Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2336: Invincible evildoer

A group of people looked at each other, they didn't know whether Li Ye was controlled by the inner demon.

But there is one thing, Konghuang was severely injured after being looked at, so enchanting, even if they were really enchanted, they have the ability to kill?

"Junior Brother, you..."

Jian Chen is also a heart-to-heart. If Li Ye was really insulted, he wouldn't be able to go back and explain to his master! After all, he also knew that the talent of Li Ye, a junior brother, was even higher than that of him, and that Ye Wuming was the most optimistic.

Not only him, everyone is watching.

But soon, the demon **** above the void disappeared, and the terrifying and invincible killing intent on Li Ye's body was also gone for the next moment. On the contrary, he looked like an ordinary person without any aura, but it was so. The nature is like integrating with heaven and earth.

Standing there, he is the heaven, the earth, all laws are natural!

Seeing this scene, the others were fine, but the old emperor of Tiantanshan was shocked! He suddenly understood what happened just now!

"Monster, evil evil! It will not appear for many years, even in that era, such evil evil is rare for almost ten thousand years!"

No one knows what he is talking about, even the martial emperors!

Perhaps there is only one person!

The invincible existence of Huanghai!

No one knows. From then on, the old emperor of Tiantan Mountain directly warned his disciples that even if Tiantan Mountain was rarely born, it almost became the Sejong Gate, but from now on, anyone who enters Tiantan Mountain will be told not to Go to provoke a young man named Li Ye! And anyone related to him, sect! Once provoked, without others doing it, Tiantanshan will directly expel him from the sect!

Of course, that's all for later.

At this moment, Li Ye closes his eyes slightly regardless of other people's eyes, feeling the endless power!

The way of killing! He did not expect that of the three Taoist wills he mastered, the first one that was truly trivial was not the earliest path of flames, nor the path of destruction that symbolized the mighty power, but the path of killing.

Everyone thought he was in a demon, the demons broke out! But no one knew, that was just the source of his real understanding of the way of killing!

It can be said that only at this moment can he truly enter the room!

Kill! Can kill the common people! Can destroy everything!

In an instant, he opened his eyes! It's like being transformed into an invincible demon god! Bring endless death and killing!

Just a glance, the remaining people of the four major families, from the older generation to the backbone, hardly any resistance, were instantly swallowed by killing intent! Several of the most powerful kings and half emperors roared and wanted to resist but were torn apart by killing intent in the blink of an eye! The younger generation was completely swallowed up without even reacting!


It's quiet around, four big families! Once the supreme giant of Xinghai Region! During the peak period, even the Yun family must give a bit of face! The ancestors of the Four Great Martial Emperors almost made the Four Great Families stand at the pinnacle of the Star Sea Region!

However, at this time, facing the massacre of the four major families, no one spoke, no one stopped! Even the Yun family didn't help.

Because at that moment, even the emperor in the cloud felt a crisis of death all over!

Dan Shang Qing Huang's face is ashen! From the beginning, he had a certain hostility towards Li Ye, no reason, perhaps a kind of jealousy! Even betrayed Shen Danzong and turned to Yun Family!

But at this moment, he suddenly regretted it!

Compared with him, on the side of Shen Danzong, Bai Huang and others were equally moved! Even them, it is impossible to slaughter so many powerful people in the four big families so easily! That is almost the supreme means of another realm!

But more of them are fortunate! Because he was right! Li Ye's terrifying growth rate is a good thing for Shen Danzong that has more advantages than disadvantages!

"The four big families are over."

"The Yun Family did not stop it. It seems that even the Yun Family does not dare to provoke this evildoer easily now."

The Yun family, known as the first family in the Xinghai Region, is the only one above the cloud! How domineering! Even the Shen Danzong and Tianxiang Pavilion, both of the four-grade sect, were crushed by the Yun Family!

The four big families were all sheltered from the Yun family, but facing Li Ye, the Yun family finally chose to ignore it! It's not that they don't want to make a move, but they don't dare!

Looking at a group of dead people from the four major families, Li Ye seemed to have nothing happened just now!

He was never a good person, let alone a saint! He only cares about the people around him! Some people think that they can be kind to the enemy, but he won't!

The benevolence of women, only a fool would choose that! He understood that since he was very young!

He doesn't care if everyone calls him an executioner, or even a murderer!

No one knows the final result of the martial arts road! The road is long, but the heart remains unchanged!

Before I knew it, Li Ye seemed to have a hint of understanding! What is the avenue? Perhaps he will find the answer!

"Tianyang Sect, Dugu Family, Four Great Families, Eagle Gate..."

Someone counted it down, and in such a short time, the four extremely powerful sect families were destroyed! Even if there are other disciples' descendants, everyone knows that these four forces will fade out of everyone's sight from now on.

"Invincible evildoer!"

An ancestor of the big sect sighed, and then restrained the younger generations from now on, so that he would definitely not provoke the murderer!

A word of disagreement directly destroys the human sect. In the eyes of countless people, that is something that a madman can do, but today, Li Ye did it!

But no one is righteous, because of the cause and effect, everyone knows!

Even if there was never the tragic case of Tianwaitian's extermination, without the death of the four big families, today Li Ye Tu has exhausted all of them, no one will jump out to uphold justice!

Yunteng Continent itself is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strength first! Here, there is no eternity, no law, and some only fists!

If it is said that at this time there are still those sects in the heart, then there is nothing more than the other sects that attacked Tianwaitian!

Three Eyes Sect, Wanhuo Sect, Tianlan Sect!

The powerhouses of these three sects are absolutely sitting on a needle blanket at this moment. After all, their three are not much better than the Eagle Sect of Tianyang Sect. Even the Emperor Wu Huang of Wanhuo Sect and Tianlan Sect has long disappeared, and now even the Eagle Sect is alone. Both the family and the Tianyang Sect ended up like this. When they thought of their joint efforts back then, even if they crawled out, they couldn't help feeling a burst of despair!

Among them, the most powerful Three-Eyed Sect, without saying a word, directly **** the powerful men who had invaded Tianwaitian and threw them in front of Li Ye! This is an attitude, and it is also a direct submission in disguise!

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