Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2239: Wu Chi's Madness

Li Ye now has his own cave in Shen Danzong.

"Young Master! You are finally back!"

The return of Li Ye made Temuzhen and the others relieved. Although they didn't want to believe that Li Ye would encounter an accident, but this time the Shen Danzong happened one after another, and they were not easy to get involved.

Now that Li Ye is back, he is naturally overjoyed.

"Let me just say, Young Master must be auspicious, elder brother, you are too unreasonable."

Tie Zhen really laughed, but made Tie Mu Zhen on one side scratch his head and smirk, only in front of Li Ye and his sister, that ancient blood evildoer who had turned countless geniuses was like a big boy next door.

During this period of time, Xiao Lin Tian's cultivation has improved rapidly.

Before leaving the deserted sea, it was the early stage of the innate realm, but now it has reached the late stage of innate realm.

If it hadn't been for Li Yeyan for instructing him not to excessively consume his own potential for the pure pursuit of the cultivation realm, with his talent, he would have cultivated to the Earth Profound Realm long ago!


"Well, it's not bad, but what I told you before must be followed. Remember, haste is not enough. Don't lose the chance to soar in the future for the sake of small gains."

As a rare exquisite body in the ages, Xiao Lin Tian's talent is definitely not under the blood of ancient times.

In other words, the Linglong body itself is a kind of ancient blood, but it is too scarce and not many people know it.

Moreover, Linglong's greatest potential is not martial arts, but elixir!

Only Li Ye knew about this, so he was strictly ordered not to destroy his talents just because of the pursuit of martial arts.

"Looking for an opportunity, I want to help him find a different kind of fire."

Linglong body is born to become an alchemist. And the most suitable exquisite body is the different fire of heaven and earth, it just so happens that it does exist in this world!

In other words, that kind of different world fire itself is prepared for people with exquisite bodies.

Colorful Linglong Yan, purely in terms of power, can only be ranked at the end among all the different fires, and is not even as powerful as some beast fires.

But the biggest fear of Seven Color Linglong Yan is not in itself, but in that once the Seven Color Linglong Yan is obtained by people with Linglong body, the combination of the two will produce qualitative changes!

The details are not even clear to Li Ye.

After all, Linglong body, I haven't seen it in years.

Even if there is no one to help stimulate the awakening, the world will only treat it as a waste that cannot be cultivated!

It's a pity that it is more difficult to find the colorful Linglong Yan than it is to encounter a Linglong body. This matter is not anxious.

Following the people around Li Ye, A Fei is considered an independent person, and even a martial idiot.

Since coming to Shen Danzong, he has hardly stopped.

Even Li Ye heard some rumors. Recently, many disciples of Shen Danzong have been challenged by A Fei! There are both winners and losers, but there is no doubt that facing a martial idiot, and also a sword repairman, many disciples of the Shen Danzong complained.

Superiority? Perhaps there were indeed disciples of the Shen Danzong at first, but gradually, when some ordinary Shen Danzong disciples heard A Fei's name, they all talked about it and avoided it.

Even some inner disciples and even core disciples took a detour.

"Damn, that lunatic is here again! Go away!"

Several core disciples of Shen Danzong, seeing A Fei's figure from a distance, their expressions changed and hurriedly detoured.

As the core disciple, the cultivation level in the Shen Danzong is at least Tianzun Dacheng or even the pinnacle, but the person they are afraid of does have their reasons for fear.


A sword light directly stopped the two of them!

"Fly! What do you mean?"

"Let's learn from you!"

"Study? If you don't have time, you can find someone else."

It's a pity that the two of them couldn't leave at all. Even if they didn't dare to take action, their faces were still angry, and one of them was even more angry, "A Fei, don't think you are Li Ye's entourage, we dare not do anything to you. , You are not a disciple of my Shen Danzong."

"If you have anything, wait until the discussion is over!"


In a short period of time, two core disciples who kept crying were lying on the ground. From a distance, many disciples of the Shen Danzong looked angry. Only recently, A Fei's notoriety spread in Shen Danzong.

"Which ALFY again!"

"No, even the core disciples seniors are not opponents, do you really want the true disciples' seniors to take action?"

"Impossible! What kind of status is the true disciple, he is just Li Ye's entourage, and he is not qualified to let the seniors teach."

The two core disciples lying on the ground made ugliness in public, and naturally resented in their hearts. One of them said bitterly, "A Fei, don't be arrogant, you have the ability to challenge the true disciples!"

"You don't need to say, I will go. The core disciple of Shen Danzong, it is so disappointing!"


The two people themselves were not seriously injured, and A Fei knew how to take action, but these words were too hurtful.

The core disciples of the fourth-rank sect have a higher status than those true followers of the fifth-rank sect! But in the mouth of others, but in this way, the dead are all alive.

"Where did you meet such a weird person?"

From afar, two people saw everything in their eyes.

One of them was Li Ye who had returned to the Shen Danzong, and the other was the Yiyun who had recovered.

"Occasionally, but this kid has a special personality, but he is not bad."

"I know that even though many disciples hated and feared him during this period, he knew how to take action and didn't hurt anyone."

This kind of exchanges between disciples, no one will care if there is no life. The elders of Shen Danzong will not, and it is also due to Li Ye's face. As for the true disciples, for one thing, they disdain to shoot, and for the second, many people are actually playing drums in their hearts.

Unless it is a genius of this level, there is no guarantee that A Fei can be defeated.

Such a laissez-faire attitude made A Fei like a fish in water, but it caused many disciples of Shen Danzong to jump around.

Many people even went to the elder's side, but the elder's attitude left them stunned.

"Normal discussion, this is a good thing! Go back and reflect on it. As a disciple of the Fourth Stage Sect, you have countless cultivation resources. If you can't beat even one entourage, it's better to go home and hug your child as soon as possible!"

One of the elders with the hottest temper blasted a few disciples who were making trouble in public, and all of a sudden, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Just as the elder said, he couldn't beat even one of his entourages, so what kind of face stayed in Shen Danzong? Not to mention the noise.

And the final development, when it was reported that even a few true disciples were defeated by A Fei, the upper echelons of Shen Danzong were also moved! Of course, that's all for later.

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