S-level combat skill, Ambergris Fire Knife!

The soul power flowed through the blade at high speed, and the Miao sword began to turn crimson red.

Sugu's palm holding the knife turned in a counterclockwise arc.

The crimson sword cut into Akamatsu Buta's right arm at a strange angle.

The fire knife seemed to have cut into a piece of butter, not only cutting off the right arm holding the dagger without any hindrance. The fire poison transformed by the soul power also wants to follow the wound and erode towards other parts of the body.

The flesh and bones, under the influence of the terrifying fire poison, turned into chunks of meat, dripping towards the ground.


The pain of a broken arm, and the miserable situation before him, happened to Akamatsu Buta's body at the same time.

He had completely lost his strength, and all he could do was to let out a heart-rending scream.

"Hurry up and use your soul power to protect the wound."Akamatsu Taro let out a sharp cry.

Then, he slashed at Akamatsu Taketa's shoulder with the cross spear in his hand. He opened a new wound on Akamatsu Taketa's body, cutting off the wound caused by the fire poison. The newly cut piece of meat was burned into meat pulp by the fire poison before it fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the remaining few people in the Akamatsu family stared at Su Gu. Although they looked ferocious, they did not dare to move forward casually.

"Just now that was...S-level combat skills?"The ordinary spectators who came to watch the excitement swallowed their saliva and asked the people around them in disbelief.

Being able to comprehend S-level combat skills while studying in college, such students, no matter which school they go to, will continue to do so over the years. It is extremely rare.

Being able to do this kind of thing can definitely give a speech in the school as an outstanding graduate. For some small martial arts universities, this kind of thing can even be hung in the school history museum.

So Arnold understood. S-level combat skills can make everyone take a high look at Kaiyang Martial Arts University.

But now.......Is this guy just a freshman? Is this really possible?

"Judging from its power, there is no doubt that this is really an S-level combat skill."In the crowd, some senior students who were the team leaders spoke with difficulty.

The freshmen have learned S-level combat skills.

Many people had a bitter smile on their faces. They were actually worried about such a monster just now.

"Ha ha ha ha! Lao Shi, this is what you just said, neither of us can move."

In the sky, General Yin, who was confronting the master invited by the Chisong family, said with a smile.

He returned the words that the other party had just said to him intact.

The strong man named Shi had a gloomy face. , I don’t know what I’m thinking.

On the battle stage, Sugu looked at the remaining members of the Chisong family walking around him, and said calmly:

"keep going"

"You losers, aren't you scared and trying to escape?"

Just now, the words Akamatsu Hideshiro used to mock the Star Martial Arts University were returned intact by Sugu.

Such a scene made the eyes of those on the field red. But looking at his hair The red Miao Dao's desire to cut people has cooled down again.

Damn it, this guy really deserves to die!

"Brothers, come on, be careful not to be touched by that red knife." Akamatsu Taro gritted his teeth, and after saying these words, he immediately stepped forward and fought with Sugu close to him.

Seeing that his boss was in danger, the rest of the people naturally couldn't sit still.

They stepped forward one after another, thinking They wanted to recreate the encirclement and suppression just now, but they immediately noticed that

Sugu seemed to be in a hurry now compared to when he first saw the combined attack technique. The feeling of being at ease.

This is not only because of the gap created by the loss of Akamatsu Buta, but also because Sugu has gradually become accustomed to their movements and attacks. More calm

"Damn, damn guys."

During the constant siege, Akamatsu Hideshiro uttered bursts of curses.

The red Miao knife in Sugu's hand put a lot of pressure on them, and that knife accelerated the disintegration of the battle formation.

""Ah, ah!"

Soon, the combined attack of the Akamatsu family was completely broken. At the same time, Akamatsu Eishiro let out a shrill howl.

His left leg was stabbed by Sugu's knife.

But it was him, and at this time, another heavy-armored man also had his left arm cut.

The rhythm of the battle, from being controlled by the Akamatsu family to a brief stalemate just now. And now, it has completely turned into Sugu's unilateral ravage of the opponent.

"How can you do this? These people are all human beings. Next, on the alien battlefield, your comrades"

"All the students and spectators here, please comment."

Yax Jin looked at the situation on the field, and his whole face was as white as gold paper. He couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to use his influence to muddy the water.

Through the pressure from the surrounding public opinion, he forced Su Stop in ancient times

"Why, the Chisong family just made it clear that they were going to kill all the people in our Xingwu University. Why didn’t I see you stand up?"

"You are really a good dog. When we had a conflict with the Akamatsu family, you were so eccentric that it was disgusting."

"Shut up now!"

As soon as Yax Jin opened his mouth, other people from the Starry Sky Martial Arts University who came with him shouted angrily at him.

Not only that, even most of the spectators who were watching did not stand. On his side, after all, the reputation of the Chisong family is really bad.

If someone can come forward to help deal with him, these people will naturally be happy to see it done.

""Little beast, stop it now!"

In the sky, the Shi surnamed warrior could no longer sit still. The only survivors on the field were Akamatsu Taro and the ranged shooter with the heavy sniper.

Under Su Gu's relentless pressure, these two could be crippled at any time.

��Just when the strong man named Shi wanted to forcefully stop the battle, General Yin on the side took action and stopped him.

"Old Shi, stop. Didn't we agree that we wouldn't leave?"General Yin said with a smile.

And now, the strong man surnamed Shi had no power to pay attention to him. Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the entanglement for a while, he could only continue to shout:

"My friend, everything is negotiable. The conflicts between you can be completely compensated, don't be impulsive."

So Sugu didn't seem to hear all the sounds.

He looked directly at Akamatsu Taro and walked towards him silently.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Akamatsu Taro held the cross gun with a hint of madness in his eyes.

S-level combat skill, the Soul-Breaking Spear!

This is a combat skill that he has not fully mastered yet.

Boom! The final result of the Soul-Breaking Spear and Dragon Saliva Fire Knife is not surprising at all.

The long-range warrior and Taro Akamatsu fell at the same time.

Suguzhen ended this battle with the Akamatsu family, which ranked first in the Star Force brigade.

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