Chapter 69 Liu Yiyi’s butterfly effect! Silly, sweet and lovely!


It’s 42 again!

Lin Xian originally thought that with his ingenuity, he could completely “avoid” “get rid of” “face” 42.

He thought that 42 only began to appear next to him after receiving the space-time mailbox.

But I didn’t expect it.

It turns out, from so long ago!

42 has appeared on him!

High school student ID

To be honest, Lin Xian can’t remember at all…

This is normal.

No one can remember the high school number after graduating from university.

And the high school number is of no use.

Although it is engraved on the school card, it is also for the teacher’s name.

“No. 31, you answer this question!”

“On the 22nd, go to the blackboard and do this question.”

Lin Xian looked at Liu Yiyi’s innocent eyes.

He believed that Liu Yiyi should have a good memory.

“Did you remember correctly?”

“Of course I remember it well! I have been at the same table with you for two years, and I remember any of your numbers clearly!”

Liu Yiyi knocked Lin Xian on the head again:

“Big-brother-it’s almost noon-please be sober!! I have packed your things, your previous school card, student ID, meal card are all in that purple iron box, go back to yourself Look!”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and said nothing.

Originally, when he faced the clock of 00:42 yesterday and dropped Wen Ling’s letter into the mailbox, he thought he had won.

did not expect.

42 Since I was in high school, I have been “lurking” by my side.

42 What the hell

Lin Xian can’t wait to know the answer right away.


In the whole world (in my own time and space), the person closest to this answer is Liu Lu, the first prodigy of the Long Kingdom of the Academy of Long Science.

As strong as him, with an investment of $225 million, it will take one month to solve this mystery.

Lin Xian took out his mobile phone and looked through the address book.


Sure enough, there is no contact information for Liu Lu.

Let’s look at the contact information of Professor Ding Yi.


Obviously, history has changed after all.

Finally, he saw the contact information of Director Wu.

all of these

Should we start from scratch?

Lin Xian felt a little confused.

The history of this world, just because of Liu Yiyi’s “resurrection from the dead” alone, produced a giant-big butterfly effect, which made the six-year history become a mess.

actually …

Lin Xian didn’t care about other money, Ferrari loss or something.

Those things, as long as the airmail box is sometimes available, you can have as many as you want.

This historical change.

The place he felt most pity–

Just broke contact with Liu Lu.

The first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom, Liu Lu.

Liu Lu, who was “a few days ago”, regarded himself as “a beacon to his confidant”! He has a relationship with himself!

After a month, he could completely solve the mystery of 42.

But just because I saved Liu Yiyi

My cousin Liu Yiyi’s quota for the competition for the braces sister was nominated.

The Long Guo Olympiad lost, and the United States did not clamor to hold the [World Mathematics Masters].

Naturally, I didn’t connect with Professor Ding Yi and Liu Lu.

They are strangers in this world.

“Liu Lu is a talent, if he hadn’t met me, he would have been buried by prejudice and ignorance!

“I must find him again! Give him research funding and persuade him to understand 42 thoroughly!”


Lin Xian felt that the most important thing now is money!

To make Liu Yiyi’s parents convince themselves, the famous family is marrying Liu Yiyi and needs money.

To let Liu Lu thoroughly understand 42 research, it needs 225 million US dollars in research funding.

To fully grasp the power of 42, 40 billion yuan is needed to build a particle collider.

It seems

I should start using the space-time mailbox

Make a lot of money!!


Seeing Lin Xian staying in a daze, Liu Yiyi knocked him awake:

“You are really weird today! Say! Is there something you dare not tell me!”

“No.””Did you take that 100,000 yuan to gamble? Did you buy lottery tickets? Did you buy stocks?”


“That’s the money for marrying me! You must put it away! Don’t squander it!”

“I know, I know

Lin Xian waved his hand impatiently.

Get rid of this series of messy thoughts.

Now I think so much for nothing.

