Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2243: Powerful person

Obviously, Tianyang Sect, Dugu Family and other sects are all headed by the four major families.

Coming together, more is to put pressure on Shen Danzong!

After all, the four major families could not make Shen Danzong bow his head. Even in the peak period of the four major families, Shen Danzong is comity three points but can not reach the point of concession.

But now it is completely different!

"Shen Danzong, it seems that we have to make a choice!"

"Today is different from previous years. Shen Danzong is not the same as before. Dan Shang Qing emperor left, the four big families have spotted this opportunity and directly come to pressure!"

"No, if the eight emperors of Shen Danzong were in the same place thousands of years ago, no one would dissatisfied in the entire Star Sea area. Even the Yun family would have been a little bit inferior."

Any sect has a transition from prosperity to decline. The same is true of Shen Danzong.

There were eight martial emperors in the former Shendanzong in the strongest period! The entire Xinghai region is almost the only one!

"A single four big family, although you can't let Shen Danzong bow down, but like today, Yangzong, Dugu Family, Tianyingmen, and Lao Dangshan have all come, maybe who else is pushing behind them, even if it is Shen Danzong's pill. The Qing emperor did not leave, and in the face of such pressure, perhaps we have to consider one or two."

Countless eyes watching the development of the gaffes secretly thought and guessed the attitude of Shen Danzong.

"Should not be handed over, after all, Shen Danzong has left a Danshang Qing emperor, but there are four emperors with it! In addition, it is said that the life and death of the Shen Danzong's suzerain has been unknown. Some people are rumored to be in retreat, attacking the supreme state. , Other sects dare not do anything unless they learn about his life and death."

"It's hard to say that the four major families are here prepared this time, and it is necessary to discuss the number of Emperor Wu. Once these sects are released, Shen Danzong will not be easy to resist."

"But as the rumors say, the enchanting Li Ye of the Shen Danzong really has the terrible power of cutting the emperor first, which is equivalent to saying that there are five martial emperors on the Shen Danzong side! Such a monster, the Shen Danzong does not Maybe hand it over easily, right?"

There is manpower to support Shen Danzong, and more, it is a shock.

Before becoming an emperor, behead the emperor first, is it the same man who was a thousand years ago?

"It's because the rumors say that the four major families and the major sects can't sit still! What happened thousands of years ago, have you forgotten? If it were to be repeated again, who can guarantee who will survive this time? It is better to sit and wait. Take the initiative! And this time the Four Great Families have fallen to an ancestor of Emperor Wu, it is even more impossible to give up! I see, Shen Danzong wants to protect that enchanting evildoer, unless their mysterious suzerain is really still alive and takes action to suppress! "

Regarding the Sect Master of Shen Danzong, countless people were shocked.

No one knows how many years the Sect Master of God Pill Sect lived, or even what realm it was.

Including some martial emperors, many never knew who the master of the Shen Danzong was!

There are rumors that the Sect Master of Shendan Sect has already approached the realm of the Great Emperor!

It is also rumored that the Sect Master of the Shendan Sect is a strong man from the upper three realms!

But no matter what the rumors are, no one has ever seen the Sect Master of the Shen Dan Sect. Only one knows that the Xinghai Secret Realm was discovered by the Sect Master of the Shen Dan Sect!

Hand over Li Ye!

Elder Yuyun's expression remained unchanged, because he had expected this result before coming from the four major families.

And the elders of Shen Danzong behind him looked different.

Most of them are showing anger! There are also very few people, their expressions changed and thoughtful.

"Beiyuankui, this is absolutely impossible!"

Refusal! Elder Yuyun's toughness is reasonable. After all, the dignified four-rank sect, could it be that because of the pressure of several fifth-rank sects, he would hand over his disciples? Isn't that a joke?

In fact, even the Four Great Families and the Tianyang Sect have never thought that the Shendan Sect will hand over people readily. They are here today, but they just need an excuse! A reason to come!

Beiyuankui's expression became cold, the smile on his face disappeared, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Brother Yuyun, our sects respect Shen Danzong, but for some things, Shen Danzong must also give an answer!"

Here comes the topic!

The expressions of the people on Shen Danzong's side were right, and countless pairs of eyes watching the development of the situation were shocked.

"Shendanzong disciples, slaughtered my four major family disciples, killed the Tianyangzong, the Dugu family disciples, the sky is angry and the people are angry, my few big sects came today, nothing more than seeking a justice, handing over the murderer, we will immediately fight back to the house! If it is a **** Danzong is unwilling, although we can't compete with Shen Danzong, but for the sake of fairness, even if blood is splashed on the spot today, what's the fear!"


Lang Lang Qian Kun, Hao Ran righteous! At this moment, Shen Danzong was so angry! However, many things cannot be explained clearly by simply explaining a few sentences.

And everyone knows that these are just excuses.

Just kill their disciple, come to ask for justice? Everyone sneered!

"It seems that all major sects consider that Li Ye of Shen Danzong is a threat!"

"Nonsense, such a wicked junior, give him a few years, maybe he will become the second demon king! Now even the Northern Emperor is rumored to have fallen into the hands of this son. How many years can he give him? To be strong, we can work together to get rid of it to avoid future troubles!

The people who are watching understand this truth, the four major families and the Tianyang Sect and other sects also know it, and the Shendan Sect is even more aware of it!

Everyone is looking at Elder Yuyun.

Including the elders of Shen Danzong, they are all headed by him.

Finally, there was a slight smile on his old face, but seeing this smile, Bei Yuanqian and the others, their expressions sank.

"Li Ye is a disciple of my Shen Danzong, there is absolutely no possibility of handing over!"

Sure enough, he refused.

Beiyuankui's face became cold, and he shouted, "In this case, Shen Danzong wants to shield the murderer!"

He looked towards the other big sects, Lang Lang said, "Everyone, please help me today. Since the Shen Danzong shelters and shelters the little beast, he may become the devil that will harm the Star Sea in the future. He will become the next demon who kills without blinking. If he does not get rid of today, he will surely become a future trouble!"

Everyone has a cold face!

Li Ye has seriously threatened their respective interests! It even reminds them of the horrible existence thousands of years ago. It is precisely because of this that this massive alliance was promoted.

"Hahaha, why did the Beiyuan brother say this? Although the Shen Danzong is powerful, it doesn't necessarily mean that he can really protect the little beast!"

"The extreme point is that I have heard that the pill of Shen Danzong is unparalleled for a long time, and the martial art is also inherited from the ancient times. I have seen it today!"

The people who followed far away were shocked!

In the Xinghai area, how many years hasn't such a terrible collision happened?

On the side of Shen Danzong, everyone's complexion also changed! The scene that I didn't want to see still happened.

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