Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2148: Homeland of the devil

For a time, everyone was muttering in their hearts. ¥℉Vertex Novel,

They are all geniuses, naturally arrogant.

But in front of so many Martial Emperors, they didn't dare to show their arrogance at all. There was no way. There were ants under the Martial Emperor. Before they became the Martial Emperor, they could only clamp their tails and behave.

Li Ye was also observing these martial emperors who were famous in the Star Sea Region, especially the Yun Family. As soon as he appeared, his gaze fell directly on him, and a terrifying coercion was directly directed at him.

However, the next moment, a gentle force directly blocked the coercion that Emperor Yun Huankong deliberately used, and at the same time a voice rang in Li Ye's ear, "Yun Huankong, haven't seen it in many years, why, to a junior, Are you also interested in trying out?"

The Emperor Mei, who was able to stop the coercion of a Martial Emperor calmly, could only be done by the Emperor Mei who was also a Martial Emperor.

Emperor Yun Huankong didn’t have any embarrassment or irritation on his face. On the contrary, he smiled slightly, “It turned out to be Emperor Mei. This emperor heard that you made an exception to accept a man as a direct disciple, and he was very curious in his heart. One."

In an instant, the sights of the other Wuhuang emperors all fell on Li Ye!

A Martial Emperor is enough to make people unable to see through, so many Martial Emperor staring at all of a sudden, even Mei Huang felt a burst of pressure.

What only surprised everyone was that Li Ye was not humble or arrogant, not even a drop of sweat on his forehead, as if seeing those Wu Huang's eyes as nothing.

Among the martial emperors, Zhen Huang, who is as beautiful as Meihuang, just glanced at Li Ye, and did not pay too much attention.

But the other Wu Huangs are different!

One of them was shrouded in a layer of black mist, completely unable to see his appearance, bursting with jealous smiles, as if he had a pair of eyes, wanting to see Li Ye through.

Ghost Emperor! In the entire Star Sea Region, no one knows the origin of the ghost emperor's identity, whether it is male or female, old or young, but the only thing he knows is that the strength of the ghost emperor is absolutely ranked among the many martial emperors.

Even the Emperor Mei and others, seeing the ghost emperor, showed a hint of solemnity.

Taking a closer look, Li Ye understood the identities of these Wu Huangs.

Except for the ghost emperor and Zhen emperor, the other two martial emperors are the Thunder emperor of Tingtianmen and the ancestor of the Beiyuan family, the ancestor of the four great families.

The eight martial emperors almost represented the highest strength of the entire Xinghai region today.

Among the crowd, many people's eyes are full of heat. There is no doubt that no matter how powerful they are known as geniuses, but before becoming the emperor, they are always just geniuses, but they are not really standing. The level of control over the world.

"Jie Jie Jie, wasn't there a little guy who said just now that he wanted to clear all the obtrusive things? This emperor thinks this proposal is good."

The ghost emperor made waves of cold laughter, which made many people shudder.

"Northern Emperor, what do you think?"

"The emperor has no objection, but just a group of ants, which will avoid accidents at that time."

Suddenly, the two Emperor Wu made the decision to kill all the people in Wuzhou City nearby, causing a sneer on Duguqun's face.

But Li Ye and Tianfeng Saintess, their expressions changed.

Before Li Ye spoke, the Heavenly Phoenix sage suddenly said, "Shooting an ordinary person who has no resistance, don't you think the methods are too cruel as the Emperor?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Although the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had a direct confrontation with Dan Shang Qing emperor before, they did not expect to confront the two long-established martial emperors now!

In an instant, the gazes of the Northern Emperor and the Ghost Emperor caused a pale face on the pretty face of the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess. Even the blood of the ancients, under the gaze of the two Martial Emperors, it was difficult to support.

But soon, the two Wuhuang emperors withdrew their gazes, because they felt that Zhenhuang's eyes were a little unkind.

"Jie Jie Jie, Emperor Zhen, is this the saint of your Tianxiang Pavilion generation? You are not brave!"

"The bloodline of the ancients, this emperor has long heard of it."

The ghost emperor and the northern emperor would naturally not be at this time, just like the Danshang Qing emperor, after all, they were also concerned about their own face. And the most important thing is that Emperor Zhen is on the side, naturally afraid of three points.


The Heavenly Phoenix sage looked at Emperor Zhen, and if she was the most respected in the entire Tianxiang Pavilion, then there is no doubt that there is only Emperor Zhen in front of her.

"The people here can't be killed."

Zhen Huang's voice was in front of a magnetism, and people with insufficient concentration even showed a slight obsession.

Unlike Mei Huang’s soft charm, Zhen Huang exudes a sense of holiness throughout his body, which makes people afraid to profanity. However, only the older generation knows how many young talents this Emperor Zhen once made crazy obsessed. In the end, they came back one by one.

"Interesting, some ants, why not kill them?"

The voice of Emperor Lei was like thunder, as aggressive as his cultivation technique.

"It's very simple, because this is the homeland of the devil!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice sounded, but everyone was quiet.

Li Ye!

Almost facing everyone's gaze, Li Ye's mouth raised slightly.

"Boy, what did you just say?"

Suddenly, on the void, Bei Huang's face suddenly became extremely cold!

"This is the homeland of Demon Lord!"

Li Ye was not afraid, and directly met the Northern Emperor.


The terrible storm almost made everyone feel like they were going to be cut by a thousand swords, which shows how terrifying the anger of a martial emperor is!

No one has really seen how terrifying Wu Huang's shot was, even if it was Dan Shang Qing's shot, it was just a casual palm, but it was enough to change the look of many evildoers.

At this time, a raging flame broke out in the Bei Huang's eyes, and a strong killing intent almost changed the color of the other Martial Emperors around him.

Only Li Ye, who didn't realize it, had calm eyes.

"The devil!"

The rest are shocked!

This name was the nightmare of almost all sects. And they instantly understood why the Northern Emperor would suddenly be so angry! Because back then, two martial emperors of the four major families fell into the hands of that demon king.

"This is actually his homeland? Boy, don't talk nonsense!"

The Leihuang voice was sonorous and powerful, as if exploding in his ears, his repair was weaker, and even a slight blood flowed from both ears.

"The younger generation naturally dare not speak wildly."

Li Ye naturally didn't want to see Wu Zhoucheng being razed so easily by the group of big brothers who didn't take the lives of ordinary people seriously. However, it is obviously impossible for him alone to prevent the decision of several Wuhuang emperors. But for what reason to ask Meihuang for help? Is it just his hometown? Even if Mei Huang was willing, facing several Wu Huangs, he might not be able to stop him.

However, one person can!

That's the devil!

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