Lin Xian is going to wait for Liu Yiyi to go home, take advantage of no one at home, and organize his thoughts!

Through this time “saving people across time and space”.

Lin Xian feels deeply–

Don’t underestimate any one person’s changes to the entire history!

It’s too unpredictable!

The Butterfly Effect.

(A butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Mason River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas in the United States two weeks later.)

It will magnify any small movement! Zoom! Zoom!

Then 20 makes the entire history completely unrecognizable.

Recalling the two most important sentences on [Letter from the Future]:

[Please remember, the two biggest factors affecting the correct development of history and leading to changes in the world line are:][1. Let the people who should die live, and let the people who should live die. 】

[2. Let us (that is, you and me) know the matter of traveling through time and space prematurely, which will affect our outlook on life and values. 1

Lin Xian feels deeply now.

“In the future, to bring the dead back to life, it is better not to do it again.”

“Anyone who should not live will have a huge impact on the correct history and cause the world line to deviate.

“A carelessness may affect myself in the end, and even, because of the unpredictable butterfly effect, directly lead to my untimely death, then I will be completely cold now.”

Lin Xian decided not to think about these things for now.

Wait for the evening to sort out together.

Now, first send Liu Yiyi to the subway station safely.

“Let’s go, get in the car.”

Liu Yiyi nodded and stepped on the shared bicycle skillfully

The two continued to ride to the subway station talking and laughing.

For Liu Yiyi, what Ferrari, what Maserati, and Lin Xian’s shared bicycle make her happy!

It’s hard to buy a daughter, I am happy!

Riding on

to be honest

Lin Xian is a little tired.

This shared bicycle is not the same as an ordinary bicycle, it is a solid tire!

It was heavy and hard to ride.

Especially when facing uphill, I want to die!

“Liu Yiyi, discuss with you


“Let’s buy a car. Really, so that I can take you to and from school on weekends, and you don’t have to go so early. Also, it’s windy and sunny, I feel sorry for you.”

Liu Yiyi felt very warm, and said with a smile:

“Just your 100,000 yuan, will you buy a Ferrari?”

Lin Xian was amused:

“Can we buy a Ferrari?”

“Okay! Go! We are also car owners!”

Liu Yiyi sang happily:

“Ferrari! ~ Maserati! ~ Not as good as our Ferrari!”


It is a domestic car launched by FAW Group.

In the age when the starting price of taxis was still 3 yuan, this kind of car was often used as a taxi.

No good.

It’s cheap and durable!

Tens of thousands of dollars can be done.

In the early days, if there was a Xiali, it would be a big family!

As for Liu Yiyi, when everyone admired Xiali, she was already in a luxurious Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

But Liu Yiyi is completely different from the kind of “girl who is willing to sit in a BMW and cry.”

Even she has been in countless luxury cars since she was a child.

But just be with Lin Xian.

Tricycles, shared bicycles, Ferraris, she can ride anything!

And also very happy!

“Hehe, if you ride a bicycle~ can we two get closer together?”

Be with the person you like.

Happiness is so simple.

And pure.

The two chatted on the way, and the topic came to Lei Haolong who had just met.

“Yo yo yo! My big wood is jealous! It’s rare!”

“Sister, why am I jealous of him, is he worthy?”

Lin Xian felt speechless…

Just that dwarf, what can you compare with yourself?If you insist, have money?

But in the eyes of Lin Xian, who owns the space-time mailbox, the least valuable is money

So many stocks and futures every day.

As far as I am concerned, as long as I prepare the stationery, I can never make money.


Liu Yiyi is her own woman.

Body (predetermination) and heart are all his own, so why should he be jealous of others.

He just feels

Both of them have student numbers of 42, which is definitely not accidental.

Besides, one transfers to another school, and the other transfers, as if it was deliberately arranged by some mysterious force.

Liu Yiyi told Lin Xian the story of Lei Haolong.

