Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 125 Disaster Beast! Absol’S Help! 【55】

After collecting three copies of [[Strange Guardian] Ability Fragments], Ye Si's goal of participating in the insect catching competition this time is actually completed.

How many fragments can be harvested in the future are all extra!

But Ye Si didn't expect that just when he was about to make a fortune, he encountered such a small accident.

When he met the pair of scarlet eyes not far away, he immediately remembered the sense of spying he felt while walking last night.

So, has this Pokémon actually followed him all the way?

The location of the Pokémon is a surveillance blind spot, and the people outside the park are not aware of the existence of this Pokémon.

However, from Ye Si's perspective, it was possible to see the entire Pokémon clearly.

In other words, this Pokémon itself had no intention of hiding its whereabouts from him!

It is covered in white hair, and the areas not covered by hair are blue and black. On the top of its head is a horn that looks like a sickle...

This is the beast——Absol!

The fantasy Pokémon from the Hoenn Region in the original novel!

[Name]: Absol


[Ability]:Super lucky

[Level]: Level 30 (Elite)


The level of this Absol is not high, only LV30...

But in the actual combat ability evaluation of the system panel, it is equivalent to the elite level of ordinary Pokémon Lv40!

Obviously, as a member of the fantasy beasts, Absol in the real world, Species Strength is not the poor 465 in the original work!

Thinking about other mythical beasts and phantom beasts, this will also be the case!

Seeing Absol, Ye Si's first reaction was not to surrender.

The reason why Absol can be called a disaster beast is because the sickle-shaped horn on its head gives it a keen ability to predict danger!

Because of its ability, in the superstitious era more than a hundred years ago, its status was somewhat similar to the crow in Ye Si's previous world...

They are all regarded as an ominous symbol!

In the past hundred years, science has developed, and its ability to predict disasters has been gradually discovered and correctly understood.

Although people still feel embarrassed when they see it, they also know that it is not the cause of the disaster. On the contrary, its appearance can help people reduce their losses.

But the name of the disaster beast is still hanging on its head!

"Does it appear here to tell me that a disaster is about to happen?"

Ye Si thought instinctively, and then shook his head.

If a large-scale natural disaster is really going to happen, this Absol should be sending warnings back and forth in the area where the disaster is about to happen...

Rather than just appearing in front of him!

This Absol, if Ye Si guessed correctly, has been following him since last night!

"Is there something you need my personal help with?"

A somewhat absurd idea suddenly arose in Ye Si's heart.

How could a wild fantasy beast actively seek help from strangers?

He was very sure that he had never seen this Absol before!

Moreover, even if the matter is so urgent that we have to find a strange human being...

How did this Absol pick him out of the crowd?

Could it be that he wandered into a remote area last night and happened to meet it looking for help?


Ye seems to have remembered something.

The broken horn from Xerneas!

This short section of broken corner cannot be put into the system backpack because it is not produced by the system.

Therefore, he always carries it carefully with him!

Absol chose to trust him because he sensed the aura of Xerneas in him!

This small piece of broken horn is like Xerneas' guarantee for a strange human being like him!

In this case, this Absol may have considered that its own strength is not very strong.

Last night, I just followed Ye Si and didn’t show up directly!

One night passed, maybe the matter was more urgent, or maybe Absol confirmed something through observation...

Only then appeared in front of Ye Si at this moment!

"Are you... here to find me?"

Looking into Absol's scarlet eyes for a moment, Ye Si spoke seriously...0

The melon-eaters outside the park were already numb when they asked Ninjask for directions at Ye Si!

This is a player they can't guess at all!

So much so, when Ye Si hunted down a Shedinja like a provocateur but had no intention of subduing it...

They no longer have much psychological fluctuations in Ye Si's unexpected behavior!

But when Ye Si suddenly took out the 20 [Park Balls] given by the organizer and threw them to the ground, their eyes widened.

Ye Si asked Absol and got a positive answer.


Absol turned around and looked back, obviously gesturing for Ye Si to follow.

Under such circumstances, how could Ye Si care about an insect-catching contest that was not a big deal in the first place!

Making a 'give up' gesture to the camera on the side, Ye Si placed all 20 [Park Balls] within the camera's field of view.

Five in a row, arranged in four rows, it is also convenient for the organizer to confirm that he did not take more.

After completing this, Ye Si clapped his hands and rode on Gogoat again.

Gogoat just took a few steps forward and jumped over the several-meter-high fence of the park!

"This young man abstained?"

"Why is 5.2 so sudden?"

"I just want to know what happened. I didn't understand the whole process!"

"Hey! It turns out you don't understand it either!"

"I thought the rules of this year's bug-catching contest had been changed!"

The melon-eaters outside the garden were quiet for a moment, and then started talking among themselves.

Many of the people present were citizens of Baiyong City. They had watched the insect catching competition more than once, but they had never seen such an operation before!

But in addition to melon-eating, many melon-eating people who had relatives and friends who participated in the insect-catching competition had smiles on their faces.

This player is weird, a little weird...

But if you take it seriously, you can basically occupy the top three spots casually!

With Ye Si gone, their relatives and friends will still have one more chance to compete for the top three!

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