Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2147: The emperors come

Everyone did not enter the city below, after all, at their level, it was impossible to contact the mortals below in their eyes.

At a back mountain not far from Wuzhou City, everyone found the elders of Shen Danzong, and their expressions were a bit solemn at this time.

"It's almost here."

"I didn't expect that this time, he would actually appear in this place, is it God's will?"

"No matter what, get ready."

Several Shen Danzong elders seem to have a question in their hearts, but more often they set up formations on the entire mountain to prevent monsters or humans from approaching.

"I said why it was so troublesome. I just slaughtered the city over there and emptied all the living creatures within a hundred miles, wouldn't it be solved?"

Seeing several elders of Shen Danzong arranging formations aside, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the devil, and a cold and low voice sounded in everyone's ears.

As soon as these words were made, many people nodded one after another.

"Indeed, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Those people are of no use at all. After killing them all, I can naturally rest and stay in that city."

Based on the cultivation base of the people, they were within the scope of their divine consciousness visits for hundreds of miles, and they couldn't find any existence that could threaten them. Naturally, they dismissed the practices of the elders of the Shen Danzong.

Even those who support this approach account for the majority.

"No way!"

However, as soon as they spoke, they heard a cold voice.

At first glance, everyone was surprised.

Duguqun frowned, "Li Ye, what do you mean?"

"We are here this time for the Xinghai Secret Realm, don't sprout branches!"

"Extraordinary branches. Isn't it just a group of mortals who kill them when they are killed? Could anyone still avenge them?"

The lonely group laughed, and many people also showed indifferent smiles. At least in their hearts, the tens of thousands of people in that city are not even counted as ants in their eyes.

The realm is too different. The highest cultivation level in the entire city is only the place of the innate realm. In their eyes, it is not even as important as the few pet monsters kept in the sect.

"Who said no one would avenge them?"

But soon, Li Ye's words stopped everyone's voice in shock.

"What do you mean by this?"

Duguqun's eyes narrowed slightly. Since he and Li Ye had torn openly, the two sides are bound to be in the same situation in the future, and even after life and death, Duguqun is not concealing the contradiction between his heart and Li Ye.

"What do you mean? I just advise certain people not to bring devastating disasters to themselves or even their family because of a whim!"

After speaking, Li Ye didn't say much. After all, Wuzhou City was the place where he was originally. Even if the time is short, he still has certain feelings.

Furthermore, the difference between him and these martial artists in Yunteng Continent is that no matter how high his cultivation level is, he never thinks that ordinary people who look like mortals in their eyes have life like grass.

Everyone felt suspicious about Li Ye's weird attitude.

Duguqun even looked at each other with a few people, frowning slightly, and some people even suddenly remembered the origins of Li Ye, as if they had never heard of it.

"Could it be!"

A ray of sharpness flashed in Duguqun's eyes, but at the next moment, he heard a sound.

"The old man advises you not to go to war. If you don't touch anything here, don't touch it."

This voice shocked everyone.

Elder Yuyun and others hurriedly bowed to salute, and it was the White Emperor who appeared directly. Not only him, Mei Huang, Dan Shang Qing Emperor also appeared together.

Three of the five emperors of the Shen Danzong came directly, and it was true that the Shen Danzong paid much attention to the Xinghai Secret Realm!

At the same time, there was a burst of laughter from the void, "The White Emperor, haven't seen you in many years, you are not dead yet!"

As soon as this voice came out, the eyes of the rest of the people flashed weird. The entire star sea area, who dared to curse the White Emperor so straightforwardly, was only one of the few standing at the top.

Sure enough, a middle-aged man appeared in the void, and the entire sky was torn open.

"Yun Huankong!"

Seeing the middle-aged man, the white emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was no anger on his face, as if he didn't care about the man's openness.

Yun Huankong!

Everyone's hearts twitched fiercely, it was obvious that it was another Martial Emperor! And he was also a martial emperor of the Yun family who had always been fighting against Shen Danzong.

"Second Uncle!"

Yun Qiantian hurriedly stepped forward. Since the Shen Danzong came to three martial emperors, his Yun family would naturally not be unresponsive. The appearance of Yun Huankong undoubtedly made Shen Danzong a little nervous.

Fortunately, the Yun Family did not have a second Martial Emperor, who was still in the expectation of Shen Danzong.

Then, in the void, powerful auras appeared one after another.

Emperor Wu, one after another.

These powerful existences that almost never saw the end of the dragon in the ordinary days, almost all appeared in front of everyone at the critical moment.

Here at Tianxiang Pavilion, came a beauty with outstanding temperament and imperial costume.

"Emperor Zhen is here too!"

"Unexpectedly, this time Tianxiang Pavilion, she would personally come forward!"

Seeing this lady in the palace costume, the expressions on everyone's faces changed slightly, including the White Emperor of Shen Danzong and Yun Huankong Wu Huang of the Yun family.

"Meet the pavilion master!"

At Tianxiang Pavilion, Elder Jinghua and the others hurriedly stepped forward, and as soon as they exited, they instantly knew the identity of the lady in palace costume.

Turns out to be the patron of Xiangge like today!

Naturally, several martial emperors from other sects were not far behind and showed up one after another.

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and a whole eight Wuhuang emperors arrived!

Shen Danzong naturally has the largest aura. The three martial emperors including the White Emperor obviously wanted to show that the Shen Danzong was the master this time, and did not want to be robbed of the limelight by other sects.

And the two martial emperors from the Yun family and Tianxiang Pavilion also have great backgrounds!

"It seems that this time, the Yun Family and Tianxiang Pavilion are determined to win!"

"Yes, Yun Huankong is the most terrifying person of the Yun family known as the most talented person before Yun Qiantian. He also entered the martial emperor realm before a hundred years old, and now it is heard that his strength is even close to that of the ancestor of the Yun family! In front of him, I dare not say anything to win!"

"The Lord of Tianxiang Pavilion, Emperor Zhen Huang, is here in person. This is extremely powerful. She is the saint of the previous generation. Back then, many sect geniuses and evildoers could not hold their heads up, and now they don't know how to cultivate."

"I heard that Emperor Yun Huankong and Emperor Zhen are geniuses of the same era, but it seems that Yun Huankong was once defeated by Emperor Zhen. Now they are both the emperor of Wuhuang. I don’t know who is strong. Who is weak?"

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