Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2131: It's an ancient bloodline again!

Who can win the two?

Everyone is very concerned about this.

One is the peerless evildoer of the Yun family known as the most talented for thousands of years. Canglong has reached the ninth level of cultivation with unprecedented cultivation, and is known as the number one young man in the Xinghai!

On the other side, unknown, no one knew the origin of this person at all, but he became a super dark horse all the way, defeating many super geniuses in Xinghai Region.

The fight between the two has undoubtedly become the greatest expectation in everyone's hearts.

The winner, undoubtedly, will be able to enter the core area of ​​the Xinghai Secret Realm that has been opened once in a thousand years, and compete for the chance to become a Martial Emperor.

The loser will have an awkward position, not to mention that he will definitely be eliminated, but at least the situation is not optimistic.

Especially, one of them is Yun Qiantian! Others can lose, but he cannot afford to lose!

With the halo of Xinghai No. 1 Young Master on his head, if he loses here to an unknown man, it will not only be a heavy blow to the Yun Family, but also to his own martial arts.

Therefore, he cannot afford to lose!

Neither of them took the lead, even Yun Qiantian was arrogant, but everyone who knew him knew that Yun Qiantian would never despise any opponent. The Lion and the Rabbit went all out to stand out in the Yun family, not just because of his blood and talent.

In the two of them, the aura was rising, and even soon the aura of the two of them rose to the point where everyone was slightly surprised.

"It's so terrifying, these two people are really the same realm as ours?"

Being able to stand here is at least a peerless genius who is one of the best, but looking at the two on the ring, many people are muttering in their hearts and even have a slight sense of decadence.

The gap between people is far more than imagined.

"This Yun Qiantian seems to have hidden his strength before!"

Looking at the confrontation between the two, Ye Lanxiang's expression changed again and again, but she was even more looking forward to it, her eyes narrowed slightly, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

The same is true for Shui Yuntian and others. As geniuses standing at the top of the Xinghai Pyramid, they rarely have experience of fighting against each other. Victory can push oneself to a higher altar, but defeat will be reduced to a laughing stock and fall directly from the altar.

Only with such a major event as it is now that affects their personal interests can a genius like them do their best regardless of the outcome!

The rest, only at this time, have the chance to see the collision between top talents.

An illusory real dragon gradually appeared in the void, like a real dragon descending into the world, and when it appeared, many people felt a terrifying coercion.

"Canglong Nine Transformations! As expected, Yun Qiantian actually cultivated to the ninth level, the real dragon appeared!"

Many people were slightly taken aback, and some of the powerful elders of the sect even took a breath.

They are naturally no strangers to the Yun Family's Blue Dragon. As a powerful ancient technique that allowed the Yun Family to enter the altar, many of them have been defeated by the Yun Family's strong Cang Long Jue over the years.

There was even a magical record of the same realm that the Yun family powerhouse with Canglong Jue had no defeat!

As if by a slight influence, when the real dragon phantom appeared in the void, Li Ye actually felt a slight fluctuation in the blood in his body, as if he was excited and angry!

"The Blue Dragon Jue of the Yun Family is really close to the real dragon clan?"

The blood in Li Ye's body is mixed, in addition to the blood of the blood family, there is the blood of the magic dragon. As a true dragon family, the bloodline of the magic dragon, second only to the five-clawed golden dragon, is naturally very noble. It can make him all resonate, which shows that the Yun Family Canglong is absolutely extraordinary.

The real dragon appeared, but on the arena, Yu Luoyan's expression was quite calm, as if there was an aura that was not weaker than the pressure of the real dragon and climbed up.


In an instant, everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened slightly!

"Impossible! How is that possible?!"

"This feeling! Ancient bloodline? God! How could a third ancient bloodline appear?"

Almost instantly, everyone was in an uproar!

Because the aura that appeared on Yu Luoyan's body was exactly the kind of huge oppressive force that only belonged to the ancient bloodline! It is a kind of terrifying force that looks over the common people like a god, and directly suppresses the opponent from the origin of blood!

Who could have imagined that this man who looked so glamorous had the same ancient blood!

Not to mention everyone, even Li Ye was surprised!

Because among so many people, he and Yu Luoyan knew each other first.

That genius who worshipped the Eighth Stage Sect Sky Sword Sect back then was actually a peerless evildoer with ancient blood?

Yun Qiantian's expression finally changed, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Even if he is of ancient blood, he is the undisputed number one among the younger generation of Xinghai Region! Even facing the ancient bloodline, it is impossible to make him feel any fear! Even, only by stepping on the feet of the descendants of ancient blood can he highlight that Yun Qiantian is the truly well-deserved king of kings!

In the void, the real dragon roared, as if the majesty of the king had been provoked, the void was shattered in an instant, and countless thunders shone like the entire sky collapsed directly!

"The Nine Changes of Canglong! The void is broken! That Yuluyan, it's hard to win."

"Indeed, even the ancient bloodline is just a talented person. If you want to beat Yun Qiantian, you need at least the corresponding realm cultivation base. After all, the Yun family's blue dragon is absolutely invincible, but the existence of the same realm is invincible, even if it is a leapfrog challenge. It's also commonplace."

Although Fright and Yuluoyan were actually in the bloodline of the ancients, it was clear that Yun Qiantian, as the number one young man in the Xinghai Sea, was still slightly inferior to the youngest member of the Yun family who had cultivated in the face of the peerless evildoer of the Nine Changes of Canglong.

Sure enough, Yu Luoyan was directly shaken away, and every step back crushed the void under his feet.

However, when the discerning person saw it, he was surprised.

"What a clever means, to release those powers by oneself, wonderful!"

Obviously, from the perspective of the realm of cultivation, Yu Luoyan is indeed inferior to Yun Qiantian, and the gap is not a little bit, but Yu Luoyan uses some special means to unload most of his power, directly from It was discharged from the feet, and the pieces of void were directly broken.

"The method is good, but it is not a lasting solution."

"Yeah, Canglong definitely claims to endure for a long time. If it is consumed, there is no chance of winning."

Although everyone was surprised that Yu Luoyan had maintained a tie with such ingenious means, after all, he was still not optimistic about him.

There was only one person, but his eyes flickered one after another, and gradually, a smile appeared on his face.

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