It turns out that in the previous 20 years of life, Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong can be said to have no intersection at all.

Even if they were classmates in the first year of high school, there was no communication.

Liu Yiyi is a good student who loves to study, so naturally he will not play with boys.

And Lei Haolong.

He doesn’t like talking, always sitting in the last row, smiling mysteriously.

I don’t know what he is laughing every day.

Whenever I saw him, he was laughing.

At the beginning, everyone felt that this person was kind.

But it’s a long time

It feels terrifying.

Although Lei Haolong is a rich second generation, his family is powerful. But unlike the ordinary rich second generation, they are not domineering at all.

Do not fight, do not pick up girls, do not go to nightclubs, do not pretend to be 13.

Just laugh there!

Sit in the last row and laugh every day!

There is no sound.

It’s not that kind of giggle.

It’s just plain, smile.

one year later

He transferred to another school and went to study in Canada. The classmates in the class breathed a sigh of relief and felt that Mount Tai, which was on the top of his head, was gone.

Really are.

Compared with “Lei Haolong’s Smile”, the pressure of the college entrance examination is not so great!

Perhaps this is also the reason why the overall grades in the class have improved by leaps and bounds starting from the second year of high school.

No pressure!


Later, Lin Xian transferred to another school. He was handsome and cheerful, and soon became a group with everyone.

Except that when they first came, everyone thought that the student number was a bit weird, but then everyone forgot about Lei Haolong.

After all, only one year of classmates.

Didn’t say much.

It’s normal to forget it.

Liu Yiyi originally thought that Lei Haolong would not appear in his life afterwards.

But she was wrong.

Under the circumstances, Lei, the comrade-in-arms of Grandpa Liu Yiyi’s former comrade-in-arms, came to visit and mentioned his grandson.

This comes and goes.

The two families discovered that Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong turned out to be high school classmates!

Old comrades in arms have deep feelings.

At this look, it is thicker and thicker!

I just wanted to match the two juniors together, and jokingly said, just be a baby!

Liu Yiyi thought it was ridiculous at the time.

“If you really ordered a baby kiss when you were a child, I won’t say anything, big family, old thoughts, happy this set.”

“But I’m now in college! I’m 20 years old! If you even order a baby kiss, can this thing get on the bus first and then make up for the ticket?”

As a result, Lei Haolong had no objection, and Liu Yiyi’s side had no objection, even if Liu Yiyi told his mother that this kid always smirked when he was in high school.

Mother Liu didn’t agree either:

“What nonsense, I have seen people, they are good old! Except for being a little bit lower, but it’s okay. You can be taller, and it won’t affect your child’s growth.”

Liu Yiyi directly hung up the phone.

Liu Yiyi didn’t care about this absurd marriage. He loved it.

As for the Liu family, the intention was to rely on this matter to make Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian break up.

Only Lei’s family, from top to bottom, cares a lot about this marriage.

After all, Liu Yiyi is beautiful, can sing and dance, and has a good family.Where can I find such an excellent daughter-in-law?


This thing is stuck like this.

“Don’t worry Lin Xian, you don’t have to worry that I will run with him, then I’d rather die! No matter if you treat me well or badly, I will recognize you in this life.”

“Marry a chicken and a chicken, marry a dog and a dog, in this life I will be yours. My biggest dream is to die a little later than you, let me bury you well, and leave me a pit next to me.”

“Stop, stop, stop! What are you talking about, bad luck!”

After 15 minutes.



As soon as the mobile phone rang and the shared bicycle was returned successfully, Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi came to the subway station.

Lin Xian looked at the crowded crowd.

Frowned.This is too crowded!

In fact, when I go to work, I am not so crowded, but this is the weekend and the flow of people is much larger than usual.

Thinking that Liu Yiyi usually squeezed the subway for such a long time to go to school, Lin Xian felt very uncomfortable.

When I was at home just now.

What kind of rhetoric:

“From then on, I won’t let you suffer any bit of suffering!”

