Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 124 The Ultimate Sexy Operation! The White Shadow Appears! 【45】

"If there is a Shedinja, it should be at the innermost part of the park..."

Riding Gogoat all the way into the center of the park, but failing to see the target, Ye Si couldn't help but guess in her heart.

To evolve into a Shedinja, the Ninja needs to be at least Level 20!

This level should be the highest among the Pokémon placed by the organizers in the park!

The more powerful Pokémon you conquer, the more points you can get...

According to normal thinking, the higher-level Pokémon should be in the innermost part of the park - that's right!

Sure enough, as he went deeper, Ye Si began to see some Pokémon that could not be seen from the outside.

Beedrill, Butterfree, Scyther….…

The most important thing is that Ye Si saw Ninjask when he was almost at the end!

The presence of Ninjask means that there is likely to be Ninja, its Earl Dervish form, living nearby!

If there is a native Ninja, there may even be a Shedinja!

Ye Si made Gogoat stop and search nearby.

These Ninjask, which were hanging on the tree trunks and sucking the sap of the trees, saw Ye Si approaching, fluttering their wings slightly and then had no other reaction.

As long as Ye Si does not attack them, they will simply regard Ye Si as a transparent person.

It is estimated that they were not only trained by the organizer, but also specially warned before the competition started.

Every insect-catching conference must be beaten and subdued...

It’s so miserable just thinking about it!

However, compared with the aquatic Pokémon that are easily caught by fish hooks in the fishing competition, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept...

Those aquatic Pokémon are caught with hooks in their mouths!

It hurts just thinking about it!

Wandering around for a while, I didn't see Shedinja anywhere...

Ye Si thought for a while and simply rode Gogoat back and came to a Ninjask.

The wings behind Ninjask vibrated as a warning.

"Hello! Let me ask, have you met Shedinja?"

Ye Si ignored its warning and patted it on the shoulder.

Outsiders can also see what's happening on Ye Si's side through the surveillance screen without audio.

When they saw Ye Si miss the Pokémon that only represented high points, many people shook their heads.

But when the scene in front of them appeared, which looked like asking for directions, the crowd was really dumbfounded.

Not to mention the masses, even Ninjask was dumbfounded when asked for directions!

The wings on his back stopped vibrating, and Ninjask turned to look at him numbly.

Ye Si smiled politely.

The Gogoat he was riding seemed to flick its head inadvertently and used a "Razor Leaf"

Cut off and drop a branch of the tree where the Ninjask is located!

"Buzz buzz!"

This was more effective than anything else, and Ninjask suddenly flew up.

It's not running away, it's really trying to lead Ye Si.

no way!

The person asking for directions is a big shot, you can’t afford to offend him, you can’t afford to offend him!

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

"Sure enough, you still have to ask the original residents about this kind of thing!"

Ye Si's eyes are bright and she knows there is something going on.

If there were no Shedinja in the garden, this Ninjask shouldn't react like this!

"Gogoat, [Turn Attack]!"

Ye Si's command sounded in the forest.

"Gai hoo!"

After receiving the order, Gogoat ran quickly and tackled a Shedinja that was caught off guard by the sudden attack.

"Ding! You have obtained [[Strange Guardian] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X200!"

Under Attribute's restraint, Shedinja's [Strange Guardian] Ability was not used at all, and it was directly knocked out of combat ability!

"Very good! Let's go find the next one!"

Listening to the system prompts ringing in his ears, Ye Si smiled happily, rode on Gogoat's back again and waved his big hand.

"Ding! You have obtained [[Strange Guardian] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X200!"

Under the leadership of the traitor Ninjask, Ye Si obtained the second fragment without spending much effort.

0Request flowers…0

Calculating the exchange currency value of this fragment, this is equivalent to Ye Si just defeating a championship-level Pokémon!

"However, Shedinja is not as fragile as expected..."

Looking at Shedinja lying on the ground with an angelic halo on his head, Ye Si's eyes were a little surprised.

Shedinja's shell is harder than expected!

At this time, Ye Si also remembered that in the original anime, when May met Shedinja, the Pokédex description was like this:

[Shedinja, the shelling Pokémon, its body is very hard and its defense is very high]

Maybe the ‘crispy skin’ itself is just a setting in the game...

If you think about it carefully, the temporary force field can only resist elemental attacks.

(The setting is, Normal system and Fighting system physical skills, most of the damage also comes from the elemental level)

If Shedinja is really the type that can be knocked down in one hit, then there is no need to use any skills at all, just come up and give it a slap in the face!

Without thinking too much, Ye Si ordered Ninjask to find the third and most critical Shedinja.

If you can't get three points of [[Strange Guardian] Ability Fragments], it will be a busy day.

Ding! You got [[Strange Guardian] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X200!"

Fortunately, Ye Si's luck was not too bad. After spending a little more time, he still found the third Shedinja!

After all, the park was under surveillance and crowded with people, so Ye Si didn't let the system directly deliver the potion to him on the spot.

“After gathering three fragments, it’s time to spend pure exchange coins!”

Ye always smiles.

Each subsequent fragment is still worth 2,500 exchange coins!

Just judging by the efficiency of this Ninjask's search, there probably aren't many Shedinja left in this park...

"How about changing to a Ninjask?"

Rubbing his chin, Ye Si raised his head and met a pair of scarlet eyes not far away.

Looking for Shedinja along the way, before he knew it, he had arrived at the edge of the park!

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