Next to Sugu, two roulette wheels were spinning at high speed. In the audience, everyone's eyes were focused on the rotating roulette wheel.

For Yue Yuzhong, this behavior is difficult to understand, but for ordinary fans of the Almighty God of War.

This scene is already an essential part of watching Brother Wushen’s battle.

"Buddha, Jesus, Taishang Laojun or the Jade Emperor can be anything. Please give Brother Wushen something a little crueler this time. Kill this shameless deserter."

Someone in the audience shouted loudly. This sentence immediately resonated with everyone.

"That's right, give Brother Wushen something hard! This shameless person like Yue Sangmen should be pinned to the ground and humiliated severely."

"I feel that as long as he is given some normal weapons, or even no weapons, Brother Wushen can kill him with his bare hands."

"Come on, Brother Wushen!"


In the audience, Almighty Martial God's fans shouted loudly at the two turntables.

No one would hate or humiliate such a scum in the military. These viewers can't wait to see the almighty Martial God trample Yue Yuzhong under his feet.

The rotation speed of the weapon wheel began to slow down, and the words"Heavy Armored Artillery" were clearly written on the area where it finally stopped.


Amidst the collision of heavy objects hitting the ground, a set of heavy armor half taller than Sugu appeared in front of everyone.

After this thing hit the ground, a pit appeared on the ground centered on it, which showed how heavy it was.

This heavy fortress-like armor looks extremely bloated. But on the contrary, it also gives people an indestructible sense of security.

It looks like heavy equipment, but on the side of the fortress-like armor, six small-arm caliber gun barrels protrude, making it look nondescript and rather weird.

"What is this?"

The people in the audience looked at the weapons that were randomly produced this time, and they all showed confused expressions.

This is like a composite weapon that crudely combines heavy equipment and long-range weapons. Many people have never seen it in their lives.

"Heavy armored artillery? It's actually this thing. Schiller looked at the weapon of the Almighty God of War and said with some surprise:"This thing has not been deleted from the weapons library?"

After hearing this, Anderson scratched his head and said,"This thing must have been eliminated in the last century. Who would use this thing in combat now?""

As disciples of the Stark family, identifying the weapons with names that have appeared in human history is one of their basic skills. It is also the difference between them and ordinary people.

For those who do not understand this weapon The audience listened silently to Sao Rui's explanation.

"Historically, humans have thought about various solutions to make up for the shortcoming that most long-range warriors lose their ability to resist when they are approached."

"The heavy armored artillery piece in front of you is one of the research results in this direction in the last century."

"By crudely stacking materials for making heavy weapons, long-range warriors have a thick layer of armor for protection, thereby increasing their long-range defense capabilities."

Listening to Sauri's explanation, the expressions on many of the audience's faces were astonishing. It's a bit twitchy. This thing sounds very unreliable.

Can the armor made of heavy materials be used to exert its original defensive capabilities? And even if it can exert its defensive capabilities, so what?

Can anyone wear this thing and complete basic shooting actions?

Moreover, wearing this thing will inevitably weaken the wearer's speed, making the already fragile long-range warrior a living target for warriors and assassins.

"I believe smart viewers have already guessed how outrageous the design of this thing is. I'll attach another piece of information I found here."

"This thing is not only bloated in design, but also has no space to load other weapons and equipment. The only means of attack that a long-range warrior wearing this can rely on are the six barrels extending from the armor."

"What makes people even more disgusting is that the soul power circuits of these six barrels are connected."

"As we all know, many of the attack methods of long-range warriors require the addition of soul power to attack a single point. However, the design of this set of weapons and equipment completely violates this rule."

"The superimposed soul power of the long-range warrior is shunted by the six barrels, which weakens the destructive power that the long-range warrior is proud of and the range of the weapon becomes very short. According to the information I have, the maximum shooting distance of heavy-armored artillery in Xunwo Realm is only thirty meters."

"This thing is one of the most disgusting weapon designs of the last century."

The maximum shooting distance is thirty meters?

Even an ordinary person who has never practiced martial arts can throw a stone farther than this. Can you be called a long-range warrior if you fight with this thing?

"Brother Wushen, don't use this thing to fight. Please use empty-handed style again."

"That's right, as long as Brother Wushen fights Yue Yuzhong with nothing, even ten Yue Yuzhongs can't stop Brother Wushen."

"That's right, Brother Wushen is the strongest when he is empty-handed!"


Soon, there were calls for the Almighty Martial God to give up this weapon.

Sugu ignored these sounds at all. He looked at the heavy armor and smiled with interest as if he had discovered a new toy.

Seeing this smile, all the spectators who were shouting to change their weapons subconsciously felt a thump in their hearts.

Damn it, Brother Wu Shen is interested in this scrap!

After watching so many battles between the Almighty Martial God, they also knew more or less the temper of Brother Martial God. I'm afraid that next time, he will really have to fight in this shabby outfit!

"If you really don't change weapons, don't look at me like this. In fact, I am a warrior, and I am quite strong."

Yue Yuzhong looked at his opponent on the side, with a twitching expression on his face, and tactfully persuaded him.

"Need not."Su Sheng said casually.

Then, he tried to put on the armor on his body.

Yue Yuzhong looked at his opponent, carefully studying how to wear the weapon before the battle, and the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

This was simply worse than before. It's insulting to check the rules of mahjong or blackjack at the gambling table.

I've just been autistic for a few months, and what happened to the outside world suddenly?

First, there's this big, exaggerated auditorium, and this. The operation method of random weapons and random battlefields. When did such a weird thing appear in the elite section of the martial arts dojo?

"Forget it, it’s just a fight and a way to relax."

"It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose your opponent."

Yue Yuzhong thought silently, and he flipped through his weapon selection panel casually.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should get an unfamiliar weapon just for practice.

His pair of listless dead fish His eyes suddenly froze.

The other roulette wheel also stopped rotating, and the battlefield was selected:

Alien Beast Tide!

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