“You promise me a lifetime, and I will pay you back the first glory!”

The result is good!

This is just going out of the house, it will cause the family to suffer

“Liu Yiyi, how long will it take you to go to school?”

Liu Yiyi whited Lin Xian with a glance:

“Forget about my alma mater so quickly? First take the subway from here, take 1 hour, then transfer to Line 2, and then 1 hour, you will reach the university town. Then take the half-hour bus from the station. It’s also an hour to Tunghai University.”

Seeing Lin Xian’s constantly frowning brows, Liu Yiyi knew what she was thinking.

She stood on her toes and rubbed Lin Xian’s eyebrows:

“Alright, okay, I know you love me. But, I want to come back to see you! For me, the most hopeful thing every week is to spend the weekend, because I can see you and stay with you for two days.”

“It’s just a three-hour drive. Besides, with so many people in this city, aren’t everyone crowding the subway? As an ordinary student, crowding the subway is normal.”

“Look, those students are also shopping in the city. They are all coming from the subway.

Lin Xian shook his head firmly:

“Don’t say anything, buy a car this week!”

“Since I said that I can’t make you suffer, it means that a little bit of suffering cannot make you suffer.”


After Liu Yiyi stood on tiptoe to complete the action, he smiled:

“I don’t suffer at all.

I haven’t seen each other for the first time in six years.

It is the white moonlight of his adolescence again.

オWe will be separated in less than an hour

Lin Xian feels that he is fine anyway, so he should talk to Liu Yiyi on the road and send her to school.

But Liu Yiyi shook his head violently:

“Oh! You can’t go!”

Lin Xian wondered:

“Why can’t I go?”

“Line 2 is more crowded than this subway. Even if I am small, you must be uncomfortable as a big man.”

“Furthermore, when you get to the university town, you still have to take a bus for an hour. There must be no place, and the road is not good. I’m afraid you will suffer.”

Lin Xian touched her head.

The girl’s love for herself is like a mother’s love for her child.

You can suffer, but children can’t.

“If you say that, I have to go even more.”


Liu Yiyi was puzzled, why Lin Xian had to accompany him to the university town and then come back, wasting 6 hours in vain!

“Stop talking, just let me go once. Anyway, this is the last time you took the subway.

Liu Yiyi couldn’t help Lin Xian, so he had to let Lin Xian go on the subway with him.

Now, most of Lin Xian’s memories have not been recovered.

He was just curious and wanted to experience how the “poor days” between the two lived.

This is for him.

Is a fresh and sad journey

After getting on the Metro Line 6, it was crowded and naturally there was no place.

Lin Xian is tall and can hold the top bar, very stable.

Liu Yiyi took Lin Xian’s arm, talking and laughing along the way.

One hour later, I transferred to Line 2, and Liu Yiyi was right, there were more people!

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi are like biscuits posted in the boiler!

Close to each other.

“This is too crowded! Liu Yiyi, did you always stand for such a long time to see me?”

Liu Yiyi poked Lin Xian in the ribs, looked at him hiding while shouting in pain, and said with a grin:

“Hey, you are very nervous! You usually go to work, don’t you use the subway too! Don’t you always think of me as a little princess, okay?”

“I will have to hug a child in the future, maybe I have to hug one in one hand, and then I have to take care of you, and when you are old, I have to push your wheelchair. I should be a super female super talent, yes! I don’t want to be a little princess. !”

“Shut up! You can’t talk about earthy love anymore! I’m tired of listening! Since everyone can squeeze the subway, so can I, I’m no different from everyone!”

Lin Xian was really dumbfounded.

This Nizi, while muttering to speak to herself, also cut her ribs to prevent herself from speaking.

“Eh, you are very silly to talk like this!”

Liu Yiyi stuck out his tongue and learned the naughty way of Wanwan accent in the movie:

“You Jiangzi said that digging is very locomotive!”

