On the eve of departure, Star Martial Arts University gathered all the students participating in the Star Force Brigade and carefully checked their luggage to confirm that the items they carried complied with the corresponding regulations.

The place we go to next is not only a military base, but also the front line of the confrontation between humans and alien races in the stars. It has a very high level of confidentiality.

All electronic devices are prohibited, and only basic daily necessities can be brought.

When the inspection was completed, Instructor Lan Qing and General Yin led the team, followed by the people on the Star Force brigade list.

A group of people took the space elevator and arrived at the base in low-Earth orbit. Then he took the starry sky train here, heading towards the destination at one percent the speed of light.

Sugu sat in his room, looking at the mother planet gradually receding and the boundless starry sky around him, with a slightly dazed look on his face.

This was his first time stepping into the starry sky, and a strange emotion inevitably arose in his heart.

When the starry sky train traveled for several hours, Sugu pressed his hand on the glass. The view outside the glass was the burning sun.

"���Nowadays, if I want to travel in the starry sky, I still need to use artificial tools. I even have to wear a life-support suit when I go out alone."

"But I believe that it won’t be long before I can cross the sea of stars on my own strength."Sugu felt a little surging in his heart at this moment.

He was roaming freely in the starry sky. This scene was his earliest martial arts enlightenment. The scenery in front of him made him feel for the first time that he was close to his dream.......

It seems like three days have passed?

On days without the sun and electronic calendar, Sugu could only rely on the wall clock on the train to record time.

At this moment, the Starry Sky Train began to slow down, and its body was surrounded by terrifying flames at some point. The huge explosion penetrated the state-of-the-art sound insulation materials and poured into the eardrums of the passengers.

"Brother Su, it’s coming."

In order to relieve his boredom, Ma Mingjie took Feng Yan and squeezed into Sugu's room yesterday. Now he is shouting excitedly.

There are sounds and flames generated by friction, indicating that there is air in this area. He is so bored on the train. After a long time, we finally arrived at our destination.

The sound and flames began to dissipate, and the starry sky train slowly entered the platform.

The three of them looked at the scenery outside and saw a neatly planned city.

The buildings are all rectangular in shape, with no decorative designs visible, and even the color is uniformly black.

The entire city only considers practicality and has no aesthetic design at all.

This makes this city without any sense of beauty.

, what looks different is that it is suspended in space in one piece, and is a space city made of steel.

This scenery reminds Sugu of sentries stationed in the dark.

"In a place like this, the earth's dirt is worth more than gold."Feng Yan on the side suddenly said

"Really?! Ma Mingjie asked in surprise:"Does the federal government have laws prohibiting smuggling in this area?""

While the two were chatting, an announcement sounded on the train.

"The destination, Space City No. 0-A72D1 has arrived. Passengers leaving the station, please take your luggage."......

"People from other schools came."

The movement of the Starry Sky Train alarmed students from other schools who had arrived a few days in advance.

Freshmen from some schools were trotting all the way over.

The people sent on the train were not only their comrades in resisting the alien race, but also close friends with themselves. Rivals competing for resources are naturally worthy of careful observation.

"It was Instructor Lan Qing and General Yin, who seemed to be from the Starry Sky Martial Arts University."Immediately someone said. When most people heard the name of Xingwu University, they showed fear in their eyes, and a small number of people had disapproval on their faces.

"Senior, Xingkong Martial Arts University has been as famous as our Kaiyang Martial Arts University and Wangtianya Martial Arts University over the years. It is the first choice school for ordinary people."

"Why do I feel that the people over at Wangtianya and the teachers at our school have little interest in them?"

A man as lean as a monkey looked respectfully at the senior next to him with a machine-like face for advice.

He was the team captain of Kaiyang Martial Arts University, Arnold.

He pondered for a moment and then said:"You Do you know what our teachers say about Star Martial Arts University?"

The monkey-like man shook his head.

"The inheritance is long, and the combat skills and techniques are as vast as the sea, but they are broad but not masterful. Arnold said:

"The long heritage and vast collection of combat skills and techniques made this school a success, but it also constrained them. They wanted to grab everything and were unwilling to let go of anything, which ultimately led to their overall weakening over the years."

"In recent years, the top-level combat performance among Xingwu college students has been one level lower than ours. If their background hadn't been there, they would have been kicked out of the ranks of the 'three companies' long ago."

Hearing Arnold's explanation, the monkey-like man said in a waning tone:

"no wonder so"

"Looking at it this way, the senior's breakthrough has enabled us to look down on these people. The only ones who can compete with us are those disciples sent by big families."

Arnold nodded. The breakthrough he had brought to him after the battle with the Almighty Martial God gave him the confidence he didn't have in the past.

Just when he turned around and was about to leave, a new student walked out of the Star Martial Train. He took the initiative Stepping forward to support Instructor Lan Qing

, he suddenly felt a trance in his heart. This was probably an illusion.


After Sugu sent Instructor Lan Qing back to his accommodation, he also came to this residence.

This space city is a military base, and the rooms here are not comfortable at all. It was incomparable to his dormitory at Star Martial Arts University.

However, Sugu didn't dislike it at all. Instead, he felt excited about exploring a new environment.

Sugu had just finished spreading the bedding he had brought with him and tidying up the toiletries when the fat man trotted over complaining.

"Damn, we really can’t live here. The beds in the room are all made of metal. My back hurts when I lie down for a while."

"If that's all, why bother restricting internet use? Damn you, you're here to see me off to death, right?"

Ma Mingjie sat on the chair in the room, complaining angrily. It was just the first day here, and he couldn't stand it.

Sugu listened quietly, waiting for him to let out his anger. From this standard metal In the cabinet, I found an X device

"There is this here?" Ma Mingjie said with his eyes wide open.

"After all, this thing is considered a regular training equipment of the Martial Arts University, there is no reason not to prepare"

"Brother Su, let’s start a round. I'm almost bored to death. I'm going to be an audience member for a while."


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