Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2226: Dancing

Li San's age has long surpassed the stage of laying the foundation for the best practice.

In the secular world, it is almost impossible for people of this age to start practicing again. Even some sects in the secular world are absolutely helpless.

What's more, Li San is not the kind of genius who has the foundation for cultivation, and can even be said to be an ordinary mortal.

Want an ordinary person who has passed the golden age of the basic martial arts to become a martial artist of the innate realm within a day? This is undoubtedly a fantasy.

People in the Li family are naturally waiting to see the joke.

The second lady was also locked up. Everyone was waiting for what kind of answer Li Ye would bring to them after a day.

If it weren't for the terrifying ghostly speed that Li Ye showed when he finally left with Li San, the Li family might not be able to agree!

In the firewood room, Li Sanyi looked nervous and expected.

He knows his own situation and becomes the Innate King Rank? He never dreamed that one day he would encounter such a great opportunity!

Li Ye's appearance, it seems only a few years younger than him, can he really help him realize his dream?

"Li San, do you believe me?"

"Senior, Li San believes in you! No, I'm actually a little dubious, but for the sake of Xiao Feng'er, I am willing to try it."

For Li San's honesty, Li Ye just smiled casually.

To allow an ordinary person whose meridians are all blocked to directly enter the innate realm, he can only use a pill to get through the eight channels of the odd meridian in his body. Originally Li Ye was not injured, he only needed to help him get through with his true energy, but now, he can only rely on the pill.

"Keep the woodshed, no one can approach or even come in without my permission! Do you know?"

Li San looked stern and nodded, "Don't worry, senior, even if Li San is dead, he won't let anyone approach him."

In response to his answer, Li Ye didn't really let Li San take care of everything. He had simply arranged a few elementary defenses and psychedelic formations outside the firewood room.

In his current state, it is naturally impossible to deploy a too high-level formation, but combining several small formations to block the strong under the Heaven-Through Realm is absolutely no problem.

As for whether there is a Heaven-Through-Sky Realm powerhouse in Wuzhou City, he couldn't help but laughed bitterly. If he did appear, it would definitely not be a person from Jiangnan Road, but an enemy from the Xinghai Region.

Therefore, being an improper master does not make much difference to him.

Moreover, it only takes one day.

Nine Dragons Cangding would naturally not be used at this time, and it was not a sledgehammer.

An ordinary medicine cauldron appeared directly in the firewood room. Fortunately, Li Sanshou didn't see it outside, otherwise he would definitely cry out in exclamation, respecting God.

"Now this injury, even the thunder and fire can't be controlled."

The strong action used the thunder and the fire to make Li Ye feel the pressure. Fortunately, after he took control of the way of flames, his control of the flames had risen to an unimaginable level.

For half a day, there was no movement in the firewood room.

Li San walked around anxiously, but he also remembered Li Ye's instructions.

"Li San! Why are you here?"

Although Chaifang is remote, it was still discovered.

Today's Li San is embarrassed in the Li family's position. Many of the maidservants who saw him showed a strange look. As for the Li family, they even gritted their teeth when they saw him! After all, the second lady was so noble, but she was overwhelmed by the pig, Li San, who felt disgusting as if she had swallowed it.

Seeing Li Sanshou in the firewood room, all the people who came from the Li family's face sank.

Even the grandmother of the Li family came.

"Li San, is that... Mr. in there?"

Sir, the Li family couldn't judge Li Ye's identity at all, and coupled with the terrifying strength revealed before, they did not dare to act rashly.

"Madam, senior is inside, saying that no one can approach without his instructions."

Seeing Li Jiaxing's teacher move the crowd, Li San also became nervous. And because of his relationship with the second lady, he was inherently weaker.

In the firewood room?

All the members of the Li family were accidental. They thought that Li Ye and Li San left the Li family, but they didn’t expect that they were still here? Just why is the firewood room?

But at this moment, a servant whispered something to Grandma Li's ear.

"What? The person Li San rescued?"

Before Li San picked up a seriously injured and dying man, the Li family had heard of it, but they would naturally not take care of such trivial matters. And Li San didn't make anything out of the ordinary, but secretly hid a few dry food and brought it back. For the Li family, it was just opening his eyes and closing his eyes. But now when I heard, good fellow, that mysterious person was actually picked up by Li San?

"Madam, there is fraud in it!"

A middle-aged man in his thirties at the Li family lowered his voice. He was the distant cousin of the Li family's grandma. He was also a family member of the Li family. He was the director of the Li family, and he was the most sly and cunning. More importantly, the relationship between the Li family and the Wang family was driven by him.

"Yes, Madam, that kid's coming from is unknown, maybe our enemy is lurking here deliberately, even this Li San was arranged by someone with a heart!"

This hat was buckled. Originally, Li San had a very low status in the Li family, and no one would take him to heart. However, the matter with the second lady stabbed a hornet's nest. After all, there are many people in the Li family who want to think about the second lady, but they dare not expose it.

Upon hearing the comments of the people around, the grandmother Li's face suddenly changed. After hesitating for a moment, she said in a deep voice, "Go in and see!"

Seeing that everyone was going in, Li San immediately stopped at the door, "No, senior said, you can't go in!"

"Go away!"

A few people didn’t put Li San in their eyes at all, so they pushed him away. Li San’s opponent was thrown out, but when the few people approached the woodshed, they suddenly seemed to be caught in an evil spirit. Turning around in the same place, they even beat each other as if they saw their fathers and enemies killed.

"How is this going?"

Such a weird scene made the Li family dumbfounded!

Several other people who did not believe in evil were in the past, but they ended up just like the few people just now. The scene suddenly became weird, and gradually, the grandmother Li's face was also very ugly.

After trying several times, the Li family didn't dare to mess around. However, Li San was dumbfounded, and then remembered Li Ye's advice not to get close to that area, and immediately understood.

"Senior is really a good method!"

For two full hours, everyone was waiting, not daring to act rashly.

Finally, there seemed to be some noise in the firewood room, and then a slightly tired voice came.

"Li San, come in."

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