Lin Xian was amused by him again.

Also learn the wan accent!

“Liu Yiyi, don’t tease you, what you learned is nothing like it!’

“Dwarf oil~ Jiangzi’s speech there is very greasy~ harmful~ oh?”

“Shut up, you!”

Lin Xian pinched her nose to prevent her from making such strange noises.

Really are

Dreaming back to 18 years old…

It’s lovely to be with you.

It’s weird to accompany you.

Lin Xian felt like he was back in high school for a moment.

Back to the familiar classroom.

That five-dollar bottle of high-end yogurt.

The girl who smiled all over the school Ewha

One hour later, the two squeezed out of the crowded Line 2.

It’s almost squeezed.

Lin Xian looked desperately at the bus full of students

no no

That can’t be said to be full of students.

It should be said to be full of students!

Lin Xian felt that the half-hour bus was like a balloon that was about to blow up!

And many students still carry large bags and small suitcases, making the already crowded carriages even more crowded.

“Dongda Dongda! 5 yuan per person! 5 yuan per person!”

Even if the bus is too full, in the eyes of the driver, this is an “empty” carriage.

“Stand back! Hey! Stand back!”

In the eyes of the bus driver, there is always room for Hou Mian

Liu Yiyi wiped Lin Xian’s sweat with a tissue:

“Lin Xian, you can send it here. You have experienced it. You can go back by subway. I can take the bus myself.”

“You have also seen it. It’s a bit crowded, but it’s cheap! I thought about it carefully. You should buy a car so that you don’t have to squeeze the subway to work.”

Liu Yiyi rides this kind of bus every week. She knows in her heart that the buses in these university towns are seriously overloaded, and the roads are not easy to walk, and they are very bumpy.

She really couldn’t bear to let Lin Xian suffer.

After all, Lin Xian usually gets tired from going to work, making money, paying rent, and paying tuition for himself.

She didn’t want Lin Xian to “experience” this kind of meaningless fatigue with her.

“Lin Xian, you didn’t let me suffer from the hardships of life and making money, and I don’t want you to experience the hardship of riding a car with me.

“We all suffer from each of us! Don’t interfere with anyone!”

This sentence.

Lin Xian was really moved.

Why is there such a treasure girl in the world.

Lin Xian took Liu Yiyi’s arm.

He originally thought that Liu Yiyi was still so thin to lose weight and keep in shape.

But now that I think about it, it should not be.

“Don’t be reluctant to eat in the school cafeteria just to save money. I tell you, in fact, I have money and a huge sum of money! I will tell you after I calculate it at night!”

Just go back tonight, after reviewing the status quo and clarifying all historical developments.

He is going to use the time and space mailbox to make money madly!!

He, Lin Xian.

Use the time and space mailbox to do what is right.

Use time and space mailboxes to hand in cultural relics.

Use the time and space mailbox to save the dead and heal the wounded.

I have done so many things to serve the society and contribute to the country.

It’s time to use it on myself now.

Lin Xian’s previous thoughts of making money were not so strong yet.

but now.

She wants Liu Yiyi to be the happiest, richest, happiest, and most enviable woman in the world.

Liu Yiyi snorted:

“Big brother!! I’m an art student! I can’t eat too much, I have to perform on stage!”

“Right, hee hee, just now Lei Haolong said, I was quite happy when you were pre-selected for the “Top 10 Outstanding Young People in Donghai”.”

Lin Xian was taken aback:


This point is far from the honorary curator of the Forbidden City in terms of status.

Liu Yiyi mischievously vomited:

“You’ll know after a while. Oh, forget it, I can’t hold it back, let me tell you directly!”

“Our mentor asked me to give a show at the commendation meeting. If you can finally be selected, hehe, you can come and watch my performance!

It turned out to be this.

Being able to be recommended by the instructor to the performance of the commendation conference, it seems that Liu Yiyi’s level is very good.

“Do you want to dance?”

