Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2343: Meihuang was kidnapped by Li Ye?

Want to reach that point, at least the realm of the king, or even the peak of the king! In addition, if you are over three hundred years old, you will be refused to eject by the Nine Extremes Palace, so there are very few people in the entire Lower Nine Domains! Whenever comes here, it is an incomparable evildoer! Genius!

Under the age of three hundred, at least respect Wang Pinnacle! It is conceivable that the Nine Extremes Palace in front of you will have an amazing collision. It is a collision between countless geniuses and evildoers in the entire Lower Nine Regions!

Only the strongest can enter the upper three realms!

As soon as they stepped into the Nine Extremes Palace, everyone felt a vast aura of heaven and earth rushing toward their faces!

"It's exaggerated! Unimaginable!"

It can be said that anyone who steps into this place will be extremely amazed. You must know that the ten talents who come here are all talents of the lower nine regions, peerless evildoers. ≧Their origins, many of them are ancient families and sects.

What kind of spiritual veins have they not seen? What kind of heaven have they never stayed in? Even if it is Dragon Vessel, many people have experienced the feeling of practicing god!

But no matter what kind of heaven and blessing it is, compared with the nine-pole palace in front of you, it is a fart!

If it is said that the heaven and the blessed earth on the so-called spiritual veins of the lower nine domains, after all the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth is condensed and refined, it is a glass of water! Then the Nine Extremes Palace in front of you, once there is a person with supernatural powers to make all refining, it is definitely a vast lake!

One can imagine the gap between the two!

"If you can cultivate here, even people with dull aptitudes can cultivate to the venerable cultivation level within a hundred years of age!"

The so-called dull aptitude among the population is usually the kind of ordinary people who can't cultivate in the connected world. However, here, it is undoubtedly very exaggerated that a person with dull aptitude can be elevated to that state forcibly.

"The Nine Extremes Palace is just so terrifying, the heavens and the earth are so full of spiritual energy, if it is the rumored Upper Three Realms, and it is not bathed in the entire sea of ​​spiritual energy?"

When Jian Chen Yijian tore through the void and brought everyone including the Sword Palace into the Nine Extremes Palace, everyone below looked sluggish!

"Meihuang! What is Shen Danzong going to do?"

Someone recognized the invincible figure who left with Li Ye at the last moment. They didn't expect that the mighty Rumeihuang would choose to enter the Nine Extremes Palace!

You know, Mei Huang is definitely over 300 years old! Even if it is not as old as many old immortals, it is definitely out of the category of young people.

Even Shen Danzong was a little surprised! Including the White Emperor!

The white emperor's expression was shocked at this time, but soon he understood something and gave a wry smile.

Many people looked at Shen Danzong with weird expressions and eyes! Some people even looked ambiguous!

"Emperor Mei actually ran away with that Li Ye! Is this the Shen Danzong who lost his wife and broke down?"

"Haha! Shen Danzong is absolutely suffering now! I can only swallow it in my stomach! They support that boy Li Ye, but in the end he abducts a martial emperor! If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place!"

"Emperor Mei, that was one of the best beauty in the Star Sea region back then! How many young talents, invincible geniuses, and peerless enchantments were overwhelmed by them, that is the double beauty of the Star Sea region as well as Emperor Zhen of Tianxiang Pavilion! Now he was abducted by a Li Ye!"

For the legend of Meihuang, many older generations are also aware of it, and a weird light burst into their eyes.

There are even younger generations who sneered, "Li Ye, a kid with high means, actually hooked up Meihuang!"

"Is it rumored that they are not a teacher-disciple relationship? This is messy enough!"

"Haha, what a **** teacher and apprentice! It's just a man and a dog! Maybe they just enjoy it."

Jealous, shocked, envious, no matter what, Meihuang is a huge mountain peak that countless people can't climb. If no one wins it, it will be fine. Now Meihuang actually followed Li Ye and ran away, which immediately detonated many people. The flame in the heart of Meihuang suitor!

Many people in the Shen Danzong looked ugly with a lousy voice!

It's a pity they don't know how to refute! After all, Mei Huang's actions exceeded their expectations.

"Shen Danzong, good calculation! This is a beautiful trick, I don't know if it is meat buns hitting dogs, there is no return!"

The cold voice sounded, it was the empty emperor of the Yun family!

Before he was embarrassed and didn't dare to take action in front of Li Ye and Jianchen. Now that Li Ye and Jianchen have left, he has returned to that invincible posture! It is even more ridicule at this moment!

Many people, especially the older generation, sighed in their hearts.

The sky emperor back then is just like Yun Qiantian and other peerless evildoers today, so stunning, the entire Star Sea region is nothing in the world! It is a pity that the biggest regret in his life is that he never touched the hearts of the two most beautiful women in the Star Sea Region, Emperor Zhen or Emperor Mei.

"It is rumored that Konghuang once pursued Meihuang and Zhenhuang, but Zhenhuang is the descendant of the sage of Tianxiang Pavilion, and will never marry, but he turned to be second, but he was directly rejected in pursuit of Meihuang!"

"I also heard about it. I heard that because of this incident, the relationship between the Yun Family and the Shen Danzong became so hostile, and you would fight with me in secret."

Regardless of the rumors or the rumors in the market, at least the sourness of Konghuang's breath is almost smelling, which confirms everyone's guess for many years.

"Empress Kong! What did you say?!"

The fire emperor has a fierce temper and shouted angrily!

"What did the emperor say? How can I do it? I can't say it? But yes, Shen Danzong is getting more and more declining. I really thought that someone's thigh was tied? It's a pity, but I don't know whether it has gone or not! It's no wonder that even Brother Shangqing understood the righteousness and became attached to my Yun family instead."

Dan Shang Qing Emperor! Obviously, this is a thorn in Shen Danzong's heart! His own martial emperor fell into the arms of hostile forces, which is definitely the greatest irony.

And now, Emperor Dan Shang and Qing emperor surrendered to the enemy, and Emperor Mei followed Li Ye's elopement, so that Shen Danzong was sprinkling salt on the wound! There are only three martial emperors left!

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and they don’t get involved. Even some old immortal ancestors who have crawled out of the old are not willing to step in. After all, the city gate caught fire, and the pond fish was affected! The great gods are fighting, and these little ghosts of them still don't want to be boring.

"Konghuang! Keep your mouth clean!"

"A little cleaner? Why, your Shen Danzong has done it, but you don't let people say it?"

Konghuang laughed, and then Yunzhonghuang and Danshang Qinghuang also let go! Very tough attitude! Especially the Qing Emperor Dan, his eyes flashed with cold light! Everyone knows that the Emperor Kong had pursued the Emperor Meihuang, but who knew that he had always admired the Emperor Meihuang too!


Have an appointment with everyone, today is a big carnival!

Guess which chapter? This is the first chapter!

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