Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2249: What is the will of Emperor Wu, it is still destroyed!

Countless pairs of eyes are watching.

An extremely arrogant junior!

Beiyuankui's eyes were full of evil, and a terrible aura emerged from him, covering the sky and the sun!

As the Beiyuan family, besides the ancestors, how can the strongest person to be provoked by a junior in person?

"I want to see today, how do you kill me in three ways!"


The first person under Emperor Wu, although many people have had this title, there is no specific limit of strength. But I have to say that if Bei Yuankui made the move, unless Emperor Wu came personally, no one would dare to pat his chest confidently and say that he could beat him.

Elder Yuyun was defeated, and the others were even less qualified!

Just because of the overwhelming momentum, many people's chests were dull, as if they were being pressed by a huge mountain, and they couldn't see through.

The four big families have stood for many years, and they indeed have their proud capital.

A touch of sword intent, like a bright moon in the dark night, directly tore the terrifying arrogance of Beiyuankui, the incomparable sharpness was like a sharp blade that cut everything in the world, and it turned into a crescent moon in an instant.

what? !

Everyone was stunned!

Such a terrifying sword intent is impossible to appear on a junior! It can even be said that there are many strong sword repairmen in the entire Star Sea area, but no one can have the confidence to release such a terrible sword intent!

Beiyuanchang brushed his face even more, pale!

The threat of death is so close to him, for so many years, he hasn't experienced this feeling!

Without any reason, Jianyi crazily destroys everything in front of him, whether it is law or Tao Yun, in front of this power, it is as fragile as a piece of paper.

Three tricks?

Li Ye gave him enough face!

Under Emperor Wu, no one can stop him!

This sword is not only the emergence of sword intent all over his body, but also the integration of the three Taoist wills he has mastered, surpassing the realm of the king and even the half-emperor, and leaping to a new level of strength.

"Do not!"

Beiyuankui erupted with a deafening roar, he knew he couldn't stop this sword at all! Not even anyone present can stop this sword!

But he is not reconciled! He is not willing to die here like this! Obviously this is the last hope of the four big families!

A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth and turned into a huge death knell!


The bell rang, and the unavailable will came directly. It was a will that was completely beyond the imagination of everyone present. Even if it was only a faint trace, once it appeared, all the strong, including Elder Yuyun, felt it. He felt like he had been hit by a sorcery, unable to move! Even the true vitality in the body cannot flow normally.

"The Emperor Wu will!"

I don't know who exclaimed in a low voice!

Being forced to a desperate situation, Beiyuankui finally revealed his biggest hole card!

Emperor! With his own blood, directly inspire the will of the Emperor Wu in the imperial weapon!

As soon as Emperor Wu's will comes out, all beings surrender!

However, there is one exception!

Even facing the will of Emperor Wu, it is impossible to stop Li Ye's edge!


A sword light slashed directly on the death knell, and the terrifying wills collided with each other and almost tore everything around.

Even Beiyuanqian was shocked by this huge counter-shock force, spurting blood one after another, and the whole person was embarrassed.

"It's crazy! It's crazy!"

Facing the will of Emperor Wu, he was not afraid, and even swung his sword towards each other! How daring is this? How proud this is! ?

At that moment, everyone suddenly seemed to realize that all the rumors about Li Ye were even more shocking and impactful when they had not witnessed it with their own eyes!

A rising star who was less than 30 years old, a young man who was only in his infancy in martial arts practice, actually forced an old half-emperor who became famous for hundreds of thousands of years to the point that he would not hesitate to damage his essence and blood to inspire the imperial protection. , The terrible evildoer that hit the other side badly!

The death knell turned into by Emperor Wu's will was directly smashed by a sword and turned into countless fragments.


Seeing that Emperor Wu's will was destroyed, everyone's hearts seemed to twitch involuntarily!

That's Wu Huang's will! Not to mention it, many of them don't even have the courage to raise their heads in front of Emperor Wu's will.

To kill you, only need three moves!

Just now Li Ye's arrogant declaration that everyone heard was so ridiculous and ignorant in their eyes!

However, at this moment, they all fell silent.

ignorance? Arrogant? ridiculous?

They are ignorant! It is ridiculous that they are right!

"Beiyuanchang! Today's catastrophe is inevitable!"

Even the will of Emperor Wu can be directly destroyed, what kind of strength is that? At this time, no one would regard Li Ye as a junior, a rising star, a genius with outstanding talent in the eyes of ordinary people.

Even in their eyes, it has turned into a terrible monster!


As the death knell was dashed, Beiyuanqiu was directly affected by the backlash. He was injured not lightly at first, and suddenly it was hurt more and more, and he spouted a few mouthfuls of blood again!

However, Li Ye would not let him go!

Kill you while you are sick!

Although he was blocked by Emperor Wu's will, as he stepped out one step, his whole body's momentum increased crazily, and in a short period of time it increased to nearly a thousand times!

Thousand times the trend! That is a watershed that divides the Emperor Wu and the Emperor Wu. Even if it is a half-emperor, few people can increase their general momentum to more than 500 times!


This step was like stepping on Bei Yuanxun’s heart. Li Ye had not yet made a second move, but he made Bei Yuanxun once again tremble violently, as if his heart was hit hard, his face was like golden paper. Blood spurted out of his mouth like money-free.

"I said! To kill you, only three moves!"

Boom! In the second step, there was almost no trace of blood on Beiyuankui's face. He was hurt too badly just now, and he even sacrificed himself for a hundred years to exchange the will of the Emperor Wu in the death knell!

"Li Ye! Do you dare!"

Everyone knew that Bei Yuanxian was no longer Li Ye's opponent, and even once Li Ye shot, Bei Yuanxu's death date! Suddenly a few elders from the four major families shouted angrily, and they didn't care that the two of them were in a fair duel. At this time, their intervention would make the world laugh, and in succession, they shot at Li Ye, wanting to come around Wei and save Zhao!

The elders of these four major families are quite powerful at their cultivation bases, at least they are respecting the king and even the peak of the king! Under the joint hands, even the half emperor must be careful.

But facing them, Li Ye looked cold.


With a bang, it turned into a billowing thunder, which exploded directly in the hearts of these old men! Without a chance to get closer, they vomited blood and flew out! No one can beat it!

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