Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2124: Let's go together

The thunderous end caused many people to retreat. ●⌒Vertex novel,

But not everyone will be scared.

"Li Ye, if you are still a man, come out and accept other people's challenges by yourself, and let a follower act instead of you. What kind of hero?"

When this voice came out, many people showed sarcasm.

Because it was not someone else who spoke, it was Xunyu!

Someone from Shen Danzong's own side went directly to Li Ye, and for others, it was a joke that was happy to watch.

But Shen Danzong Yuyun elders and others had a somewhat ugly expression.

One of the elders screamed, "Xunyu, do you know what you are talking about?"

However, Xun Yu was unmoved. He himself was a disciple of Emperor Danshang and Qing Emperor, and his status was not below that of ordinary elders, let alone an ordinary elder who scolded him at this time. Keep it in the eye.

Hearing this, he smiled coldly, "Of course I know! It's just that some people are timid, but can't use their strength to prove themselves honestly. If it is so simple to let some people enter the Xinghai Secret Realm, it will obviously also let the whole Is the world a joke?"

The elder who scolded Xunyu was furious when he heard this, and was about to speak, but was stopped by someone.

Elder Yuyun shook his head slightly, but his eyes were extremely cold. Looking at Xunyu's gaze, there was a slight hint of fierceness!

If Xunyu were still brazen just now, but facing the prestigious Elder Yuyun in the Shendan Sect, he would not dare to be so arrogant. But even so, there was still no trace of regret on his face, and the deep jealousy of Li Ye that pressed deep in his heart made him unable to bear it at this moment, and it broke out all at once.

"Elder Yuyun, my Shen Danzong has been based in the Xinghai Region for thousands of years, but don't ruin the reputation of Shen Danzong accumulated by countless ancestors over thousands of years for an unknown person.

Xun Yu was very clever, so he directly pulled out the Shen Danzong, and let Elder Yuyun for a while, but he couldn't refute it.

And at this time, many people even agreed, "Yes, I dare not even take the challenge of others. Let such a person enter the Xinghai Secret Realm, we are not satisfied!"

"Yes! Not satisfied!"

There was a sneer on Xun Yu's face, he naturally understood that Li Ye's status in the Shen Danzong was no longer under him, and even more than half of him.

It is precisely because of this that he can only find an opportunity to trip Li Ye at this time, otherwise the entire Shen Danzong will not have a foothold for him in Xunyu in the future.

"There is so much nonsense, whoever wants to challenge the young master, pass this level of mine first!"

Temujin snorted angrily, making many people's voices startled instantly.

What are you kidding about, thunderous evildoers are defeated, how many of them dare to do it? But precisely because Temuzhen was so powerful and domineering, many people looked at Li Ye with a trace of contempt.

"Li Ye, are you afraid to accept the challenge?"

"Yeah, what a genius to let someone else do it for you!"

"Hmph, maybe he's just scared, what kind of evildoer, what turned out to be a peerless dark horse, to put it bluntly, it's just a little luck, and he is not qualified to enter the Xinghai Secret Realm! It is better to disqualify him from entering the Xinghai Secret Realm!

"Yes! Ashamed of such a group of people!"

Even some of the disciples of the Shendan Sect couldn't help but erupted with dissatisfaction. Of course, a closer look showed that these were some of the Shendanzong disciples who had a relatively good relationship with Xunyu, and many of them were even Xunyu's followers at all.

In this way, Elder Yuyun and others are not easy to stop.

Moreover, some of the elders actually hold a doubt in their hearts.

They have never seen Li Ye take a few shots, only a few times, although they are amazing, but they are also the level of top genius, if they can compare with Yun Qiantian's peerless evildoer, but they are still not bad. less.

Even if it is compared with Thunder Devil and others, it is also weaker.

Because of this suspicion, several Shen Danzong elders chose to be silent.

Maybe they could not change the decision of Mei Huang and Bai Huang, but at this moment, they expressed their inner attitude towards Li Ye in their own way.

Seeing that even the elders of Shen Danzong fell silent, a sneer of trickery flashed in Xun Yu's eyes.

He naturally understood how many people in the Shen Danzong now had a strong resistance in their hearts because of the appearance of Li Ye, and a little guidance was enough to make this kind of emotion burst out all at once.

Temujin blushed, but a hand was pressed on his shoulder, and he found that he could not move, as if there was a kind of magic power, so that at that moment, he felt as if he was directly pressed by a mountain. .

"Little Lord?"

Looking back, it was Li Ye.

At this time, Li Ye had a calm expression on his face, neither happy nor angry, as if everyone was not condemning him at this time, but another unrelated person.

However, in that moment, Li Ye's eyes seemed to flash across a bright edge, and in an instant, many people felt an impact from the soul!

Some of the people whose cultivation level was a little short of the time actually let out a muffled grunt, and their complexion suddenly became pale.

"So strong mental power!"

Many strong people on the scene were suddenly surprised, and they also felt the soul fluctuations that occurred at that moment, but it was so powerful, but they exceeded their expectations.

Li Ye's gaze fell on Xunyu's body, and that gaze made Xunyu involuntarily feel a hint of chill rising from his heart.

But the pride in his heart changed his entire popularity in the next moment, and his eyes became sharp.

"Are you not convinced?"

"Li Ye! If you have a kind, do it yourself. If you beat me, you are the first, I will be convinced!"

"If you are not convinced, what do you do with me?"

Before Li Ye finished speaking, Xun Yu and the others had time to change their faces before they heard Li Ye continue to say, "But since you want to challenge me so much, what about giving you a chance?"

Hearing Li Ye's willingness to accept the challenge, Xunyu's eyes were delighted. He naturally didn't think he was inferior to Li Ye, the tower of trial and the psychedelic cave. In the final analysis, it was more about testing a person's talent potential and mood. Maybe It has something to do with cultivation but not the most direct relationship.

Since the Tower of Trial and the Psychedelic Cave are inferior to Li Ye, but in terms of cultivation, he can't see that Li Ye is weaker than him.

"This Li Ye's cultivation is only in the ordinary king-level state. Maybe he is better than an ordinary genius, but he is not far from the evildoer."

"In terms of methods, cultivation techniques and magic weapons, I have an advantage over this Li Ye. If I can defeat him here, it is equivalent to ascending the sky in one step, and I have a direct opportunity to enter the core area of ​​the Xinghai Secret Realm!"

The heart of Xunyu's heart flashed, but other people naturally thought of this too!

"Or, those who want to challenge me, let's go together."

In a word, everyone quieted down instantly.


Today, two shifts, Ching Ming Festival, went to my hometown in the country

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