Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2125: Defeat Xunyu Strongly

Let's go together.

Li Ye stood directly in the center of the ring, his whole person seemed to be integrated with the surrounding world, and he would stop at random, but suddenly he brought an unprecedented threat of terror to everyone.

Zuo Yujie's eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, because he could clearly see that the peculiar aura on Li Ye was so familiar at this time. After thinking carefully, it was not the one he gave to Li Ye not long ago. Which exercise is about the general trend of cultivation world?

"This kid is a pervert. It has only been a few days before he has started to cultivate."

Although in his eyes, Li Yehao couldn't perfectly integrate into the world, let alone take the initiative to control. But just like that, it also made his heart twitch a few times. After all, even he, under the guidance of the old man of Tianji, spent three months, day and night to understand, and finally found a trace. Trick.

How long did Li Ye use? It's a full plan, less than a month! No one has ever seen Li Ye have time to calm down and practice.

As for the others, their expressions changed.

Especially those who had a challenge in their hearts before, thinking that Li Ye had reached this point by luck, all of them had reduced their original fighting intentions.

However, people such as Guizi only slightly narrowed their eyes. Although they were also a little surprised in their hearts, they did not frighten them.

Xunyu's face was already green, and Li Ye's words were the greatest insult to him!

Let's go together, which means you don't put him in your eyes at all. How can this make Xunyu willing?

"Arrogant! Li Ye, who do you think you are, you actually want to challenge several people at the same time? Just me is enough to defeat you!"

Stepping onto the ring as well, an aura of terror erupted from Xun Yu.

Respect the king peak!

"There are actually two Taoist rhymes!"

Someone exclaimed, because everyone could see that there were two kinds of Tao Yun rules exuding from Xunyu's body!

Mastering a kind of Taoist rhyme is almost a genius among geniuses, and under the Emperor Wu, he can almost be called a figure of the pinnacle of the king. Having mastered the two Taoist rhyme rules, even many people familiar with Xunyu from the Shendanzong side were surprised.

"Xunyu has been hiding her strength before!"

There was a trace of anger on Black Smoke's face! With a cold snort, he also wanted to challenge Li Ye, but now that Xunyu is on stage, he will naturally not move. The so-called go up together, no one would be willing to go up, that is not only to raise Li Ye's status, but also to deny himself.

Like the black smoke, many people are sitting on the sidelines, wanting to see what Li Ye's real strength is.

"Only you?"

Seeing the black smoke come on stage alone, Li Ye remained silent.

"I will be enough!"

Do your part, black smoke comes up without saying anything!

The two Taoist rhyme rules showed no reservations at all, and they showed it straight away.

"The Way of Ice and Fire!"

Everyone was quite shocked, because the Dao Yun laws shown in Xun Yu turned out to be two extreme Dao Yun powers.

Ice and fire, but at this moment, it is enough to move everyone!

Li Ye did not expect that Xunyu had hidden his strength before.

At this moment, it is definitely not weaker than Devil Thunder and others, and even stronger than half!

But other people were shocked. Li Ye was just a little surprised. The fusion of ice and fire almost wiped out the entire void.

Suddenly, from the depths of the void, an insignificant flame appeared, only the size of a thumb, and looked rather inconspicuous. But the appearance of such a flame instantly turned everything into nothingness.

In an instant, flames almost covered the entire sky, just like the real world of flames, everything except flames could not contain any other power.

Xunyu's face changed wildly, his two Tao Yun rules were exactly the killer he had hidden for a long time, and it could even be said that he was preparing to challenge Yun Qiantian, the last move prepared by Xinghai's No. 1 Young Master.

However, he did not expect that this trick would be used in front of Li Ye. Even if he did not admit it in his heart, he could already see that Li Ye’s threat in Xunyu’s heart had risen to the same level as Yun Qiantian’s. .

It's just that even if this trick was used, it was instantly destroyed by Li Ye's flame.

In mid-air, a figure squirted blood, looking embarrassed, and exuding a strong burnt smell.


I don't know who exclaimed, looking at Xunyu's embarrassed look, everyone was stupid.

Xunyu, Shen Danzong's strongest genius under a hundred years old, even the black smoke and Yiyun will be overwhelmed by him. It is even more prestigious in the entire Xinghai area, and no one knows who it is.

Why did you lose so fast? And so thorough?

Take a closer look, Shen Danzong Yuyun, Yun Qiantian, Tianxiang Pavilion's elder Jinghua and others all showed some incredible expressions.

"Dao... Is that the real way of fire?"

Elder Yuyun's tone trembled slightly, because it really made it difficult for him to digest such amazing discoveries at his age.

"Impossible! How old is this son, how can he comprehend the power of Tao that even many Martial Emperors cannot comprehend?!"

Elder Jing Hua lost his voice and screamed, his voice was slightly shrill, his expression gloomy, he was not calm and calm as the elder of the Fourth Stage sect, he was more like a village girl with a completely lost appearance.


Everyone twitched fiercely in their hearts. Although they didn't see how Xunyu was defeated, they heard the two fourth-rank sect elders exclaiming at the same time, and they couldn't help but stare at each other.

One of them suddenly reacted and exclaimed, "Dao? Could it be that this Li Ye has realized the power of Tao that only the Emperor Wu could understand?"

As soon as the words came out, the others took a breath.

"Impossible! That is the power that Emperor Wu always dreams of. How did he realize that even the Emperor Wu hasn't broken through?"

Suddenly, someone repeatedly objected, but even the two fourth-rank sect elders exclaimed. The fool knew that this matter was not far from ten!

Yun Qiantian's face became gloomy.

He had never really put Li Ye in his eyes before, even if the record on the tower of Li Ye's trial surpassed him, and he was the last to leave, he always had absolute confidence in his heart.

But at this time, his self-confidence was strongly impacted.

Way! Only Emperor Wu can understand!

This is the truth that has remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years! Because of this, everyone's reaction was so violent when they saw Li Ye showing this strength.

A young junior who has not yet become the emperor of martial arts, unexpectedly displayed the power of Taoism that could not be displayed except the emperor of martial arts?

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