Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2130: Xinghai First Struggle

Mei Huang! The White Emperor!

Obviously, such a big thing happened and it also disturbed the two of them. +◆,

When the two appeared, Emperor Dan Shang Qing also knew that he wanted to kill Li Ye or even kill other people.

However, he didn't have any regrets. Li Ye was not his disciple. Compared with the interests of the sect, he was different from several other martial emperors. He considered his own interests more.

With a slight cold snort, Dan Shang Qing Emperor left directly, without even needing to explain.

The White Emperor and Mei Huang were also helpless. After all, the strength of the few people was equal, and even if they exceeded them, it was impossible to do anything for this kind of thing. Furthermore, it is impossible for the Wuhuang emperors in the Shen Danzong to have differences or even contradictions for such a small matter, otherwise it would be enough to cause turbulence in the entire Shen Danzong.

The appearance of the two is actually an attitude!

Dan Shang Qing Emperor was able to protect his shortcomings, regardless of his identity for his disciple Xun Yu.

Now Li Ye and Tie Muzhen are also disciples of the White Emperor and Mei Huang. At least nominally, if they don't show up, they will really disappoint Li Ye. Anyone would react like this when they changed, so the two of them also showed up immediately after learning about the incident, which could be regarded as preventing Dan Shang Qing emperor's will.

Xunyu's face was pale, and the appearance of the White Emperor and Mei Huang meant that his last chance was lost. He hates it, but he knows better that now is not the time!

"Li Ye! You wait! One day, I will make you pay!"

He didn't have the face to stay there and left directly. Since he had no destiny with the core area of ​​the Xinghai Secret Realm, he was still able to enter the Secret Realm after all, not completely losing the opportunity.

As for the others, there was no idea of ​​competing with Li Ye at this time.

Even if Li Ye was covered in blood and seriously injured, but the scene of resisting the Qing emperor on Dan by himself just now was enough to give them a huge impact.

Yu Wei is still there, and the pride of many people makes it impossible for them to challenge Li Ye at this time.

However, most people do not, but there are still people who are desperate for their own interests!

"Only four people can enter the secret realm core area! Now there are five people!"

I don't know who made a cold voice, making everyone suddenly react.

Shen Danzong uses the magic hole to distinguish the rankings of the people, but Li Ye is not counted alone, but there are four people under him almost in no particular order, and they left the magic hole at the same time.

In this way, there are five people whose achievements are indistinguishable.

Everyone's expressions became weird, and they looked at the faces of several people.

Yun Qiantian, empty fantasy, Yu Luoyan and Heavenly Phoenix Saint!

Among the four, obviously one of them will pass by the core area of ​​the secret realm. But who would be willing to give up an opportunity that only appeared once in a thousand years?

Even if Yun Qiantian is such a proud person, he is confident that he can rely on himself to attack the Emperor Wu, but he will not give up through the balcony!

Except for the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, the other three almost collided with each other.

"Amitabha, the little monk has long heard of the first young master of the Yun family in Xinghai. Today, the little monk is bold enough to learn!"

Suddenly, Kong Huan whispered the Buddha's horn and appeared directly on the ring.

Yun Qiantian's expression changed. He didn't expect someone to take the initiative to challenge him, and Wei Wei Leng Heng also appeared in the middle of the ring.

It's just that the two of them haven't done anything yet, but a third party suddenly stepped in.

Another figure also fell on the ring, and everyone looked strange.

"Yu Luoyan!"

After seeing who it was, many people whispered.

If this time Li Ye is the most dazzling among all people, then Kong Huan and Yu Luoyan are the other two super dark horses that many people have forgotten because of Li Ye's appearance.

The two came all the way without encountering too many obstacles. When everyone reacted, they were already standing on top of all geniuses.

He didn't say anything, the strong fighting intent on Yu Luoyan's body actually explained the problem!

He wants to challenge Yun Qiantian!

"Both of them actually have to challenge Yun Qiantian. It seems that they both have ideas about the identity of Yun Qiantian as the number one young man in the Star Sea."

Over the years, no one can take away the title of Xinghai's No. 1 Young Master from Yun Qiantian, and even all those who challenged will either disappear into the world or be completely forgotten by the world.

Anyone who challenges Yun Qiantian will end up losing his wife and breaking down.

Now, once again someone has issued a challenge, and it has also made many people look forward to it.

The Yun Family has been too overbearing these years, and there are naturally many people who want to see the Yun Family suffer a little in the dark. At least, Yun Qiantian's reputation as the No. 1 Young Master in the Star Sea is only qualified to be picked by the true first genius of the Star Sea Region.

"Amitabha, in that case, the little monk quit."

Kong Huan left the ring directly, without a trace of disappointment or hesitation.

Of the four, as long as one is eliminated. Anyway, nowadays, no one will challenge Li Ye. After all, the scene where Li Ye confronted Wuhuang was too horrified. In a short time, no one would touch it.

As for the four of them, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had already been injured, and in addition to the confrontation with Dan Shang Qing Emperor just now, the three big men actually couldn't hold back their faces and take action.

Therefore, who will be eliminated must be decided between the three.

There is no doubt that Yu Luoyan and Kong Huan chose Yun Qiantian at the same time!

This result really surprised everyone.

"Which one of you can win?"

Many people are whispering secretly, one is the most enchanting pervert in the Yun Family for thousands of years, and now has the title of No. 1 Young Master in Xinghai. The other one is born out of the sky. If it weren't for Li Ye's existence, it would definitely be regarded as a super dark horse that no one had seen before.

When the two played against each other, it was really hard to judge which one would win or lose.

"Yun Qiantian's victory is a little bit bigger. After all, the Yun family's exercises are unmatched. It is almost difficult to contend within the same realm."

"Indeed, the Canglong Jue of the Yun family is hailed as a technique close to the imperial grade. It is difficult for the entire Xinghai Eighteen Regions to find a method that can be compared with the Canglong Jue. And it is said that Yun Qiantian is a thousand years of the Yun family. Come, the only evildoer who has cultivated the Nine Changes of Canglong!"

"The Nine Changes of the Canglong! I heard that in the previous generation of the Yun family, only one person has cultivated to the eight changes of the Canglong. The rest are only the seventh level. It seems that Yun Qiantian can be designated as the next successor of the Yun family so early, it is reasonable. what."

Canglongjue, a cultivation technique close to the Emperor Grade, no one knows where the Yun Family got it. Only one thing is known. It was after acquiring the Canglongjue that the Yun Family went from a small sixth-rank family to what it is today. Overlord of the entire Xinghai Eighteen Regions!

Li Ye was equally curious, but focused more on Yu Luoyan.

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