's no problem!

However, there are trillions of creatures in Yunteng Continent, but few people dare to say that they are true sword repairers!

"Who are you?"

Gu Yueyu's face was cold, obviously not beheading Li Ye made him quite annoyed! Especially, someone dared to intervene to interrupt him, making him narrow his eyes!

Although the Gu Yue family has rarely appeared in the past thousand years, the truly ancient inheritance knows how terrible this family is! Even thousands of years ago, the Gu Yue family became one of the most terrifying families in the Lower Nine Regions.

It is a pity that the answer to him is the endless sword intent of the other party! It is like a world transformed into a sword.

"court death!"

As a descendant of the Gu Yue family, Gu Yueyi is quite proud!

Even if he is following Wu Wen Haoran, he is different from the others!

He was not condescending to follow Wu Wen Haoran, but as a brother, even Wu Wen Haoran was polite to him and did not dare to be big.

It really needs to be divided by the level of genius, Gu Yueying is definitely the first level of evildoers! Even if it is not as good as Tianyangzi, it is absolutely impossible to be much weaker!

Along with an angry shout, a round of Haoyue appeared again, but this time, it was far brighter than before, and the impression on Gu Yueyu's body made him look like a moon **** alive.

I only saw him lightly finger, as if turned into a moonlight!


The peerless sword intent even dared to cut the sky, but it was shattered inch by inch under this moonlight.

With a muffled hum, everyone finally saw the person who shot, he was an ordinary young man, but his whole body exuded a strong sword intent, as if he was born for a sword!

"Where does this person come from? Even though it's no match for Gu Yueying, it's definitely not easy to deal with!"

Gu Yueyu, the evildoer recognized by everyone as being second only to the four great arrogances, few people present dared to be confident and could insist on a few tricks under Gu Yueyu's hands.

Including Gu Yueying herself, it was also a bit surprised.

"It's interesting, but unfortunately, it's not enough!"

As the voice fell, he turned that round of Haoyue into a sword in his hand while waving his hands!


Many people's complexion changed, and they rushed to leave one by one! They don't want to be involved in this peerless collision.

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