Liu Yiyi shook his head:

“I’m not dancing this time. I play the piano. It’s another undergraduate student who dances. She dances more professionally.”

“Oh, this show is a collaboration between you two.

“Yeah! Just wait for the surprise! Hey!”


Just play a piano and dance a dance.

What’s the surprise

“The car is coming! Go! I’ll squeeze up to get a place for you!”

When I was a child, the bus that was about to burst came to the gate of Tunghai University.

After graduation, Lin Xian never came to his alma mater again.

It’s all here.

He and Liu Yiyi went around in school.

This campus is full of memories of their love.

Liu Yiyi pointed to the chair next to the basketball court:”Look! That’s our kiss bench! It’s our first place!”

“Look! There is the stool of crying! It’s where you made me cry. I hold my grudges very much!”

“Look! There is our work-study canteen. Oh, I really miss it.

“Lin Xian, in our university, it is also a student loan, a scholarship, and a national work-study salary, and a national scholarship. After we have the ability, we must serve the country well!”

Lin Xian nodded in agreement.

His memory has now been restored in half.

Indeed, as students, the two can survive the university for a few years because of the country’s series of work-study and scholarship policies.

In the beginning, Liu Yiyi’s parents did not pay her tuition, and she cried and called to ask the enrollment teacher at the school.

At that time, the teacher said righteously:

“Just come with the admission notice, and the rest will be handed over to the country!”

Lin Xian agrees with Liu Yiyi’s ideas.

Without a country, how can there be a home?

The two walked around the campus, feeling the years of the students.

Talking and talking.

Speaking of their shared high school life.

Liu Yiyi said suddenly:

“Next weekend, we will have a five-year high school graduation party, so I miss those old classmates.”

Lin Xian pinched a finger.

In the original history

This gathering of high school classmates for five years after graduation should have been held last week.

I’ve been there by myself.

In general high school gatherings, the date is set a few days after the college entrance examination, which makes it more nostalgic.

Why is this high school gathering after five years of graduation so postponed for so long?

Lin Xian thinks.

Bacheng is related to Liu Yiyi’s death and resurrection.

In the current world, all the variables and all the huge changes, the source of which is actually the butterfly effect caused by Liu Yiyi!

“Yiyi, this class reunion is arranged so late, are you waiting for someone special?”

Liu Yiyi nodded naturally:

“Yeah, didn’t we say in the group to wait for Wen Ling? She will be released from prison in a few days!”

Out of prison?

Lin Xian walks aimlessly with Liu Yiyi on the campus, while searching for fragments of Wen Ling in the memory that has been merged in his mind.

On June 6, Wenling’s family still disappeared on time and fled to the United States. This has not changed.


Why did Wen Ling return home and surrender in the end?

Lin Xian’s memory has not been integrated, which is still unexpected.

Out of curiosity, he asked Liu Yiyi about it.

Liu Yiyi slowly said:

“Before the college entrance examination, something happened to Wen Ling’s family. She did escape to the U.S. with her mother. A year later, her mother passed away.

“I have such a good relationship with Wenling, I am actually very worried about her. But I have never been able to contact her, so I can only stay in her QQ space.”

“I leave a message every day. Even though she has never responded, I still have a little thought. What if she is watching? In one year, I left her with more than 700 spaces to leave a message, and every one is in Persuade her.”

“Finally, the day her mother died, she replied to me.

“What did you reply?” Lin Xian was curious.

When Liu Yiyi mentioned Wen Ling, thinking of the past at that time, she felt a little sad.

She looked up at Lin Xian.

Slowly say the content of Wenling’s message:

“I want to go home…

Later, Liu Yiyi recounted.

With the cooperation of Liu Yiyi and relevant departments, Wen Ling took the initiative and was taken back to China.

Wen Ling, who had fled in the United States for nearly a year, finally returned to China.

All of this is the comfort and persuasion of Liu Yiyi in the QQ space every day, which moved Wen Ling.


