"These idiots!" Ju Zhaolie, who had been observing the battle from outside this world, couldn't help but cursed.

"Damn it, as the central commander of the Akamatsu family's joint attack formation, he actually took the risk of approaching his opponent for a hand-to-hand fight! He is just looking for death."

Among the seven Xiaoyao Realm experts, Tachibana Jiro, who has always been taciturn, also said with an angry face at this moment:

"Can't these guys see that although the situation has always been that our people are suppressing Sugu? But this Sugu's breathing was never disordered in the slightest."

"They didn't even give Sugu any pressure to delay the operation of his skills!"

The look on Tachibana Masako's face also became a little ugly. She gritted her teeth and said:

"I saw that it was a trap, but I didn't expect that this Sugu could actually do two things at once, using two different S-level combat skills."

"I'm afraid that these two S-level combat skills were not only realized by him, but his proficiency in combat skills is also astonishingly high."

"Otherwise, he would not be able to behead an opponent who was above his level with one blow."

"At such an age, with such martial arts training. Judging from his life, it is impossible to have the guidance of a famous teacher. This kind of thing is simply unbelievable!"

The seven Xiaoyao realm experts from the Ju family gritted their teeth one after another. There was another sentence that lingered in their hearts.

Such people have become the mortal enemies of the Ju family, and they are really in trouble.

"There is no hope for these losers in the Chisong family. When I go back, I must report it to the head of the family. Let him reconsider the share of alien blood allocated to this family."Ju Zhaolie said bitterly:

"Fortunately, besides those rubbish, there are other people here to protect Master Guizhi."

When everyone focused their attention on the two aliens,

"I hope these two carefully selected aliens will not risk their lives at this critical moment."......

"Eichiro, Taro."

Akamatsu Taketa looked at the two corpses with a look of pain on his face.

In less than ten minutes, the two leaders of the younger generation of their family were easily eliminated by one person. The remaining members of the Akamatsu family Those people below looked at Sugu's calm face, with uncontrollable fear on their faces.

Some of them were even shaking like chaff.

If it hadn't been for Young Master Ju Guizhi's help last time, they wouldn't have been able to enter the folding space. He was completely defeated.

And this time, these thugs who only dared to swing the butcher's knife at the weak were as scared as a chicken being pinched by the throat.

"Sugu......"Arnold on the side looked at Sugu's back and kept murmuring.

At this moment, this invincible figure completely overlapped with the figure he had been pursuing.

This discovery made him tremble uncontrollably, but he pursed his lips tightly. Since he didn't want to answer these questions when he visited Su Gu last time, then naturally he should keep his secrets

"Sugu! The noble man is in the gray pillar that rises to the sky"

"For some reason, he can't move now. As long as he is killed, everything will surely end this battle!"

Arnuo roared with all his strength and told this information.

"Young Master Guizhi is from the Ju family. If you dare to do this, your life will be worse than death."The remaining members of the Chisong family who were still alive here wanted to use verbal threats to make Sugu stop.

But Sugu ignored them at all. After understanding this information, without any hesitation, he turned around and prepared to go not far away. The gray pillar.

The moment he turned around, an extremely terrifying energy came from behind him.

Sugu immediately looked back and saw two alien races, the Star Titan and the Hell Demon Spider. Terrifying energy fluctuations

"It's really embarrassing to do such a thing to a human warrior who is in the Self-Seeking Realm. But we must admit that if we want to kill you, we must pay the price."The starry sky titan said calmly.

At this moment, his body began to shrink, but it felt that his strength had increased a lot.

It seemed that the energy of the body had been refined in his body.

And the Hell Demon Spider on the side, its Green poisonous mist began to appear on his body, and a skull symbol appeared.

"This is the soul-burning skill of the alien race in the starry sky! It is a desperate skill unique to the leader-level alien race, which involves burning one's own lifespan in exchange for strength."

The people of the Akamatsu family on the side looked at the changes that had occurred in their teammates, and their eyes once again exuded a look of hope.

When Arnold saw this, he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Burning his lifespan in exchange for strength.

The power gained by paying such a high price is naturally several times higher than the usual limit.

"Damn it, doesn’t the textbook say that once an alien uses this skill, his own life will burn out per second?"

"Therefore, this skill is a desperate skill that these aliens will use when they are truly cornered."

"Why use it so quickly!"

Arnuo locked his eyes on Sugu. After a moment, he gritted his teeth, picked up the body of his companion who was placed behind him, and began to run into the distance.

The two commander-level aliens did not hesitate to use soul-burning skills to fight. He didn't even have the qualifications to watch what happened next.

It was better to keep his promise to Sugu and protect these corpses.



He just turned around and took a few steps. There was a sound of earth-shattering bombardment.

It was the Star Titan, which was going crazy against Sugu.

With its unparalleled speed and violent power, it kept bombarding Sugu's red sword.

It was still wrapped around his sword at this time. He has an S-level combat skill, the Dragon Saliva Fire Knife, but this Starry Sky Titan doesn't care at all, as if the fire poison on the knife is completely ineffective against him.

"use���After using soul skills, will the body's resistance to poison also be improved?"Sugu said silently in his heart:"And this power is different from the weak power obtained by taking drugs. It seems that it belongs to itself."

He frowned slightly, feeling a little troublesome.

At this time, the Hell Demon Spider was quickly building a web around Sugu.

Since no matter how tricky the quick-shooting spider web is, it will be dodged by this weird human with incredible steps..

Then it’s better to give up the surprise attack completely, start to restrict this guy’s movement, and force him to fight the Titan head-on!

"Everyone from the Akamatsu family comes together! To cover those two aliens, we still have Eishiro and Hei," Taketa Akamatsu said excitedly.

Everyone in the Akamatsu family was shocked.

Although they have lost the ability to kill Sugu with their own hands, as long as they can let him die, They don't care anymore

"Don't approach rashly, causing trouble to colleagues of the Saint Clan, and use long-range combat skills to consume Sugu from a distance.

Never get close to him, fight him gently, and don't give him the slightest chance next time!"

Under the command of Akamatsu Buta, powerful combat skills were once again splashed towards Sugu like water.

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