Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2227: Li Family Change

This sound shocked everyone in the Li family!

At the same time, the people who were dancing and dancing like an evil just now all vomited a mouthful of blood one after another, and they recovered with a pale face.

The Chaifang door was pushed open, and Li San hesitated and went straight in.

As for the rest of the Li family, they didn't dare!

Just now, the more than a dozen people looked like an evil spirit, their memory is still fresh!


"Certainly watching the changes! Other people are still there, even if there are any tricks in my Li family, is it still scared? When will the master come back?"

"Madam Hui, according to the original arrangement, the master can return to the city tonight."

When I heard it, Grandma Li's heart must be!

While in the firewood room, Li Ye's face was a little pale at this time. Using his current body to refine the pill, it was somewhat reluctant, and it was not an ordinary pill.

"Senior, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Shaking his hand, there were two pills in Li Ye's hands.

One red and one black, if there are alchemists here, they will definitely exclaim! Because these two pills are clearly Saint-level pills, and they are not ordinary Little Saint-level, but Great Saint-level!

The black one is exactly the bone refining pill, and it is also the pill to improve a person's roots and talents. As for the red one, it is a small red blood pill, which is just a small red red pill that has been slightly modified by Li Ye. It strengthens the foundation and cultivates the vitality. The effect of the medicine will not burst at once, but will gradually nourish a person's body.

"Eat these two."

Li San had never seen a pill, but he also knew that Li Ye was so tired, obviously because of these two inconspicuous things exuding fragrance, nodded and swallowed directly.

"Close your eyes and settle down, relax, don't have any thoughts."

The voice seemed to have magical power. At this moment, Li Ye used some mental power to make it easy for Li San to enter the empty three-world realm. Although it cannot be compared with the unity of heaven and man, it is considered a rare kind of cultivation. Into the fixed state.

After hesitating, Li Ye directly printed a palm on Li San's back.

Although he has not recovered much true energy now, it is still possible to resolve the impact caused by the two pills.

Bone refining pills, by no means ordinary people can withstand that kind of pain, that opportunity is just like a process of being torn apart and forging again. And Xiao Huan Dan is to ensure that Li San will not explode and die because of this process, and it is also the most beneficial guarantee for him to step into the innate realm.

The whole process lasted about half an hour.

Inside the firewood room, there was a stinky smell, which was caused by the removal of impurities in Li San's body, and a black layer of foul mucus on the ground.

Finally, Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

Li San in front of him, the whole person did not seem to have changed much, but the whole person's temperament was turned upside down!

There was a little more dust and mist on his body, and a little less smoke.


Li San is not a fool, he knows that feeling better than Li Ye!


Naturally, it's just the first stage of innateness, but for secular people, this is also equivalent to reaching the sky in one step!

Life expectancy has increased to two hundred years!

"Remember, you are completely different from before. This is a practice book. You will practice according to it in the future. Now you are definitely not worse than any genius you have seen before, even far beyond them! Innate, but just the beginning!"

These words are not comforting.

Two great saint-level pills are used on an ordinary person, that is, Li Ye will be such a prodigal! Even some Six-Rank sects can't get it!

Only the fifth grade sect can have this kind of method. From the birth of some babies, they directly smash their blood and smash a genius.

The current Li San is actually equivalent to a super genius, but he would never have thought that meeting Li Ye directly changed the trajectory of his entire life! He even stepped onto the stage and world he had never imagined! Naturally, that's a story.

"Senior, am I really an Innate King now?"

Happiness comes suddenly, and even feels a little dreamlike.

Innate king order? Li Ye shook his head. If it weren't for his deliberate suppression, his two pills would be enough to instantly make a deceased person a powerful person in the Earth Profound Realm, and impact the Heavenly Realm within a year!

It is a pity that haste is not enough, he naturally will not let Li San consume his current potential prematurely. According to his judgment, if Li San practiced the martial arts skills he left him step by step, it would be possible for him to even cultivate to the state of respecting the king in his lifetime. As for becoming emperor? It depends on chance.

Leaving the wood room, it was late at night, but the Li family was brightly lit.

The group of people who were originally outside the wood house had long since disappeared, as if something major had happened.

The whole home seemed to be immersed in a certain depressive atmosphere.


Originally thought that he would be interrogated by Li Ye, but he did not expect that Li Ye, who did not exist, also found something wrong.

There was even the sound of fighting and weapons colliding.

"No, something happened!" Li San's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't even notice it. The movement was like a gust of wind and almost hit the wall.

Before he was surprised at the changes in his body, Li San almost quickly adapted to his current body.

Li Ye was not worried. His figure flashed. He was not idle during this time. While healing his injuries, he also swallowed healing pills one after another. In addition to his own terrifying resilience, he is now not as good as before. Weak.

The Li family compound was brightly lit at this time, and the two groups of people looked at each other in the air, and the atmosphere seemed a bit gunpowder.

One group of people is headed by the grandmother of the Li family and everyone in the Li family.

The other group of people were not good at coming. They didn't seem to be all the way, but they were obviously coming for the Li family.

On the court, two people were fighting fiercely at this time. One of them was the elder of the Li family, who was unable to move his wrist before being pinched by Li Ye with one hand. The other person was a young man who looked less than 20 years old, with a trace of evil on his face, and the folding fan in his hand pretended to be romantic. Every time he pointed at the joints of the old man in the Li family, the fool could see the difference in strength between the two sides. The other party is just playing around!

Finally, the old man of the Li family was getting older and not as strong as the other person. His movements were stagnant but the other party caught him in his heart. He groaned, spouted a mouthful of blood, and retreated again and again.


A group of people from the Li family screamed mournfully, and the grandmother of the Li family revealed a trace of shame and anger.

"Hahaha! Accepted!"

The young man gave his hand, but he didn't have any humility. With the mockery and pride on his face, everyone in the Li family who looked at him glared at each other.

He looked at the group of people in the Li family, and couldn't help shaking his head. "It seems that there is no one in the Li family. No wonder the Zong family can’t go back. I think it’s better to merge into my Wang family as soon as possible. ."

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