Star Martial Arts University challenges the Akamatsu family, and the two sides will have a battle tomorrow.

This news quickly spread in the small circle of this space city.

At first, people thought this was a joke.

After all, the performance of Xingkong Martial Arts University in recent years can be said to be like Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year - one year is worse than the other.

Even if they are lucky to be able to hold on to their position, do they still want to challenge the Akamatsu family who are currently ranked number one?

With the Akamatsu family's vicious reputation, wouldn't they just go to the toilet with a lantern - looking for shit (to die)?

But when other information about Xingwu University, especially the fact that three powerful martial arts universities failed to challenge Xingwu University, spread.

Many people had a slightly changed view of this joking challenge. They began to study the videos of the three battles to see what happened.

"Holy shit, what the hell is this guy called Su Gu? Where did Xingwu University dig him out from? A karate genius?"

"Isn't he empty-handed? Did it turn out that he was good at knives? In other words, he directly defeated three martial arts universities without using weapons?"

"It's too exaggerated. It seems that Starry Sky Martial Arts University's strength should have become stronger this year. But just because of this Sugu, he wants to challenge the Chisong family to a big fight? To be honest, I'm not very optimistic about it"


The next day, a group of people had gathered near the battle platform in the center of the space city to watch the battle, and the road was blocked.

As a last resort, the space city began to ask military personnel to come forward to maintain order.

On the viewing steps closest to the fighting platform, Yax King was wearing sunglasses and a double-layer mask, covering his mouth.

He was slapped by General Yin and had all his teeth knocked out. Although they were replaced with alloys of similar colors, when he spoke or the wind blew, he would feel a sharp pain.

"Damn Yin Jun! And that kid named Su Gu, he deserves to die too!"

Yax Jin cursed in his heart:"Wait, these six people from the Akamatsu family are best at the combined attack technique."

"I didn't even use the combined attack technique before, but I beat up your people from Xingwu University. Now you actually dare to sign a death match and fight this battle. This will be a one-sided massacre!"

Yax King looked at Yin Jun standing in the void, and the foreign priests of the Orange family who were stationed here and invited by the Akamatsu family to check and balance him.

When he thought about seeing the Akamatsu family slaughtering his juniors in front of Yin Jun, he excitedly slapped his thigh.

Although he couldn't do it himself, it could be regarded as revenge!

""Haven't the people from Starry Sky Martial Arts University arrived yet?" A roar came from the battle stage.

The people from the Akamatsu family had been waiting here since early morning, and now they couldn't wait any longer.

""These rubbish, are they running away out of fear?" Akamatsu Eishiro cursed.

He and Akamatsu Taketa were the most seriously injured. One's face was completely destroyed. Another's leg could not be completely healed even with healing abilities and cutting-edge medical equipment. This kind of injury has already affected their martial arts path. The hatred in their hearts has already surged.

"People from Starry Sky Martial Arts University are here!"I don't know who it was, this shout came.

The crowd began to split to both sides, leaving a way out.

People from the Starry Sky Martial Arts University slowly walked towards the fighting stage from this road.

And the people in the crowd looked at Looking at everyone in the Xingkong Martial Arts University, they couldn't help but cover their mouths. The Xingkong Martial Arts University does not have as good medical resources as the Chisong family. Many people are still wearing bandages, and their injuries are serious to the naked eye.

"Oh my God, how can I fight with such an injury?"Someone murmured this sentence.

In the crowd, there was a chatter of discussion. But soon, the discussion also subsided, and an even more shocking thing stopped their discussion.

Bai Yujing went up. Before, together with Akamatsu Taro, he signed a death certificate for this battle.

"Oh my God, it's a fight to the death, life or death. This is not a simple challenge"

"Look at the appearance of Xingwu University and the attitude of the Chisong family. I guess these two families had a deadly feud before we knew it."

"But even if you have formed a deadly feud and are so injured, you still come to accept this kind of challenge. Isn't this just asking for death?"


Accompanied by bursts of heated discussion from the crowd, the two sides of this battle slowly walked onto the fighting stage.

Coming from the Akamatsu family were all six people, including the leader, Akamatsu Taro.

And Xingwu University......Only one person from Xingwu University came up?!

Under the gaze of everyone, Sugu slowly walked to the fighting stage. On his waist, he only wore a Miao sword made of black gold.

One person and one sword, they were confronting the Chisong family.

Looking at such a scene, many people feel as if they are in a dream.

Are you kidding me? This guy wants to challenge the best six of the younger generation of the Akamatsu family with just one person.

Hasn't he heard of the Chisong family's notorious reputation?

"I remember him. He was the one who defeated three martial arts universities yesterday. His name seems to be Sugu. He is still a freshman."

"Sugu, right? Is this guy crazy? Actually preparing to challenge six"

"Maybe it was sent by Xingwu University to surrender?"......

Yax King looked at the situation on the field, frowning slightly. He inexplicably recalled the palpitation he felt when he and the young man looked at each other.

"Damn it, don't think about it. Among the six members of the Akamatsu family, how could an accident happen if one person was killed?"

"They suffered a loss before because of this kid's sneak attack. In addition, by capturing one person as a hostage, we can seize the opportunity!"

Yax Jin stared at the fighting platform tightly and threw away the ridiculous thoughts in his mind.

On the fighting platform, the people of the Chisong family stared at Sugu.

Although they could not put all the people in the Starry Sky Martial Arts University together. It was a pity that everyone was killed, but the fact that Sugu, whom they hated most, came out, was a bit of a consolation.

"Today, I'm going to strip you to pieces in front of everyone!"

Eishiro Akamatsu and Taketa Akamatsu looked at Sugu, as if uncontrollable anger was drawn out from the cracks in his bones.

Faced with the intimidation of these two people, Sugu's expression was dull. His eyes were focused on expressing On the calm Taro Akamatsu.

Sometimes, the dog that doesn't bark is the one that bites the most.

The battle begins!

The six members of the Akamatsu family immediately surrounded Sugu. The formation of powerful aliens

"kill him!"Under the order of Taro Akamatsu, the soldiers and heavy equipment came forward and fought with Sugu. The assassin stood aside, looking for the gap, and from time to time he gave the two people the loopholes they created and dealt a fatal blow.

And with the heavy sniper The long-range warrior, completely ignoring the possibility of harming his companions, would shoot at Sugu's vital points from time to time.

Every time he saw an attack that might harm his companions, he seemed to have predicted it in advance and perfectly dodged it. In the past, this precise cooperation seemed to be playing some kind of concerto with battle.

"Yes, that's it. Suppress him, don't give him a chance to breathe, kill him!"Yax Jin endured the pain in his mouth and roared from the side.

The people at the scene looked at Sugu who was suppressed and had no chance to fight back, and fell into silence.

It was as if they were prepared in advance for what Sugu would encounter next. To mourn.

There is no way, this is the fate of civilians who offend a powerful family. During the clash of weapons, Akamatsu Taketa seemed to be unable to bear it anymore.

He looked at Sugu's neck. The red one said:"Damn, I'll kill you!" Akasatsu Taro's face condensed and he said:"Calm down, don't!" But it was already too late. At this moment, the Miao knife in Sugu's hand made a small arc. The people around him suddenly felt that the air became a little anxious. S-level combat skill, Ambergris Fire Knife!

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