Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2241: History, sometimes surprisingly similar

The Yunteng Continent is vast and boundless, and the Jiangnan Road where Li Ye was born was tens of thousands of miles away, with a population of hundreds of millions. ∏∈top∏∈point ∏∈small∏∈say, x.

As one of the next nine realms, Xinghai Region is even more so no one knows how big it is.

However, the fall of a martial emperor was like a hurricane, and within a short period of time, the news spread throughout the entire Star Sea.

Emperor Wu, fall!

Nothing is more shocking than this kind of news!

"Northern Emperor, fallen!"

Countless people were shocked when they heard the news, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

"That's Emperor Wu, who actually fell?"

There are also people who do not believe and question! After all, what is Emperor Wu? It has been thousands of years, high above the common people like a god, dominating the existence of all living beings!

What can make Emperor Wu fall?

Countless sects, sects, aristocratic families, and gangs are all asking.

A martial emperor is absolutely impossible to fall so easily! Even if the Emperor Wu took the shot, it was impossible to kill the opponent so easily!

"Could it be that the Northern Emperor discovered a certain ancient cave mansion and encountered ancient prohibitions when he went deep into it?"

"Nonsense, for thousands of years in the Star Sea region, if there is a cave from the ancients that has been searched for many times, I don't know how many times it has been discovered."

"Maybe the enemies of the four big families, you know, the four big families have been tyrannical for thousands of years, and they have forged many enemies!"

"The enemy? Even if it is the enemy, it is Emperor Wu. The Northern Emperor became famous thousands of years ago! Who can kill a Emperor Wu?"

Countless people guessed, inquired, and inquired, after all, the fall of a Martial Emperor was no small matter.

How many martial emperors are in the entire Xinghai area? The sum of the Wuhuangs revealed by the various sects is so small. Suddenly one fell, it was definitely a huge storm.

Similarly, the fall of a martial emperor also means a refresh and adjustment of the power structure of the entire star sea area.

The four big families, just as many people say in private, there are not many enemies!

However, in the past, the four great families were extremely powerful. The four great ancestors, Emperor Wu, were with them, and no sect dared to be an enemy with them. Even the fourth grade sect had to give the four great families some face.

But today is different from previous years, the Northern Emperor has fallen!

"I heard that this time the four major families provoke a super evil spirit, and the Northern Emperor died at the hands of that evil spirit!"

The news that didn't know where it came from spread instantly.

The Northern Emperor died in the hands of a rising star, junior!

Forget it, countless people just treated it as a joke at the beginning.

A rising star? Junior?

In the impression of countless people, even if a junior is against the sky, he is still an ant in front of Emperor Wu! Didn't you see that even the eldest young master of Xinghai's first Shaoyun family had never considered challenging the majesty of Emperor Wu?

However, it didn't take long for more rumors to flow out, and they were even pretentious, as if they had actually happened.

After all, the sects with more than 90% of the Star Sea Region could not compare with those few behemoths, and their news was relatively behind.

"An extraordinary genius appeared in Shen Danzong!"

"Do you know the Xinghai Secret Realm? The major sects are gearing up, but the ultimate winner is the evildoer who turned out to be born in the Shen Danzong! The other top geniuses in the Xinghai region have suffered a big loss in the hands of that person!"

"I heard that several super geniuses died in the hands of that enchanting evildoer, including Qingtian from the Beiyuan family!"

For a while, I didn't know who came from it. The rumors of a super enchanting only in the ages that appeared in the Shen Danzong spread wildly.

Even if no one believes it at first, but there are more people who say it, even a lie will become a reality.

What's more, even some large sects that have participated in the Xinghai Secret Realm have chosen a silent attitude at this time.

what does this mean?

This is not just a rumor!

No one is a fool. The acquiescence of those big sects means that even if the rumors are exaggerated, there is no doubt that the rumor that the Shen Danzong gave birth to a super genius is true!

However, many people still do not believe that even if the Shen Danzong gave birth to a terrific junior, it is impossible to kill the terrifying character of the Northern Emperor!

That's an old monster that has lived for thousands of years!

Not to mention the fact that the following sects do not believe, but the powerful fifth-grade sects also do not believe it!

Inside the Shendanzong, the same unbelief!

The White Emperor didn't believe it, and was stunned.

Mei Huang's pretty face was smiling, and she smiled.

Jian Huang! Ye Wuming, after hearing it, froze for a long time, thinking.

The entire Shen Danzong is crazy! However, only Li Ye himself, as the person involved, is in retreat with all his strength! Challenge to the upcoming Nine-Pole Palace!

But he didn't know it, but it didn't mean that it was over.

Regarding the death of the Northern Emperor, various versions follow one after another!

But no matter what version it is, there is one thing in common in the end!

Spearhead, directed at Shen Danzong! Directly at Li Ye!

Storm is coming!

The entire Xinghai region seems to be brewing some terrible storm!

The death of a martial emperor was indeed the most shocking event in a thousand years. For many years, even if the strong men below died batch after batch, the Emperor Wu was always aloof like a **** in the sky.

Now, the gods have fallen off the altar, and even been killed directly by people!

"This is the tranquility before the storm."

Some strong people of the older generation sighed slightly.

The younger generation may not understand, but the existence of some older generations is subconscious, thinking of a distant memory that they don't want to mention or even think of.

Thousands of years ago! The same young man who turned out to be born, rises, slaughters, and tramples at a speed that no one can react to, and finally becomes a legend that no one can chase!

"Will it be possible that after a thousand years, the same existence as the original person will appear again?"

"A thousand years, it really is a thousand years! Only this time, it's not the same year!"

Many older generations, even those who are about to reach their deadlines, have experienced or heard of the history of the year passed by word of mouth to their elders.

"It's the four big families again, I don't know if it is destiny! It was them a thousand years ago, and it will be them after a thousand years!"

"No, maybe that's what the four big families have suffered over thousands of years, and now they need to pay it back!"

"Not to mention the four major families, now the Shen Danzong should be the whole key!"

Countless people are paying attention to this matter throughout the Xinghai region.

Four great families, one Wuhuang ancestor has fallen! Died in the hands of an evil genius from the Shen Danzong!

Before becoming an emperor, behead the emperor first! Could it be that the legend of a thousand years ago will be staged again now? The same four big families, sometimes in history, are almost astonishingly similar!

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