Wen Ling is one year older than Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian. She had grown up a year before she fled, and should bear the corresponding responsibilities.

In her father’s incident, Wenling, as an insider, participated in many XXX, XXX, and XXX matters with her mother.

In addition to the fleeing matter, interfere with the investigation

In the end, he was sentenced to seven years.

But fortunately, Wen Ling changed her mind and worked hard in it. Together with Liu Yiyi’s father came forward, she received several reductions.

Therefore, he can be released from prison next Saturday.

Hearing this unexpected news, Lin Xian was very happy from the bottom of his heart.

He nodded:

“Good thing.”

Although Lin Xian did not directly save Wen Ling, Liu Yiyi, who he saved, actually saved Wen Ling indirectly.

And in the last time and space.

It was Wen Ling’s handwritten letter that saved Liu Yiyi’s life in this time and space.

Causality is really an interesting thing.

The kindness between the two people has been paid off across time and space!

In the evening, after eating a long-lost campus meal in the cafeteria.

Lin Xian sent Liu Yiyi back to the dormitory.

“Liu Yiyi, go up. You don’t want to take the subway next Friday. I will drive you to pick you up.”

“Okay, haha, drive our Faraxiali?”

“Remove Xia!”After delivery.

Lin Xian walked out to take a taxi.

When I got into the taxi, the driver directly pushed down the meter:

“Young man, where are you going?”

Lin Xian looked at the meter, thought about it, and asked:

“How much is 760 yuan from here to Binhuwan community?”

The driver shook his head:

“It’s not close. Let’s do it. I won’t give you a meter. Let’s charge you 200.”



Lin Xian opened the door, got out of the car, and closed the door.

“Insane!” the driver scolded.

Before switching to the mere 200 fare, Lin Xian left without blinking.

but …

Now when I think of it, Liu Yiyi is in the cafeteria, only willing to eat the cheapest set meal of self-selected dishes, and only choose vegetarian dishes.

In order to save money, take the subway bus for 3 hours to find yourself.

Even a shared bicycle has to save money!

Now I have to spend 200 yuan to take a taxi back

Too extravagant!

“It’s over, I feel that my values ​​will be crooked by Liu Yiyi.”

“When you pick her up next Friday, let her confess that I am a multi-millionaire.”


Lin Xian decided to go back by bus.

It’s time to experience life.


The car to the university town is very crowded.

But the car from the university town was very empty.

After all, there will be class tomorrow and no students will go out.

Lin Xian was the only one on this bus except the driver.

Made him a little uncomfortable

After getting in the car.

The bus started as soon as the door was closed.

The whole car pulled Lin Xian alone.

“Not at a loss?”

Lin Xian has questions, but there is no conductor on the bus to answer him.

When working on the bus, I was idle, and Lin Xian planned to call Wang Hao.

Since I want to buy a car.

Whether you want to buy a Ferrari or a Ferrari, it always belongs to Wang Hao, and there are acquaintances.

Lin Xian called Wang Hao.

Dududu, it’s an empty number.

No one answered after playing several times.

“Is the number changed?”

Then just call WeChat voice.

Lin Xian clicked on the two people’s WeChat and found that the last message was sent a few days ago, and it was a notice of a reunion of high school classmates.

He also asked himself to take Liu Yiyi with him.

Lin Xian dialed the WeChat phone directly.

Toot toot toot–

It’s connected over there.

“What’s the matter, Lin Xian, calling me so early is so sleepy.”

Lin Xian looked up at the bright moon outside the window


“Wang Hao, I’ll go to your place in two days. You can choose a car for me.”

“What is it? You want to buy a car?”


“What’s the use of asking me to buy a car? I don’t sell cars!”

Lin Xian then reacted.

Wang Hao’s destiny must have been changed by Liu Yiyi’s survival.

There is only one place for Hangzhou No.1 High School to send to Zhijiage University.

