Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2359: The first person in the Yanyang domain

"It's Tianyangzi!"

Someone apparently recognized the origin of this boy and uttered a low cry!

"Tianyangzi? He is Tianyangzi? Tianyangzi who is known as the number one person in the Yanyang region and the youngest person in the Yanyang region?"

Many people around were slightly moved when they heard it!

The first person in the Yanyang domain! Not everyone can get this title!

Even if they are all top geniuses in their respective universes, or even top enchanting evildoers, no one will say it lightly if anyone dares to claim to be the first person!

Wen has no first and Wu has no second! All martial arts geniuses are proud and conceited, but there will be a huge gap between genius and genius after all! Sometimes, this gap is even greater than the world imagined!

"Tianyang Sect, the first youngest in Yanyang! I didn't expect to be so young!"

"I heard that he was born with a natural vision when he was born. The sky was directly turned into a fiery red color, and even the sun was suddenly dimmed, as if all the essence had been emptied! Some people say that he is the son of the sun! The darling of flames! Hence the name Tian. Yoko!"

Yang Yan is extremely proud, a natural fire spirit body, and a nearly perfect fire spirit body.

But in Yanyang Domain, he is not the most proud and powerful person!

Above him, there was another person who almost crushed him and all the geniuses in the Yanyang Region, unable to move!

That person is Tianyangzi!

A casual repairer who doesn't have any sect, but no one dares to look down upon!

Even his teacher, Lieyangmen, invited Tianyangzi to join him several times, but he never succeeded.

But it is undeniable that Tianyangzi has a good relationship with their Lieyangmen! Coupled with the strength gap, Yang Yan suddenly lost his temper.

Tianyangzi appeared, and even the four great geniuses shook their eyes!

"What a powerful blood qi, Yang Yan is not your opponent, if I guess right, what you have is the ancient blood."

Tianyangzi's expression was plain, and he didn't even seem to be suppressed. He understated, but he broke the mystery.

"What? Ancient blood?!"

"Impossible! It is actually an ancient bloodline?!"

Many people exclaimed. They were skeptical just now, and some even guessed it, but they were not sure, or they were not willing to be sure!

Some people murmured, "No wonder, no wonder, I said how such a powerful bloodline is suppressed! It is actually an ancient bloodline!"

Ancient blood! No matter which one of the lower nine realms is, it is generally known as the darling of the gods. Once any one appears, it will definitely cause countless inheritance sect families to fight!

After all, the strength of the ancient blood is evident in the ancient times!

"It turns out to be an ancient bloodline! This kid is really from Xinghai Territory? When will Xinghai Territory actually have such a terrible bloodline?"

Although everyone is completely unfamiliar with Temujin, from just looking at it, we can know that Temujin was born in the Star Sea! A declining universe they despised!

This makes many people dissatisfied, unwilling and even jealous!

"What about the ancient bloodlines? If Sora has talent without the guidance of a famous teacher, it will only waste a talent!"

Some people disdain to sneer, even if blood can suppress them, it is not absolutely suppressed! Once the gap between the two sides' cultivation realm is too large, the effect of this suppression will be reduced to the point where it is unnecessary.

And they, any one of them, came from an extremely powerful sect, and even set foot on the realm of Martial Emperor. Once they become Emperor Wu, even the ancient bloodline can kill them!

"How do you know that I am of ancient blood?"

Temujin scratched his head with a look of wonder, and Li Ye couldn't help shaking his head.

In terms of talent, Temujin's talent is absolutely terrifying! Even if Li Ye met him now, it would be difficult to suppress the current Temujin before he could not use some of his hole cards.

But the biggest shortcoming of the giants.

"It seems that the inheritance of blood has been inherited in all respects."

The giants are too simple and honest, although they are born warriors, their minds are too simple. This is also the reason why the giant clan was almost cut off, no matter how strong the bloodline, coupled with the poor reproductive ability, simple mind, and finally slowly disappeared in history.

Everyone was speechless, and even Tianyangzi was a little surprised.

But then he smiled, "If it is true, Daoist is powerful, Yang Yan is indeed not your opponent, I am here to say sorry to Daoist for him, I hope Daoist will not mind."

Compared to Yang Yan's aggressiveness and domineering, Tianyangzi is a more gentle person. Even other geniuses in the non-Yanyang Domain nodded slightly after hearing this.

Moreover, they also changed their views on Temujin.

Regardless of whether they were born in the Xinghai Region, whether the Xinghai Region has been weak for a thousand years, at least, a strong man with ancient blood is worthy of their awe!

"He is too weak! But you are very strong!"

Temujin's eyes burst into a strong sense of war! In a word, Yang Yan's face almost turned green! He is too weak? When was he actually called too weak? This is simply the biggest insult to him!

But he quickly became discouraged. Whether or not Tianyangzi is now in his prime, he also knows that facing an ancient bloodline, and he almost beat him into a metamorphosis with a punch, he is indeed boring to make another move.

"Huh! Tianyangzi's bloodline is not worse than yours! Your bloodline is suppressed and it is not effective for him!"

He can't beat it, but it doesn't mean that Tianyangzi is not good!

Yang Yan knew the origin of Tianyangzi, and suddenly snorted coldly!

Tianyangzi just smiled casually, without denying it.

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other!

"It is rumored that Tianyangzi is a descendant of the Taiwu clan, one of the ancient bloodlines! I don't know if it is true or not!"

"The Taiwu clan! Even among the many ancient clans in the ancient times, it is also an extremely powerful clan! It is said that the Taiwu clan is closely related to the three-legged golden crow, the sacred beast, and I don't know whether it is true or not!"

"Regardless of true or false, but at least, at the peak of the Taiwu clan, even the invincible Golden Spirit Clan, known as the first great clan of the Primordial Clan, had to be polite!"

Everyone was talking about it, after all, it is rare to have two ancient bloodlines at once! Even in many times, in a heaven, there may not necessarily be an ancient bloodline!

And the most important thing is that Temujin and the others don't understand, but Tianyangzi, that is known as the first person in the young generation of the Yanyang domain, the reputation of the first young person in the Yanyang!

"Let's fight!"

Unfortunately, everyone was shocked, but Temujin was eager to try! For him, the stronger the person, the more he can inspire his ambition!

This time, even Tianyangzi looked stunned, but he wouldn't be here to fight with an unknown genius of ancient blood, no matter whether he wins or loses, it will not benefit him at all.

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