Chapter 68 Liu Yiyi opened the curtains: Husband~Get up!

Lin Xian imagined countless possibilities yesterday

After this letter is sent, history will change drastically in the past six years, and it is very likely that I will wake up elsewhere.

for example …

Liu Yiyi’s home.

In the hotel.

New house in the field.

Two people’s small home.

Or the small house after elopement

He has already prepared for this kind of heart.


He just understood this morning!

The most frightening thing is not that I wake up and find that I am not in my own home.

But one-

When I fell asleep, I was alone, and when I woke up, there was an extra person on the bed!

If this person is Liu Yiyi, that’s fine

If not

Think carefully!

Da da–

This is the sound of slippers stepping on the ground.

After the bedding was opened, it seemed that the man put on slippers and got out of the bed.


The thick curtains are opened!

warm sunlight

Shine into the room…

Lin Xian only felt dazzling–

“Hehe! Husband~~Get up!!”

“Ha ha ”

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled softly.

This familiar voice

This long-lost tone

This is a youthful memory that I haven’t heard in six years.

“Liu Yiyi”

Lin Xian lifted the quilt and sat up.

Turning to look at the shining window–

A tall girl in a veil, against the shadow of the sun, portrayed her mysterious figure vividly.

It’s like a silhouette painting of a master.

The curve on her body, one more is more, one less is less, the word perfection, when used on her, is not enough to describe her exquisiteness.

The long hair was picked up by the mouth of a tiger with one hand, and with a quick flick, the rubber band on the wrist was dexterously tied, and the beautiful ponytail was flying in the sunshine.

” have not seen you for a long time.

Lin Xian said sincerely.


The exquisite figure laughed, and directly jumped over and hugged Lin Xian!

“Good morning hug!!

Lin Xian was unmoved on the surface, and his heart was in chaos!

I haven’t reacted for a while


What development?

What happened in the past six years?

How should I respond?

Facing a person who had been dead for six years, suddenly appeared in front of me, calm as Lin Xian, it was a pity!


What about memory?

Why don’t my memories come yet!

Lin Xian patted his head.

Got nothing

According to previous experience.

The memory that has changed in the past six years will slowly merge with my existing memory, and it will not be completely integrated until 12 o’clock in the evening.

In other words, it will take more than ten hours before I can fully understand the past of myself and Liu Yiyi in the past six years.


These ten hours

How can I fool around!

Seeing Lin Xian never reacted, Liu Yiyi quickly realized something was wrong!

She frowned slightly and looked up at Lin Xian:

“Husband, there is something wrong with you today!

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Being the you you used to be, you will definitely pick me up at this time, then turn around twice, and say my wife softly~~good morning~~~

“Hehe, that’s impossible!”

Lin Xian knows himself, he absolutely can’t do such a shameful thing! He can’t do it even if you kill him!


Liu Yiyi laughed and tapped Lin Xian’s nose with her index finger:

“This is like you!

Talk about it.

He jumped up and started to change clothes.

Lin Xian touched mo’s nose.


Sure enough, Liu Yiyi just teased herself.

Fortunately, Laozi is smart.

Otherwise you will be trapped in!

Lin Xian closed his eyes tightly and rubbed his temples–

memory …



A little bit more!

He really needs to remember now.

Even a little bit is fine, at least let him figure out the status quo first.

Sure enough, he did not disappoint.

At this moment, some of the earliest memories have indeed merged in–

On the morning of June 8th, I received the letter from the past, cautiously afraid of being tricked, and asked Wang Hao to confirm the birthday party invitation.

Wang Hao is quite a buddy, so I just said it directly, others don’t know it, but Liu Yiyi definitely didn’t invite him!

Wang Hao said:

“We three have such a good relationship, and she didn’t invite me, so that means that she must only invite you! Go, brother! I feel there must be something good!”


In 2015, 18-year-old Lin Xian went to the birthday party of Liu Yiyi alone!

The memory is temporarily “recovered” here.”Husband, why are you not talking today? Is there something on your mind?”

Lin Xian’s thoughts are called back to reality.

“No, just woke up and confused.”

He rolled his eyes and came up with a great idea!

“Yiyi, I had a dream last night. It was your 18th birthday party! It was a very funny “Seven Six Zero”. Do you remember what happened that day?”

Heard this.

