Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2250: This is being pressed

A group of seconds to be a powerful king?

When everyone looked at it, there was almost no exclamation!

They have already seen that Li Ye is no longer what he used to be, even far beyond the various rumors about him from the outside world!

But so powerful, not to mention those eyes watching from afar, even on the side of Shen Danzong, from Elder Yuyun to the major elders and disciples below, almost all of them were horrified to the point that they didn't even know their mouths.

With an angry shout, he directly shocked and severely injured several powerful kings in the four major families.

In this scene, even Beiyuanxu himself was frightened!

For hundreds of years, he has been hailed as one of the few unmatched peak kings under the Emperor Wu! Half emperor! Even known as the invincible under Emperor Wu, he never thought that there was someone other than Emperor Wu that could make him so terrified!

But today, he met!

And still a young junior!

"Impossible! What kind of realm is he now? How can a powerful person not even approach him?"

"The peak of the king? No! Even if it is the pinnacle of the king, the elders of the Beiyuan family will not be much weaker than him, let alone be shaken out so easily!"

For a while, everyone was surprised and inexplicable. More importantly, many people clearly felt that Li Ye's realm had just stepped into the king, at most, between the king's Xiaocheng and Dacheng!

"Genius, the real strength is never divided by realm. It's just that this kid is somewhat surprising."

On the side of Shen Danzong, Elder Sun took a breath and couldn't help exclaiming.

However, what they really care about is the life and death of Beiyuankui!

Who could have expected that Li Ye was so powerful that he not only easily defeated Beiyuankui, an invincible powerhouse under the Emperor Wu, but also severely damaged several elders of the Beiyuan family.

"Second trick!"

Like a urging **** of death, Li Ye's icy voice at this time even made a strong chill from the bottom of everyone's ears.

Beiyuan Kui roared again and again, and a huge deep purple death knell appeared directly in front of him!

"Imperial weapon!"

"Beiyuankui has been pressed! But even if it is a royal weapon, can it really save his life?"

No one can be sure, because just now, even the strand of Wuhuang's will in the imperial weapon was directly smashed by Li Ye's perverted sword. Now, unless the Wuhuang comes to take the shot himself, no one can save Beiyuanqi's life.

Sure enough, a touch of sword light slashed directly on the death knell, even if the imperial weapon was under the sword intent of the combination of three Taoist wills, it still couldn't support it, and it turned into a purple brilliance and was blasted away!

Beiyuankui, his face looked ashamed, he did not expect that today he brought a group of people to Shen Danzong to find Li Ye unlucky, even with the heart of killing, it would eventually evolve into the situation in front of him!

dead! He never thought that he would die so humiliatingly!

"No! You can't kill me!"


From Beiyuanqian's body, the terrifying aura was almost frantically rising, and soon it almost reached the point where everyone was terrified!

Just seeing his appearance, some strong men frowned slightly and even shook their heads.

"Drinking poison to quench thirst, Beiyuanxun seems to be really pressed! Even the trick of burning blood has been forced to use it. Even if it survives, it will be severely injured and even damage the foundation of martial arts. This life wants to attack martial arts. The emperor is impossible."

There are many old monsters present, and even the many eyes that secretly follow all of this are terrifying.

Naturally, I can see how Beiyuanqiu burst out in a short period of time that is far more powerful than his peak period. The only explanation is to directly burn his own blood!

Yunteng Continent often chooses this trick only in the face of desperation!

"Burning blood! This is the last resort second only to self-destruction of the soul. I didn't expect Beiyuankui to be forced to such a situation by a junior!"

The stronger the bloodline, the more terrifying the consequences will be when it burns! But in the same way, the side effects are not that ordinary pills can be repaired, and it damages the foundation and affects the future cultivation path. If he is heavy, he will directly become a waste, and his state will fall!

Only at this point, Beiyuankui had no other options.

With Li Ye's two moves, he almost continuously experienced the threat of death! If he is not desperate at this moment, only his fall is waiting for him!

When he reached this point, he would naturally not decide life and death easily, but he had a feeling that if he continued, even his soul would be killed by that young man!

Naturally, the blood of the Beiyuan family cannot be compared with the blood of the ancients, and it cannot even be compared with the blood of the dragon dragon of the Yun family.

But the four big families have stood for thousands of years, and naturally they have their reasons.

The powerful bloodline power almost made Beiyuanqi feel the unprecedented fulfillment, the explosive feeling full of power all over his body, let him sweep away the panic just now.

"I won't kill you today! Swear not to be a man!"

The consequences of the burning of blood, Beiyuankui naturally understood, this trick was even his last choice for life when the limit was approaching if the realm could not be broken.

Now, he was forced to resort to Li Ye! He knows that after today, he will no longer be the Patriarch of the Beiyuan Family, and will even be replaced by other powerful people from the Beiyuan Family.

Even if he killed Li Ye, the consequences would be enough to make him fall from the peak of power instantly, and fall violently!

So he was full of hatred soaring!

All of this was driven by the young man in front of him to this Jedi! Even if he were to fall to the altar, Li Ye would be cut with a thousand swords today! Only hate to vent my heart!

No one can stop Beiyuanqi, who is almost crazy now, because that is the most powerful state when he has exhausted his entire martial arts potential! Everyone knows that this state can't last, but when they reach their realm, sometimes a short breath can determine life and death.

"Junior Li Ye!"

"Li Ye!"

"Little Lord!"

Many people exclaimed!

No matter how strong Li Ye is, it is impossible to defeat the current Beiyuanqian! Unless it is Emperor Wu himself!

But Li Ye wasn't the Emperor Wu. After all, there were not many people who could see the terrible Dao Fa will just now, and more people were still awed by Bei Yuanqian's crazy side.

At that moment, the sky seemed to be unable to bear it, collapsed layer by layer, and immediately annihilated and turned into nothingness!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, many people were shocked and moved away crazy! Once involved in the broken void, no one has a chance to survive unless it is Emperor Wu.

They didn't expect Beiyuankuang to be so crazy, far beyond their imagination.

"Die! Little beast! This seat will destroy you both! Never overlive!"

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