If Liu Yiyi went, Wang Hao had diarrhea in the college entrance examination, and his performance was abnormal, he would have to go to a bad school and then be a car dealer.

But now history has changed.

Liu Yiyi did not choose to send.

The recommended quota was naturally given to Wang Hao, who was second in the school.

Now Wang Hao, 80% is already a top student at Chigago University.

Naturally, no more cars will be sold.

“Wang Hao, are you now in graduate school?

“Yes, thanks to Liu Yiyi, I had a bad grade in the college entrance examination. If it weren’t for her to give me the precious opportunity to study abroad, I might not be able to sell a car now!”

“Wang Hao, there was a shooting at the Chiga Opera House a few years ago? Didn’t you go?

After hearing this, Wang Hao smirked:

“My rough man, I would rather listen to my grandma’s Huangmei opera! I would never listen to a boring drama! But the school gave me an invoice, I didn’t go, so I would take my life back.”


There was a sound of chewing and crackling, like the movement of a bed board.

Then came the sound of pattering walking.

Wang Hao’s voice came from the phone again:

“Forget it, you woke me up, and I won’t sleep anymore. Let’s chat with you. Don’t forget to go to the class reunion next weekend! I will also return to China next week.”

Lin Xian thought of the 42 weird incidents that happened during the last class reunion.

Ask directly:

“Have you counted? How many people are coming?”

“Counting you and me, everyone counts, Wen Ling also comes, a total of 46.

Lin Xian secretly figured it out.

In the previous reunion, there were 43 people on the list, but 42 actually came, but Wang Qiang did not come.

This time, Wen Ling and Liu Yiyi were added, for a total of 45.

Who is the other one?

Think of 42

Lin Xian thought of a person.

“Wang Hao, is Lei Haolong coming?”

Wang Hao over there was obviously taken aback:

“Oh, you still know this person, you shouldn’t know him. When you came, he turned away.

“He really wants to come. Actually, I didn’t call him at all. You didn’t understand him. This person was a bit weird before. But the Lord called me a few days ago and said that he would attend a class reunion. Anyway, he was a classmate for a year. , I can’t refuse either?”

Lin Xian didn’t expect it.

Really Lei Haolong is coming!

This uninvited guest.

He must be fine when he comes.

Either for yourself, or for Liu Yiyi!

Lin Xian always has a hunch


There must be some incredible secret in this Lei Haolong.

It may also be related to 42!

Lin Xian’s expression became a little serious, and he said to the phone:

“Wang Hao, do you remember Lei Haolong’s student number in high school?”


“Can you remember what happened so long? Have you eaten melatonin?”

Wang Hao over there listened and laughed:

“Hahaha, of course I can’t remember his student number, but I remember yours! Oh yes, no one told you, you may not know, your student number is the same! Both are one-”

“42! ”


The sky suddenly changed outside the bus!

A cool breeze blew in from the car window–

Let Lin Xian feel a chill.

Lin Xian slowly raised his head.

Look at the dark, empty carriage.

Next to the front right seat, there is a window open.

On the window, there was a row of red letters:

The number of people not to be overloaded or approved: 42

Lin Xian stood up

Look at the route map above the back door.

It clearly says one-

42 bus




It started to rain heavily outside the car window.

Lin Xian walked to the front, trying to close the car window.


Suddenly there was a loud thunder!

The vehicle shook!

Lin Xian almost couldn’t stand firm.

Lin Xian looked at the driver:

“Master, the road is slippery on rainy days. Drive slowly.”


The driver laughed unpleasantly with the old smoke:

“Young man, don’t worry. I have driven the bus for 42 years.”


“Something happened

Boom!!!!! !!

A flash of lightning flashed across.

Lit up.

Driver’s face

From Lin Xian’s phone, Wang Hao’s anxious voice came:

“Lin Xian? Lin Xian!”

“Why don’t you speak anymore?”

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