In order to prevent the humans who died here from being humiliated by the scum of the same race and the aliens in the starry sky.

When Sugu was besieged, he sang the empty city strategy alone. Taking advantage of the enemy's fear of him, he retrieved the corpses that had fallen on the ground.

Arnold looked at Sugu's back, his face full of reverence.

Whether it's for the sake of his fellow tribesmen, he has the courage to put himself in danger. Arnold was impressed by his courage and confidence in doing such a thing.

Of course, from the opponent's perspective, it's a completely different experience.

"Sugu!"Hideshiro Akamatsu looked at Sugu and let out a roar.

The expressions on the faces of the other members of the Akamatsu family standing on the same side as him, and even those of foreign races, were extremely horrifying.

No one here has a higher level than Sugu.

But. This group of creatures united to hunt warriors who were lower than themselves, but they were all frightened back by a move they had never seen before.

This feeling of being teased made them completely unbalanced. Su Guwei raised his eyelids.

, glanced at these people, his face seemed to be relaxed just now.���There is nothing to boast about.

His attitude made Hideshiro Akamatsu unable to bear it any longer.

He looked furious and said:"Sniper cover, form a charge formation, we must kill him today."

The Starry Sky Titan and the Hell Demon Spider also showed ferocious looks.

"This shame can only be washed away by blood!"The starry sky Titan roared

"I must make you regret coming to this world."The hell spider also hissed.......

"Damn, what a bunch of trash! He was actually scared away by a mere B-level superpower!"Ju Zhaolie's right hand hit the surface of the wall of the world hard.

The anger in his eyes was too strong to be dispelled.

Beside him, several other strong men from the Ju Family's Xiaoyao Realm also had ugly expressions.

Although Just the garbage in the Mingxunwo Realm has little impact on the plan, but at this point, they don't want to see any changes.

"Masako, can you pass on a little bit of my power? I'm going to kill that kid! Even if you pay some price, it is worth it."Ju Zhaolie said coldly.

He forced the powerful master of the Xiaoyao Realm to pay the price to kill a young martial artist from the Xunwo Realm. This kind of fantasy happened quietly here.

"We can't do it. Although our Ju family has already cooperated deeply with foreign races, we don't have complete trust between us yet."Tachibana Masako shook his head and said:

"If the aliens sense that the power of Xiaoyao Realm is coming, no matter what the purpose is, this blood sacrifice ceremony will be stopped immediately."

After hearing this, Ju Zhaolie's face was extremely ugly.

In the end, these people continued to watch Sugu's movements without saying a word with a gloomy face.......

Boom boom boom!

Countless high-level, highly skilled combat skills, strange and powerful supernatural powers, were all released without reservation by the Akamatsu family.

The powerful attack was poured out towards Su Gu's position like water.

The soul power surged, and the terrifying energy was surging here.

"good! Hold on, we will definitely defeat this monster this time."Hideshiro Akamatsu said excitedly.

Relying on the combined attack technique obtained by being higher than Sugu's realm, and the two commander-level aliens stepping forward to raid the formation.

With strength and skill, the Akamatsu family and Sugu for the second time In the fight, instead of being defeated immediately, Sugu was forced to go on the defensive.

"Look at the pale golden light emanating from his body."Sugu's figure was reflected in the compound eyes of the Hell Spider.

"I'm afraid it was because of this strange energy that he was able to avoid being drained of life energy by the blood sacrifice array, so he could continue to output combat skills for such a long time."

Hiding behind everyone, Akamatsu Hideshiro, as the conductor, squinted his eyes, and sure enough, he noticed a layer of light golden light on Sugu's body.

"Those who can do this kind of thing can only have S-level combat skills. How old is this guy? He has already mastered two S-level combat skills?"Hideshiro Akamatsu thought to himself, his face full of jealousy.

If he had such a talent, how could he still be cannon fodder here?

He would definitely be adopted as an adopted son by someone from the Tachibana family, and he might even have a chance. Changing the surname Chisong to Orange!

Thinking of this, his murderous intention towards Sugu became even stronger.

"Everyone, come on! Since Sugu needs to maintain an S-level defensive combat skill at all times to fight against the blood sacrifice formation. Then in this situation, the power of other combat skills he uses will definitely be compromised."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for revenge given to us by God!"

The words of Hideshiro Akamatsu caused several members of the Akamatsu family who were originally very cautious to attack, and the combat skills that attacked Sugu became more vicious and vicious.

"Damn it!"Arnuo on the side looked at Sugu who was under siege by the enemy and was in danger. He felt extremely worried.

He hated himself for being too weak and couldn't help.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Sugu faced the local attack, his figure looked like He was moving at lightning speed.

He did not choose to escape, but consciously approached the Star Titan and the Hell Demon Spider, even if he tried to take a few of their attacks, he had to fight them closely. The move was now blocked by the bodies of two powerful aliens, and the terrifying moves hit the bodies of the two aliens.

"Alien! What are you doing? You are blocking our attack line!"The people of the Chisong family said angrily.

How could these aliens from the starry sky who claim to be the Holy Clan allow themselves to be scolded by humans.

The Starry Sky Titan immediately said angrily:"You guys are a bunch of trash who can't even hold off your own attacks! If it hadn't been for your Lord's order, I would have chewed you alive right now!"

Seeing this brief internal strife between the enemies, Sugu's expression relaxed slightly.

But at this moment, a terrifying sword light struck towards He cut his neck

"Sugu, your head is mine!"

This moment of relaxation was caught by Akamatsu Hideshiro. He rushed up from behind desperately, with excitement on his face.

He wanted to kill Sugu here!

And at this moment, he saw Sugu A sly smile appeared on his face.

An unpleasant feeling rose in his heart.

Then he saw that the black Miao knife in Sugu's hand turned into the familiar red

S. Super combat skill, Ambergris Fire Sword!

The excitement on Akamatsu Hideshiro's face instantly solidified, and soon turned into fear and fear while maintaining an S-level combat skill. Men Xin's S-level combat skills?

How could such a thing be possible?

This was Akamatsu Hideshiro's last thought. The two sharp blades collided.

There was a sound.

The red knife cut through the black knife like a cake, and then drew a perfect arc in the sky, and blood spurted out from

Akamatsu Hideshiro's neck. In this fleeting encounter, Akamatsu Hideshiro, who was in the soul-shaping realm, was killed by Sugu with a sword.

"Don’t jump around in the pseudo-soul realm caused by taking drugs."Sugu said calmly.

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