Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2342: Enter the Jiuji Temple

No one knows that Li Ye even had a dispute with Ye Wuming over how to rebuild Tianwaitian!

Only later, Li Ye finally convinced Ye Wuming!

"Tianwaitian! Only the upper three realms can have resources and enough heaven and earth aura to nourish the entire sect! If you want to rebuild, you can only go to the upper three realms!"

This idea was inspired by Li Ye when he saw the huge dragon veins under the entire Shen Danzong!

It can not be said that the ancestral land of Tianwaitian is not good, but after tens of thousands of years, it has slowly dried up. Even the spiritual veins cannot last forever, and sooner or later they will be consumed!

The decline of Tianwaitian is not only the lack of talents, but also a series of effects brought about by the exhaustion of underground spiritual veins. ≧Vertex novel,

Therefore, Li Ye thought of a crazy and bold plan!

Since we are going to break and rebuild the sect, why not go directly to the Upper Three Realms?

According to rumors, the Upper Three Realms is a fairyland! The aura of heaven and earth even surpassed the dragon veins of the lower nine regions!

"Junior Brother, your plan is really feasible?"

Jian Chen hesitated slightly. The reason why Li Ye was so crazy today and slaughtered several sects is actually because this time all of them are going to the Upper Three Realms. Now that they have all left, what should be done will be done. Leave no regrets.

"I don't know, but I only know that if you stay in the Xinghai Region, even if you and Master are two, it is impossible for Tianwaitian to develop."

Jian Chen did not answer, because he also knew that these were indeed the biggest questions.

Tianwaitian, the family has been exhausted long ago! Even if he and Ye Wuming, the two great martial emperors, are still alive, they can suppress everything! But what if they are gone?

Relying on the current family background, let alone the Guangna disciples spreading branches and leaves, and inheriting incense, even the other disciples of Ye Wuming and those who escaped in the first place will almost exhaust all the wealth!

The essential! In the Xinghai region, where the heavens and the earth are full of spiritual energy, and the places where the spiritual veins exist, they have been occupied by the ancestors. It is too difficult to find a brand-new spiritual vein to establish a sect! Not to mention the ancient inheritance built on dragon veins like Shen Danzong.

"But it has been said that since ancient times, the Nine Extremes Palace can only be entered by one person alone. No one can step into it together, let alone move in the entire palace together."

To enter the Nine Extremes Palace, whether it is Li Ye or Jian Chen, there is no pressure!

Jian Chen is now just over a hundred years old, in the eyes of cultivators, he is still extremely young! The Nine Extremes Palace only forbids cultivators over 300 years old to enter, and there is no problem for them.

But the key, how does the sword king enter together?

Li Ye's gaze pointed directly at the void, the sky where the gods were, the majestic palace of the huge temple!

"Whether it wants it or not, it must try it today!"


The terrible breath rushed directly to the clouds! Jian Chen didn't say much, and he cut it out with a sword! The sun, the moon, and the stars are all turned into his endless sword intent! The invincible breath is unstoppable, and it directly tears the void in front of you!

After all, it is Emperor Wu, and the Supreme Emperor who has truly experienced the emperor's robbery! Jian Chen's sword even changed the color of every invincible existence!

"Although this person's scenery is more concealed than Li Ye's son, he is definitely a peerless genius rare in a thousand years!"

Not long ago, before Li Ye appeared, Jian Chen was one of Tianwaitian's most dazzling geniuses! It's just that, like Ye Wuming, he was dragged down by the sect, and his reputation was not great! Otherwise, where is there still room for the cloud of a thousand days to jump?

Now, when Jianchen's unreserved sword, almost the entire Star Sea area trembles!

Even Yun Qiantian and his ilk have successfully entered the Nine Extremes Palace, and Jian Chen is naturally aside! He didn't even need to be like other people, to resist the terrible pressure of the Nine Extremes Palace, and directly cut the void open with a brutal sword. In an instant, the gate of the Nine Extremes Palace opened in front of them.

"Too overbearing!"

"It's invincible!"

Seeing the Nine-Julus Palace just displayed in front of them, many people breathed in shock! You know, just now, even if it was an evildoer like Yun Qiantian, the ancient bloodline of the Heavenly Phoenix sage relied on herself step by step against the pressure of the Nine Extremes Palace before entering it!

Just like this, the scene of arbitrarily cutting off all the blocks and opening the door is enough to make people move.

Reaching out, Temujin and others all appeared behind Li Ye!

"What does he want to do?"

"He is going to bring everyone into the Nine Extremes Palace!"

"Crazy! But it's undeniable, it's too bad!"

Many people even regretted seeing Li Ye's behavior! None of them have the ability to step into the Nine Extremes Palace, but the powerful people are rejected by the Nine Extremes Palace because they are over 300 years old! But seeing Li Ye's plan, some people even wailed. If they had decided to follow a peerless evildoer like Li Ye earlier, they might have the opportunity to follow Li Ye to the Nine Extremes Palace!

Really challenge the opportunity to enter the upper three realms!

No one doubted Li Ye's determination, as if he beheaded Emperor Wu, if such a person could not enter the Upper Three Realms, who else could do it in the Lower Nine Realms?

Take a closer look, almost everyone who has something to do with Li Ye is already standing behind him!


With a big wave, Li Ye didn't talk nonsense! Since Jian Chen directly tore a path with invincible sword intent, the Nine Extremes Palace is in front of him!

It can be seen that the torn void is recovering at an extremely fast speed, and the gateway has doubled in the blink of an eye! If the delay continues, the entire portal will disappear.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Li Ye.

"Mei Huang!"

Seeing that person, many people were moved and exclaimed!

Even Li Ye was very surprised. The appearance of Emperor Mei Huang at this time undoubtedly had a special meaning.

"Have you decided?"

"If you don't decide, the emperor won't appear here."

Seeing her, Li Ye didn't say much, he knew that Meihuang had made a decision in his heart. Nodded, and directly pulled her weak and boneless catkin, the next moment they appeared directly on the other side of the void!

In front of me, there is a huge palace, not so much a palace, as it is another world! But obviously this was not formed naturally, but someone forcibly developed it with supreme magical powers!

"This is the Nine Extremes Palace!"

Behind the scenes, the void gradually healed, as if separating two worlds!

At the moment of passing through the portal, Li Ye understood why so many people could not reach the Nine-Julus Palace! Because the Nine Extremes Palace itself is not in the Lower Nine Realms at all! In other words, it is in the gap of time and space!

Only people who are strong enough to pierce this layer of space barriers can come here.

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