Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2244: Fight

From the four major families together, to the Dugu Family, Tianyang Sect and other five-rank sects have a tough attitude. ⊙ Apex novels,

In fact, from the beginning, everyone knew that today's disaster was not simply aimed at a disciple of the Shen Danzong like Li Ye.

"The Yun family, after all, we still have to do it."

Countless pairs of eyes were watching, and a voice came from among them, with a sigh.

Shen Danzong, after all, is a fourth-rank sect, even if it is not as brilliant as it used to be, it is not that a few fifth-rank sects have the courage to come to challenge.

The only explanation is that someone behind it is pushing it all vigorously.

As for the entire Star Sea Region, count them, and there are only a handful of people capable of driving all of this!

Among them, there is only one most likely!

One sect, one pavilion, two sects, three schools, and four families, and I am the only one above the cloud!

From this sentence, in fact, fools can see the ambition of the Yun family!

I am the only one!

Outside the Shendanzong, several big sects came together in a powerful manner.

In Shendanzong, Li Ye didn't know anything.

"Young Master, something has happened!"

"problem occurs?"

Li Ye was not annoyed when the retreat was interrupted, but he was slightly surprised after hearing it.

After he heard what had happened, his expression changed.

Similar memories surfaced in his mind. Is the history of Tianwaitian about to repeat itself?

But then he smiled slightly, shook his head, and sighed that he was thinking too much.

Shen Danzong is not a heaven! Back then Tianwaitian was actually an empty shell, but Shen Danzong was different! Even if it is no longer at its peak, it is still lingering.

"Go and see, how many people are here."

Vaguely, Li Ye seemed to know the purpose of those people, and he would naturally not hide in the cave without asking the world. Moreover, he had been in retreat for nearly a month, and he also wanted to try something. Since some people couldn't bear to take the initiative to jump out, he happened to use those people as an experiment.

"Young Master, are you not worried at all?"

Seeing Li Ye's calm look, Tie Zhen really looked curious. On the contrary, Temujin patted his sister's shoulder in a naive way, and said with a smile, "True, what kind of big battle young master has never seen before, just those sects, they are not regarded by the young master at all. in."

Even during this period of time, A Fei, who almost caused many disciples up and down of the Shen Danzong to make trouble, didn't know when he appeared. He didn't talk much. The whole body was full of sword intent, and his eyes were even more intense. Revealing a strong fighting spirit.

"In a word, wait for the kings of those sects, leave me a few to practice hands!"

Look, you directly regard the king of the five-tier sect as a hand-practiceer. If this is passed out, a group of people will take a breath.

"Yes, yes, and I, I want to kill the Quartet!"

Li Ye had nothing to say about these two fighting madmen. He looked at Xiao Lintian, who was not nervous at all, and smiled, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Although he said so, Li Ye could still see that the little guy was actually a little scared in his heart, but it was commendable to be so calm at a young age.

"Go, go and see the guests from afar, it would be rude to have them wait too long."

As soon as I left the Dongfu, I saw a figure in the distance coming across the air. It was the rising status of Youyun in the Shendanzong now.

Seeing Li Ye, Eryun hurried forward, "Li Ye, Master has orders..."

However, when he saw Li Ye’s expression, he was halfway through his speech, and he smiled bitterly, "Forget it, I know you can’t persuade you if you look at it like this. It’s just that the situation outside is not optimistic. Master’s intention is to let you temporarily Don't come forward."

Obviously, Mei Huang was afraid that Li Ye was young and energetic, so he rushed out. Even if Shen Danzong occupied the right time, place and people, facing those big sects would be quite tricky.

"Do you think it's you if you change, you will obediently stay in the cave without asking about world affairs?"

In a word, I made Yeoyun laughed bitterly one after another, and then he nodded, "Yes, I won't change it! In that case, I will accompany you to go with you. My Shen Danzong has been based on thousands of years, and what kind of wind and heavy rain have been experienced. However, some people want to squeeze my Shen Danzong so simply, it is nothing more than wishful thinking."

At this time, the ordinary disciples of the Shen Danzong were unmoved, and their innate superiority made them not think that those people would treat the Shen Danzong.

On the contrary, some of the older generation of strong men are solemn expressions.

When Li Ye appeared outside the Shen Danzong, two figures were already fighting in the void.

The terrible storm and the will of the law almost broke all the sky.

"What a terrible method, this is the king and the strong!"

"That is not a simple king, at least it is also the peak of the king, under the Emperor Wu, almost all exist invincible, and any one in the Xinghai Region is a well-known big person!"

Countless pairs of eyes stared, after all, this level of battle is usually difficult to see.

The king, any one is extremely powerful, let alone the peak king.


The two figures almost didn't have any reservations, the rules and wills collided crazily, and even the power of the rhyme was unreserved. It was a life and death situation.

After all, one of them was inferior, and one was accidentally shocked and flew out, directly spouting blood.

The other person was equally unhappy. The cultivation bases of the two sides were equal, and there was not much difference between the cultivation techniques. It was a fluke to be able to win, and it was also slightly injured.

"Elder Sun!"

The lightly injured person was Elder Sun of Shen Danzong, while the other person was a gloomy old man.

"The Seventh Ghost of Laodang Mountain has long heard that this person has practiced evil methods, and it seems to be the case now, but facing the Elder Sun of Shen Danzong, he is still weak."

Everyone was slightly amazed when they saw the difference between the two of them.

The fight between the two pinnacle kings can almost be regarded as a collision representing the highest level of Xinghai. Unless the Emperor Wu takes action, it will be difficult to find a master who is stronger than them.

"Accepted, Ghost Seven!"

Although he won by one and a half strokes, Elder Sun clearly knew that he was right, and he gave his hand and smiled, showing the demeanor of the famous school at a glance.

Seeing Elder Sun's tolerance, many people nodded secretly.

"Although this Shen Danzong has gradually weakened over the years, the so-called skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Unless all the martial emperors have fallen, there is really no one in this star sea area except the Yun family who is qualified to stand up and replace it. ."

"No, this elder Sun is only in the middle of the ranking among the elders of Shen Danzong. He is usually low-key, but he did not expect his strength to be so strong."

For the Shen Danzong who stood up for an elder who had such strength, it was obviously beyond the expectations of the four major families and other sects.

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