Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2337: Ruthless

Everyone saw that several powerhouses of the Three-Eyed Sect, including the former deputy master, were all **** at this moment.

A trace of unwillingness and humiliation can be seen from their faces, but there is no doubt that even if they are as powerful as the Three-Eyed Sect, they can only choose to yield in front of Li Ye today.

"Three Eyes Sect is a good method!"

"Able to bend and stretch! Compared to the Dugu family of the Tianyang Sect, the ancestor of the Three Eyes Sect and that existence are obviously smarter!"

Many people nodded like that, although such behavior of the Three-Eyed Sect undoubtedly cast a shame on their sect, and even became a joke for the entire Xinghai Region from now on, looking greedy for life and fear of death.

But only the truly intelligent people sighed slightly. The Three-Eyed Sect is definitely the wisest and smartest way.

Sure enough, seeing the intention of the Three Eyes Sect, Li Ye had planned to take them the next moment, but now that the Three Eyes Sect was out of this way, Li Ye suddenly couldn't find a reason to do it!

Whether it was the many elder disciples who slaughtered the Tianyang Sect, the Emperor Wu and his descendants who stepped down to the Dugu family, or even the Eagle Emperor and the Eagle Gate! He is a famous teacher!

But now, the existence behind the Three Eyes Sect is quite cunning!

"Negative Jing please sin!"

After someone saw it, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"The Three-Eyed Sect is an excuse to block Li Ye's hands! In this way, if Li Ye's child is forced to start against the Three-Eyed Sect, it will be the target of the public! The gain is not worth the loss."

"The Three-Eyed Sect is the Three-Eyed Sect. It has been established less than two thousand years but is the fastest growing terrifying sect. The existence behind it is not only an invincible existence, but also a wise man!"

Regarding the Three-Eyed Sect, let alone the small sect and those casual cultivators, even some powerful sects don’t know much. But it is undeniable that the establishment time of the Three Eyes Sect is definitely young in front of many ancient inheritances and sects, and the history is too short! But he didn't dare to look down upon any sect family.

"What does it mean?"

Li Ye didn't even look at the group of three-eyed Sect Negative Jing's plea, his eyes seemed to penetrate nine days, and another terrible existence was facing him!

"These incompetent traitors were initially bewitched by the Tianyang Sect and the Dugu Family. Now the little friends can deal with it by themselves, and my Three Eyes Sect will never interfere!"

Above the nine heavens, a terrifying voice sounded. Although only the sound was heard and no one was seen, everyone knew that it was the invincible existence of the legendary Three-Eyed Sect that rarely appeared!

Everyone was surprised at the decisive existence of that person, but Li Ye's expression remained unchanged!

The Three-Eyed Sect, when the six major sects joined forces to break through the outer sky, it is true that the Three-Eyed Sect killed the least! But even so, on Li Ye's revenge list, he also has the name of Three Eyes Sect!

It's just that he didn't expect that such a strong man in the Three Eyes Sect would break his wrist!

A glance at the group of three-eyed sect powerhouses kneeling in front of you!

The deputy master, elder, guardian and even a few young talented disciples of the Three Eyes Sect in their midstream! These people are not weak in strength and strength, they have a king, even a half emperor!

In any sect, these people are the pillars of almost the entire sect, and their status is not low! Even in a four-tier sect like Shen Danzong, these people can be in high positions!

But such a group of powerful men knelt in front of Li Ye, waiting for the final trial!

"The little friends don't need to hesitate, it's their own responsibility! If the little friends don't want to do it themselves, the emperor can help."

That terrible voice is neither male nor female. No one has ever seen the real body of the Three Eyes Sect. Even the other people who are also Emperor Wu are not clear. But from this sentence, you can hear the determination of the Three-Eyed Zong Warrior to break his wrist!

Li Ye didn't answer, there was a ray of survival in the eyes of a group of powerhouses in the Three-Eyed Sect! As long as Li Ye doesn't do anything, what about their humiliation today? Just let them live, and sooner or later, all the humiliation today will be recovered!

On the surface, they naturally dare not show it!

However, Li Ye knew all these careful thoughts!

He also knew what Sanyanzong had made.

"Well, if that's the case, then I don't need to do it myself."

After speaking, the whole world fell into silence!

Everyone could not help but took a breath in secret! Li Ye's words clearly meant that the existence of the Three Eyes Sect would slaughter his own doorman!

It was Li Ye who changed anyone, even if there was no amount of hatred in his heart, for the sake of face at the moment, forgiving the many powerful men of the Three Eyes Sect. But Li Ye didn't! Not only did he not forgive them, but he also forced the existence of the Three Eyes Sect to execute it himself!

"Madman! This kid is simply a madman!"

"He is indeed a lunatic, but it is undeniable that he has such a craziness! Unborn emperor! Slay the emperor first! Who else is his opponent in the younger generation of Xinghai Region? Not to mention the younger generation, the older generation will see it. Take a detour! The powerful ancestors of the major sects dare not easily offend!"

The scene is quiet! A group of powerhouses in the Three-Eyed Sect almost exploded their lungs! You know, any one of them in the Xinghai Territory is also a powerhouse with a high ranking! It is their biggest concession to let them be so guilty, at least they don't want to see the Three Eyes Sect become the next moment Dugu Family or Eagle Gate.

But so Li Ye didn't forgive them, making them so frightened and angry!

"Li Ye! You don't want to be an inch! You..."

The Deputy Sect Master of the Three-Eyed Sect broke free from the rope on his body. After all, it was just an ordinary rope, not to mention the dignified king realm, even a strong congenital realm can easily break away!

Unfortunately, halfway through the conversation, suddenly a hand appeared above the void! It has been as white as jade, but it brings the terrible palm of supreme death!

Puff! The Deputy Sect Master of the Three-Eyed Sect, the pinnacle king was directly killed by One Palm! Flying ash annihilated!

Everyone was stunned!

Only Li Ye's expression remained unchanged!

In the next moment, the remaining dozens of experts in the Three Eyes Sect were killed one by one before they could even react! Follow in the footsteps of their deputy suzerain.

In an instant, the world became quiet.

Everyone is like seeing what a terrifying picture! Looking at the three-eyed sect, a group of powerful men was slaughtered as if they were treated as animals, and there was a sense of suffocation that could not be executed!

Even Li Ye couldn't help but twitch in his heart!

He knew that the existence of the Three Eyes Sect could not be an enemy to him now, but he was somewhat surprised at how decisive and cruel the opponent was!

"My little friend is satisfied now?"

Without anger, the voice above the void sounded again. There is no doubt that it is the invincible existence in their hearts that slaughtered a group of powerful people in the Three Eyes Sect! The Sovereign of the Three Eyes Sect himself!

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