Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2216: Another evildoer like a devil!

ps. Today’s update is here. By the way, I will give a vote for the starting point 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. Voting will also give away starting point coins. I beg your support and appreciation!

No one would have thought that the gaffe would evolve to this point.

Everyone believed that Li Ye's arrogance was behind the white emperor and Mei emperor.

However, they found that they were all wrong!

The white emperor was led away by the northern emperor. Mei emperor and Dan Shangqing emperor fought inwardly. Now that the two backing amulets are not there, Li Ye has used his terrifying strength to prove to the world that he does not need anyone's care! It doesn't even need anyone's mercy!

What about Emperor Wu!

If you want to fight, he will fight!

Being forced to do this, Li Ye would naturally not be polite again!

"Ao Tian!"

With a roar, Ao Tian naturally understood what Li Ye meant!

With Li Ye's current cultivation base, the only thing worse than the emperor is the power of the world! He knew this long ago!

Inheritance space is also a world of its own! He had long suspected that there was a small world there, and the appearance of the power of the world just now confirmed this! It's just that unlike Emperor Wu completely controlling a small world, there is no connection between dominance and control between him and the inheritance space, so he can't use much of the inheritance space's world power.

That being the case, he must make up for it in other ways!

Ao Tian turned into a ray of light directly and merged with Li Ye!

In the next moment, a layer of Flood Dragon armor appeared directly on Li Ye's body, as if he had turned into a half-human body of a dragon!

Jiaolong Possession! This can only be done by someone with true dragon blood like Li Ye! After all, the two are of the same blood and easy to merge!

With the addition of Ao Tian's power, Li Ye almost narrowed the power gap with the ghost emperor, but he was still at a disadvantage.

But the only thing he hopes to see is that he is no longer the same as before, completely suppressed and immobile!

Now he, even if he is still at a disadvantage, at least has the power to fight back.

"Flood dragon! Unless it is a real monster dragon, can a mere flood dragon scare the emperor!"

Ghost Emperor also reacted, but his face was extremely ugly!

In the void, a huge palm is like the Five Finger Mountain of the Buddha. It will be pressed under the mountain by the monkey grandson, and you can't escape the Five Finger Mountain of the Buddha even if you have 72 changes.

However, at the moment, the ghost emperor despised the strength that erupted after Li Ye and Ao Tian merged.

The black palm was directly torn apart from the middle, and at the same time a sky-shaking sword intent seemed to want the sky to be completely split, and slashed towards the void where the ghost emperor was!


The ghost emperor snorted, his sword intent shattered instantly, while Li Ye snorted and spit out blood.

A drop of blood dripped from the palm of the ghost emperor.

The blood of Emperor Wu!

Ghost emperor, hurt!

Who would have thought that Li Ye not only rebelled in front of Emperor Wu, but also injured Emperor Wu?

It was just that just now, but the fusion state of Li Ye and Ao Tian deviated, and both of them snorted and separated.

"Is it still impossible to bridge the gap!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Li Ye was a little unwilling!

In fact, he has almost reached the point where everyone can't believe it. He is not yet an emperor! Can actually hurt a real Martial Emperor?

What is this concept?

"There must be something! There must be something that can let me defeat Emperor Wu!"

Since the devil could do it back then, so can he!

Ao Tian was already very weak, but was severely injured when he lent his strength to Li Ye, so he naturally immediately returned to Li Ye's inheritance space to cultivate.

"try again!"

The huge body of the three Hellhounds of Wangcai appeared in the void.

Unlike Ao Tian, ​​it has a soul contract with Li Ye, and it is naturally easier to merge.

Terrible devouring power, almost even the power of the ghost king's world can be swallowed! Compared to just now, the power of the fusion at this time is even more terrifying.


The void around the ghost emperor was completely shattered. It was the will of the heavens, even if it was just the fur in it, but the appearance of this force made the ghost emperor's color change.

Even the Ghost Emperor himself has never controlled this kind of power! He only relied on the emperor pill that swallowed the lower emperor to become the subordinate emperor!


The terrifying killing intent is far sharper than the shocking sword intent just now, as if to directly tear open the sea of ​​consciousness of the ghost emperor, and completely strangle his soul!

The second kind of will!

The Ghost Emperor was shocked, one of them made him ashamed, and the Emperor Wu could not control it! Now Li Ye has actually grasped the second will of Tao?


The will of the three kinds of Tao comes at the same time! Obviously Li Ye is also desperate. If he can't defeat the ghost king today, he will never have a chance to leave here alive!

With a sigh, the ghost king is finally injured!

Unlike just bleeding from just a skin trauma, this time, the ghost emperor vomited a small bit of blood, his face was slightly pale.

"Tao's Will! He actually mastered that kind of power! And there are still three!"

Konghuang Leihuang can't sit still! If before, Li Ye was second only to the evil monarch in their eyes, then now they finally feel the same feeling when facing the devil back then!

"Damn it! You can't keep this one! Otherwise it will be another demon!"

Konghuang and Leihuang looked at each other and suddenly made a decision that no one had expected!

The two martial emperors, regardless of their identities, shot at Li Ye at the same time!

Three Emperor Wu! Actually join hands to deal with a junior? This is just a laugh! No one will believe it!

But the truth just happened!

"Ghost Emperor, I help you!"

Konghuang hummed softly, and Thunder Emperor was the same. The two martial emperors' two completely different world powers directly shattered all Li Ye's previous efforts.


Li Ye Dangkong spit out a big mouthful of blood, and it almost made him desperate to deal with a ghost emperor. Now that the emperor Kong and the emperor thunder one after another, even the devil back then can't stop it!


Heavenly Phoenix Saint, Temujin and others almost have red eyes! It's a pity they can't get in at all! This is beyond their ability to intervene.

"Master! Feng'er please!"

Suddenly, seeing Li Yejie retreating, Heavenly Phoenix sage directly bit her tongue and spouted a mouthful of blood. At the same time, the blood in her body burned frantically. She broke away from Emperor Zhen's control, almost begging, all of a sudden. Kneeling in front of Emperor Zhen!

"Feng'er!" Emperor Zhen was moved. Li Ye didn't die, she didn't care, but Heavenly Phoenix Saint could not!

"If he dies, Feng'er will immediately cut off his heart!"

boom! Emperor Zhen was finally moved. She knew very well the character of her descendant. She knew that Heavenly Phoenix Saint could do it!

Self-breaking heart! Even she can't stop it! Unless the Heavenly Phoenix Saint is imprisoned for a lifetime, what's the point of that?

However, Emperor Zhen was helpless. Even if she took the initiative, she would stop one of the three ghost emperors, but it was absolutely impossible for Li Ye to survive under the two emperors!

【It’s coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelopes list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and add promotional works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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