"The tide of alien beasts is something that few people choose, with high difficulty and special battlefield environment."

Sao Rui's voice sounded slowly.

"In this desert area, gravity is six times greater than in normal conditions."

"Not only that, this place will refresh every five minutes, with waves of alien beasts attacking the warriors on both sides indiscriminately."

"And the difficulty of each beast tide will gradually increase."

"There are many warriors who are not strong enough or have similar abilities to each other. When fighting on this map, there is no time to decide the winner. He was swallowed alive by the increasingly powerful beast tide."

Listening to Sao Rui's introduction to this place, the hearts of many viewers immediately froze.

Although the long-range warrior's explosive attack and ability to break through enemies are the strongest among the four major professions, he is also the most dependent on his teammates..

The situation faced by the Almighty God of War is that as a long-range warrior who is not strong enough in a duel, he not only has to face the most comprehensive warrior among several major professions, but also has to deal with the waves of enemies.

This alien beast tide....How to fight?

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on Sugu.

At this time, the Almighty Martial God had just put on a heavy armored artillery piece. It turns out that his well-proportioned body seemed to be wearing a funny doll suit.

Opposite him, a burst of light flashed, and Yue Yuzhong also completed his weapon selection.

A large halberd with swifts and flowing clouds carved all over its body fell down. The tip of the halberd was inserted into the ground like tofu.

"Bi Yan Chao Tian Ji!" Sao Rui said in a deep voice:"Although the destructive power of this weapon is not outstanding, its characteristics are very rare and can increase the movement speed of the holder."

"As a warrior, if you hold such a weapon, your movement speed can even temporarily exceed that of an assassin."

"In short, a force-agility warrior with this thing is a veritable long-range killer."

"And this Bi Yan Chao Tian Ji is also the most convenient weapon used by Yue Yuzhong to become famous."

Yue Yuzhong held the Bi Yan Halberd in his right hand, and the slender halberd danced in his hand. Then the halberd shook, leaving a deep ravine behind him. On the other hand, the

Almighty Martial God, because of this damn heavy armored artillery At the beginning of the design, the weight balance of the six gun barrels was not considered at all, so when Sugu wore this piece of equipment behind his back, it gave people a sense of staggering imbalance. In comparison, many viewers felt their hearts go cold.

"My brother, can you stop playing? Please take off those rags!"

As the most die-hard fan of Almighty Martial God and the owner of Martial God's Home website, Ma Mingjie couldn't bear it anymore and let out a cry.

The audience who supported Brother Martial God in the auditorium also nodded in agreement.. They also shouted at the top of their lungs, hoping that their voices and opinions would be heard and adopted by the Almighty Martial God.

Unfortunately, this was destined to be in vain when the alien beast tide was revealed..

The originally simple and clean arena has now turned into a deserted low-gravity area.

And at this moment, the battle begins!

Even if Yue Yuzhong chooses to rush forward, he does not use any walking skills. The speed of his body was astonishing. The six times gravity here seemed to have no effect on him.

When he appeared in front of Sugu, he didn't even have time to blink.

"I wanted to play casually with you"

"But there is no other way. I don’t want to stay on this map any longer, so I can only ask you to log off as soon as possible."


His right arm holding the halberd danced, and the Biyan halberd drew a half-moon in his hand.

A-level combat skill, moon halberd!

The half-moon turned into a moon blade, directly following the gap in the armor, heading towards Slashing the opponent's neck.

Faced with this surprise attack, Su Gu's expression remained unchanged, and the sound of dragon and tiger beasts came from his body. Then

, a layer of golden light came out and attached to the surface of the heavy armor.

Level defensive combat skill, Dragon Roar and Tiger Roar Golden Bell!


The two A-level combat skills collided, and a circle of ripples spread from the center of the collision.

This feeling is much more solid than expected.......

Yue Yuzhong's dead fish eyes rolled up a little. This guy called the Almighty God of War surprised him a little.

Wearing heavy armor and artillery, such an outrageous piece of rags and iron, was actually on par with him after a collision.

This guy's real profession should be heavy armor.

"But just to this extent, it's not enough."Yue Yuzhong's eyes narrowed slightly, he rolled up the Bi Yan Halberd in his hand, and resumed his offensive.

A-level combat skill, Moon Halberd! Plus A-level combat skill, Star-Shocking Halberd!

Two A-level combat skills, in Yue Yuzhong's heart When the thoughts were moved, a strange reaction occurred between them.

At this moment, the swifts on Bi Yan's Heavenly Halberd held by Yue Yuzhong came to life one after another. Moonlight, or swallows wrapped in starlight, flew out of the halberd, carrying the light of the moon and stars, and crashed into the roaring golden bell!

Boom! Boom! There were terrifying explosions. In the second round of the master's battle, the sound of dragons and tigers roaring on the golden bell began to weaken as the flying swallows carrying the moon and stars collided. The golden light also began to shatter

"Wearing something like this on your body would greatly affect a warrior's performance."Keyuya frowned.

It's hard to imagine that the Almighty God of War was actually suppressed by his opponent in a head-on collision of combat skills, but this thing actually happened in front of his eyes.


At the end, Yuyan seemed to tear open a Like a layer of window paper, the golden bell was torn open, and the majestic offensive was directed towards Sugu.

Bang! Bang!

Sugu Yun tilted the six barrels of the heavy-armored artillery. He came out and fought against the flying swifts.

One by one, the precise shooting was impressive. But even so, Sugu still took ten steps back before he could stabilize his body.

During this period, in order to avoid critical blows, he also received several blows on his body.

This scene made many viewers' faces flash with unwillingness and anger.

"This, how could this happen!"

They were aggrieved that Brother Wu Shen would actually suffer a loss, and they were even more displeased that someone like Yue Yuzhong had gained an advantage.

"These people seem to have forgotten that Yue Yuzhong is also a genius. Otherwise, he would not be able to be selected for seed cultivation in the army. It is even more impossible to reach the elite level by relying on one's own abilities."

Keyyu Ya said softly:"If you don't talk about anything else, he must have experienced life and death fighting in the army. This kind of experience makes him much better than someone like Jake Patton."

"These hooligan audiences underestimated him too much because of his rumors."Keyu Ya said softly.

After the first wave of fighting, neither Sugu nor Yue Yuzhong made a rush. The former was adapting to his opponent while adapting to the weapon. The latter was amazed at the skills displayed by the opponent. He was still there just now. After studying how to wear heavy armored artillery, he was able to use this scrap of metal to support himself. And at this moment, Sao Rui's voice sounded:

"The first wave of beasts is coming!"

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