Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2215: The first person in a thousand years

ps. Today’s update is here. By the way, I will give a vote to the starting point 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. Voting will also send starting point coins. I beg everyone to support and appreciate!

The ghost king shot for the third time! And this time, obviously a trace of the power of the world that only Emperor Wu can control has been used!

The reason why Emperor Wu is said to be close to the gods is that Emperor Wu controls this power!

No one knows the source of this power, even those who become Emperor Wu cannot find the source! But there is only one thing, the small world owned by Emperor Wu is the source of these powers!

Rather than saying that Emperor Wu created the small world, it is better to say that the small world made Emperor Wu!

"You are the first junior to kill this emperor after becoming Empress Wu!"

The ghost emperor's expression was cold, and there was a hint of murder in his eyes, and a terrifying will, like a terrible will, directly pressed on Li Ye.

The power of the world was enough to make Li Ye's body and soul, completely annihilated at that moment.

There was a harsh squeezing sound, and Li Ye was trembling all over, the kind of madness to fight the whole world with his own strength!

All over the body, the skin was cracked, blood was splashing, and the bones seemed to be ground into powder!


Since it's true, Ghost Emperor will naturally not give Li Ye any chance.

However, Li Ye was not a person who was waiting to die, so he uttered an angry roar!

"Even Emperor Wu is not qualified to kill me!"


A force gushes out from his body, although weak, it barely keeps him from being crushed by that force of the world.

Everyone can hardly believe that Li Ye can actually hold it under the premise that the ghost king is really moving?

"What kind of monster is this!"

Ye Lanxiang and the others couldn't help trembling all over. No matter what before, even if Li Ye surpassed them, at least it was still within the range they thought could be surpassed!

But now, Li Ye is facing the ghost emperor! Can't kill a Li Ye even if the dignified Wuhuang Supreme does it himself?

However, the most exciting expression is the ghost king himself.

Only he could clearly feel the power that emerged from Li Ye!


There was a horror in his eyes!

Because he clearly felt a breath of world power from Li Ye! Although faint, even though Li Ye himself did not even notice it, his familiarity with the power of the world can naturally be distinguished!

"How could he have that kind of power before he stepped into the emperor realm?"

The power of the world! A special power formed by one world! Different from the true vitality cultivated under Emperor Wu, the reason why Emperor Wu is superior to the world lies in this!

The power of the entire world is under the control of Emperor Wu! Unless it is a force of the same clan and the same origin, it can't fight at all.

However, now, a junior who has not stepped into the Emperor Wu, but has such a power that only the Emperor Wu can have, what does it mean?

Not only Ghost Emperor, Kong Emperor, Thunder Emperor and Zhen Huang all felt it! His complexion suddenly changed.

"Impossible! How did he do it?"

Lei Huang exclaimed! For many years, nothing has been enough to make him such a gaffe in his existence, but today because of a junior, one after another gaffe.

"Does history really want to repeat itself?"

Emperor Zhen let out a long sigh. Thousands of years ago, that man did the same! Obviously he did not step into the realm of Emperor Wu, but he had the power that only Emperor Wu could possess!

Before becoming an emperor, behead the emperor first! Is this kind of history really going to be staged again?

A deep fear arose in the hearts of several of them.

The ghost emperor is especially sensitive, and at the same time he is afraid, he is more murderous!

Back then, they saw the same existence as them with their own eyes, and several Martial Emperors fell one after another! Unless they are willing to be the next.

"Even if you have the power of the world, but based on this, you still have to die today!"

There were successive sounds of broken bones from Li Ye's body. Just as the ghost emperor said, the power of the world is only the essence of power, but the ghost emperor completely controls the power of a realm. It is definitely not as weak as Li Ye. contend.

A roar represents Li Ye's unyielding!

Even if it is Emperor Wu, does he have to admit his fate?

"Do not!"


A dragon chant! Perhaps in such a crisis, the will to sleep in the blood in his body was completely aroused!

Long Wei! At this moment, Li Ye's body directly produced a powerful dragon! Like the legendary real dragon was born, a real dragon phantom rises into the sky! Turned into a huge real dragon of hundreds of feet!

This scene almost made many people sit on the ground with a fright. In the void, the huge real dragon of hundreds of feet is completely dark, and its eyes are even like a mountain!

"True Dragon! How could he be!" The ghost emperor was shocked. After all, it was a legendary beast. Once it appeared, it almost dissolved most of his power. Even if it was just a phantom, the dragon power in it would definitely not be able to do it. false!

"He has the blood of a real dragon in his body!"

I don't know who exclaimed, the next moment, everyone will understand!

Able to inspire the real dragon, and even produce such a pure dragon! It is impossible for ordinary people to do it!

Only one thing!

True dragon blood!


Everyone has been curious about what Li Ye came from, the freak who swept all the top geniuses and evildoers in the Star Sea Region! What kind of talent is it to be so perverted?

At this moment, they finally understand!

True dragon blood! That is the bloodline of the **** beast that is no worse than the bloodline of the ancients!

Then everyone's exclamation was not over yet, in the void, there appeared a huge demon **** who was holding a **** sickle and shrouded in black robe!

As soon as the demon **** appeared, he waved his hand and cut it down directly. The next moment everyone saw the ghost emperor snorting, his figure swayed slightly, and he took the initiative to give in.

Let Emperor Wu give in?

This can no longer be described as horror, it can be regarded as horror at all!

But this is still not over!

With a roar, a huge flood dragon with a body of hundreds of feet directly appeared in the void. Although it looked a little insignificant compared to the huge real dragon of hundreds of feet, everyone took another breath when they saw the dragon appeared. .

Jiaolong! That is the quasi-divine beast closest to the real dragon!

"This is his trump card? His true strength?"

Yun Qiantian, Ye Lanxiang, Lei Ming and others couldn't help but feel the despair in their hearts completely enveloped!

They lost to Li Ye, but they had never been so desperate! Because of their pride, they will not give up so easily! But now, when they really saw the astonishing potential that Li Ye was forced to explode, they found desperately how big the gap was between them and Li Ye.

Before becoming an emperor, fight the emperor first! The first person in thousands of years!

【It’s coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelopes list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and add promotional works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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