Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2360: Longfang Gun

Temujin's fighting spirit was high, but Tianyangzi was unwilling to do something with others now!

His opponent, only four great geniuses!

In fact, after everyone took the four geniuses to the top, many people were unsatisfied!

Tianyangzi is one of them! He is the blood of the Taiwu clan, and he deserves to be the first person in the Yanyang Territory. Even if some of the older generations of power, the dusty ancestors see him, they must be polite.

"If fellow Taoists are interested, after Baoshan breaks open this time, you and I will naturally have the opportunity to discuss it, but it is definitely not now."

Tianyangzi refused directly, but no one would think he was timid.

After all, the first person in the Yanyang Domain can't be shouted casually!

Many people have seen the power of Yang Yan, so that such a proud genius can be convinced, and it must be no ordinary person!

"Taiwu bloodline, it is also the best choice among the ancient bloodlines. Unfortunately, I can't see the collision between the two ancient bloodlines!"

Some people regret it, after all, the ancient times are more than ten thousand years away from today.

Ten thousand years, not everyone can survive, even if it is Emperor Wu, many of the people who are now alive have not experienced that era.

Not to mention, it is far older and more distant than the end of the ancient era, when the ancient clans co-existed and wars continued.

"Ancient bloodlines are rare. One was born in the Xinghai Territory. Unfortunately, it was born in the Xinghai Territory. If it were in other heavens, it would definitely be another evildoer who is qualified to challenge the throne of the four geniuses!"

The four great geniuses, Wu Wen Haoran, Wang Kui, Kaye and Qianye, these four are already above everyone else. Even arrogant geniuses have to bow their heads in front of them.

Especially those people from Tianyu who came from their four great geniuses, even shut their mouths.

Hearing someone mentions who can challenge the four geniuses, they all sneered!

"What about the ancient bloodline, it is not a simple matter to challenge the four great geniuses."

No matter what everyone thinks, but at least, after Temujin punched the genius Yang Yan of the Yanyang Domain, everyone looked at him with a slight change!

If at first, everyone looked at Xinghai Territory more like a clown, but now they are more curious. But what really made them feel they needed to be guarded was only Temujin alone!

As for the others?

Feeling those gazes, Li Ye didn't think so, but Yun Qiantian felt angry!

You know, he was the first person in Xinghai Region back then! Known as the first youngest in Xinghai! Even if he was overwhelmed by Li Ye and others, his pride is still there!

He snorted slightly, but his eyes fell on the mountain that exuded divine light.

"If it's some kind of fairy medicine, maybe it can help me break through the shackles!"

Since losing to Li Ye and others, the blow to Yun Qiantian's confidence has been tremendous! For more than 20 years, he has been invincible all the way, all the way is called a genius and enchanting, the reputation of the first person in the Xinghai Region, so that he has never tried to lose.

But now, Yun Qiantian's absolute confidence has been shaken.

What's more, this time it's not just Li Ye! All the geniuses of the Lower Nine Regions have arrived here. Compared with those people, Yun Qiantian found that he was not the top-notch at all! It can barely reach the middle level.

How could this make him proud!

"Xinghai Territory, he is not the only one!"


The terrible breath instantly alarmed others!

Yun Qiantian moved! He needs to prove himself, or say, give himself power! Be famous!

Since on the mountain in front of him, that powerful ban has prevented so many people, and even the imperial weapon cannot be opened, then once he successfully opens the upper ban, he will instantly become the focus of everyone's attention!


Seeing someone who didn't believe in evil and continued to take action, many people showed a slight sneer!

The imperial weapon can't help it, in the eyes of everyone, unless the Emperor Wu comes in person, or at least the enchanting evildoer like the four geniuses, otherwise no one can shake the restriction.

"This person is also from Xinghai Territory, and his cultivation is pretty good, I don't know if it's a bad idea."

A genius sneered. For thousands of years, their contempt for the Xinghai Territory made them habitually regard the genius of the Xinghai Territory as waste! However, in fact, in the past thousand years, Xinghai Region has indeed absented several occasions of the birth of the Nine Extremes Palace. Even if someone came, it seemed weaker than the other eight heavenly geniuses. Gradually, Xinghai Region was the weakest. The reputation spread all over the next nine regions.

Yun Qiantian naturally knew what everyone was thinking, and the terrifying edge passed through his eyes! Naturally, he didn't dare to hold big, and he was not as confident as he used to be.

The terrible Emperor Wei shocked everyone slightly!

The Yun Family is the bloodline of the so-called Flood Dragon family. Although the true origin is no one is exquisite, at least the blood flowing through Yun Qiantian is the closest to the first ancestor of the Yun Family in the thousand years!

And what he has in his hands is the inherited magic weapon of the first ancestor of the Yun family back then! Longfang Gun!

As soon as the spear was released, it turned into a roaring dragon sacred beast!


This was a blow from Yun Qiantian's full power, and even his biggest killer was directly used!

"Medium-grade imperial weapon!"

The eyes of knowledgeable people flickered slightly, and many people exclaimed in a low voice!

For them, having one or two imperial weapons on their bodies is not something particularly worth showing off. After all, most of the people who come here are born in powerful inheritances. Many of those inheritances have powerful martial emperors. Naturally, it is not difficult to get one or two royal artifacts.

But when it comes to the middle-grade imperial weapon, not many people own it!

Most people have inferior products! After all, even the Emperor Wu, the number of years he has stepped into the next emperor is very few, and it is even more difficult than climbing to the sky if you want to go further!

Only a middle emperor can refine a middle-grade emperor! And even if it is a middle-ranked emperor, refining a middle-ranked imperial weapon will cost a lot of money! Of course, the value of middle-grade imperial artifacts is definitely not comparable to lower-grade imperial artifacts!

"Xinghai Territory is a bit worth seeing this time."

An ancient bloodline, and now a person still holding a middle-grade imperial weapon has appeared, which shocked many people slightly.

However, top enchanting evildoers such as Tianyangzi and the Four Great Geniuses all have a calm expression.

Whether it's the ancient bloodline or the middle-grade imperial weapon, it doesn't seem to make them serious. They even really want to judge that they are more concerned about the descendants of ancient blood like Tie Muzhen.

Mid-level imperial weapon? A sly smile appeared on Kassapa's face, but he didn't say anything.

"Did you open it?"

Even the middle-grade imperial artifacts have appeared, and many people are curious whether the restriction has been broken!

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