Three days after helping resolve the conflict between Kuang Zhen and Feng Yan.

Bai Yujing summoned all the team members, including Sugu, and began to hold a meeting to familiarize themselves with their teammates and introduce the purpose of the Star Force brigade.

In a lecture theater, video materials prepared in advance were projected, and a soft and sweet female voice slowly chanted

"Although the Dark Ages have long ended, the alien races in the stars have been expelled hundreds of light years away from the solar system."

"But there will still be some unyielding aliens trying to build roads through space capabilities in an attempt to invade again. However, if you want to build artificial roads across such a long distance, it will also consume a lot of money for those alien races, so all they can send are some warriors and commander-level shrimps."

"The Star Force Brigade is organized by the military and top martial arts masters, allowing our students to kill or capture these little shrimps from the alien race."

Bai Yujing spoke some basic information earnestly. Her team members sat in front of the lecture theater and listened carefully.

Their group of five people were all gathered here.

Bai Yujing (remote), Sugu (soldier), Liu Guang (Heavy Equipment), Xiao Junjian (Assassin), Ma Mingjie (Atmosphere Team)

"Senior sister, since the aliens coming here are not strong, why do we students have to take action? Let those powerful people come and wipe out this passage with ease."Su Gu knocked on the table and asked a question that confused him.

"The people can live a comfortable life, but we warriors cannot. Even in peaceful times, we still need to understand alien races and master the ability to kill them. After all, the enemy was only driven away, but not completely defeated. Bai Yujing said in a deep voice:

"Not only because of this, the existence of alien races is also a resource for us humans. Those cutting-edge martial arts weapons all require the remains of certain alien races as materials. And besides weapons, there are some more fundamental things......"

Speaking of this, Bai Yujing showed a mysterious smile

"Due to the confidentiality agreement I signed, I cannot tell you these things for the time being. But when you pass by, you will naturally know it. Before that, I can assure you that you will not just be a tool to eliminate alien races in the past. If you are lucky enough, you will all be transformed!"

After hearing this, everyone's spirits suddenly lifted.

Seeing that she had successfully aroused the interest of these people, a smile appeared on Bai Yujing's face.

She continued:"But it is also for this reason that we and some other schools also competitive relationship"

"The purpose of calling you all here is to let us know more about our competitors."

After she finished speaking, she took out a 3D projector and began to play the video data of other school teams.

What Sugu didn't expect was that the first face just shown was very familiar to him. Looking at the former Arnold, who had fought against him, had a strange expression on his face

"Arnold, captain of the Kaiyang Martial Arts University team. I guess because of the Almighty Martial God, you are all familiar with this face."

"It is said that after his battle with the Almighty Martial God, he received some advice from the Martial God and gained huge rewards. Now he has realized S-level combat skills on his own, and his combat power has been greatly enhanced."

"It is estimated that this year, Kaiyang Martial Arts University will be the strongest among the martial arts universities open to civilians."

Hearing the words Almighty Martial God, Xiao Junjian and Liu Guang were obviously agitated. Because of Ma Mingjie's deliberate publicity and Sugu's incredible performance. The virtual ID of Almighty Martial God has become the idol of many freshmen in the school.

"As expected of Brother Wushen"

"If you get beaten up by Brother Wushen, you can learn S-level combat skills, and I can pay him to be a punching bag."

Liu Guang and Xiao Junjian couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Even Bai Yujing's eyes flashed with a hint of envy.

Being able to master S-level combat skills through self-enlightenment proves that they have mastered and understood their own skills. To a very deep extent, doing this kind of thing can even increase the chance of hitting the Soul Shaping Realm.

Originally, her and Arnold's strength were still about the same, but now they have begun to grow.

Among these people, Ma Mingjie heard that. After that, he smiled in the direction of Sugu, and Sugu shrugged and turned his head away.

When Sugu was distracted, Bai Yujing had already finished introducing Kaiyang Martial Arts University and looked at the other students at Tianya Martial Arts University. Several team leaders continued:

"Our three schools are the top martial arts universities recruiting civilians. Ranked according to performance within ten years, Xingwu University is the weakest among the three universities."

"As for the Star Force Brigade, in addition to civilian universities like us, some big families will also send their children to participate. Therefore, the pressure of competition is great and the prospects are not optimistic.

Then, she turned her gaze to Sugu and said,"But I think the situation this time will be very different.""

After Bai Yujing came into contact with Su Gu, she asked Yu Cunxiao to get her a video of his battle.

Seeing his heroic appearance during the battle, she felt a sense of wonder. She completely understood what Kuang Zhen and Feng Yan had seen that day when they met Su Gu. , why is it such a reaction?

In addition to encouraging the juniors, this sentence is also because of the confidence given by Sugu.

"Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Next, I will show the collected videos of these people fighting."

"Everyone can put forward their own ideas."

After that, Bai Yujing adjusted the projection screen in the back and changed again.

Every time after a battle video was played, she would ask Su Gu for his opinion.

And Su Gu always gave a penetrating answer. After listening to it, Liu Guang and Xiao Junjian, in addition to admiration, could not help but feel jealous.

Anyone could see that Bai Yujing was training Su Gu as the next captain of the school team. Although according to his strength, he should have been the captain. But this despair of not having any chance of competition still hit their hearts.

At this time, the two of them had a slight chatter on their phones. They were shocked. It was their president Ma Mingjie who was looking for them.

When they opened the chat software on their mobile phones, they saw the president's newly designed slogan for Brother Wushen's battle, and he was asking for their opinions.

Looking at the group chat of the Almighty Wushen Support Club, which occupied more than half of the freshmen in the school, they felt relieved.

At the same time, they looked at Su Gu, revealing an inexplicable sense of superiority.

No matter how powerful you are, can you be more powerful than Brother Wushen?

This is a peerless genius who can conquer the Hassan family and leave his name in history.

As a member of the Almighty Wushen Support Club, Xiao Junjian and Liu Guang proudly puffed up their chests again.

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