Liu Yiyi walked over angrily, and the powder fist hammered Lin Xian:

“Say it! You are so embarrassed to say it! I am really angry!!

“Wen Ling and I worked so hard to arrange a birthday party, and we also carefully prepared a confession for you. The result! You copied your pockets and made your face stinky! You didn’t promise me at the beginning!”

Lin Xian thought that sure enough!

Boys at that age, 17 or 18 years old, like to dress 13 cool!

If you’re not good at learning, I like to learn Sima’s boring gourds like Rukawa Kaede, Uchiha Sasuke, and Zhang Kirin.

Can’t pull it!

I can’t be arrogant!

Even dare to refuse the confession of the school girl!

But Lin Xian can’t express this emotion, it will show up:

“Uh, guys back then were all the same, what happened later?”

Liu Yiyi shook her body happily:

“Later, I took you and counted the homework I helped you do during the past two years, the notes I asked you to copy, the tips I helped you out, and I brought you five yuan a bottle of yogurt!! In short, I will tell You, you can’t do without me at the same table!”

“In the end, you were also persuaded by me, so you agreed to associate with me! Thinking about it now, I feel wronged for the 18-year-old!’

“I’m so beautiful, I learn so well, I can sing and dance, and I am so capable! People who chase me can line up from here to Paris! But I was crying and crying to make you my boyfriend. It was so shameless. !”

Lin Xian listened and thought of that picture–

You are recognized by the school as the school flower, the daughter of the richest man in Hangzhou, and the proud girl of heaven who has ranked first in the school for three consecutive years.

In order to be his girlfriend, Jingran cried and begged himself, and even pulled out the rotten bottle of yogurt.

Just to force myself to agree!

It’s so funny.


Lin Xian recalled that in order to save Liu Yiyi, he spent money and effort, ran around and even ran to the other side of the ocean, he smiled faintly:

“Liu Yiyi, you owe me this.”

“I owe you a big-headed ghost!!””


A pillow hit Lin Xian’s face.

At this moment, Lin Xian wanted to run into the study immediately and showed her a book that recorded Liu Yiyi’s debts.

Let her see how many hard-study nights I have devoted to her!

There is still 10 million dollars!


Think about it in a blink of an eye.

Now that history has changed, that notebook must no longer exist.

Liu Yiyi pouted with anger:

“I also said that I owe you! It’s what you owe me, OK? I gave up the opportunity to study abroad for you, and eloped with you at the age of 18! My parents are going to die of anger! Even now Angry at me!

“Lin Xian, if you don’t treat me well in this life, I won’t spare you by being a ghost in my next life!”

Lin Xian just wanted to ask a question–

Jingle Bell!!!!! Jingle Bell!!! Jingle Bell!!!

Liu Yiyi’s cell phone rang.

Lin Xian looked at the bedside table on the other side.

Liu Yiyi’s phone vibrated and rang.

The caller ID on the phone screen says–mother.

Unconsciously, it is Liu Yiyi’s mother.

Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian looked at each other, and made a hush-gesture to Lin Xian.

Then answer the phone and turn on the hands-free.

“Mom~ what’s the matter?

“Yiyi, did you just get up? Is the graduate student’s course schedule tight?”

“Fortunately, in the last year, I must be busy.

Liu Yiyi chatted with his mother for a few minutes, and then, over there, he entered the topic:

“Yiyi, you should listen to your father’s words and leave Lin Xian. Your father hasn’t spoken to you for 6 years. Now that I have figured it out, you two should take a step back.”

“Your grandfather has passed away, and your dad will not force you to marry the Lei family’s child. But you, don’t deliberately anger your dad. Listen to your mother’s words and leave with Lin Xian. Go home to your parents. You find another one you like. There are so many good boys in the world, you have to hang on a tree!”

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi was unhappy:

“Mom! I have told you many times! I am not with Lin Xian to irritate you or resist you. I really like it and I am with Lin Xian!”

“Back then, you threatened me, saying that I must get along with Lin Xian, and would not give me living expenses and tuition. But we still rely on part-time work, economy, and work-study to make ends meet. Not only did we graduate successfully, Lin Xian also found a share. Work and support me for research”

“So, no one can separate us! This is my own choice, even if it is a lifetime of poverty, I have to be with Lin Xian!”

After saying this, I didn’t speak on the phone for a long time, I just kept sighing.

Lin Xian heard what Liu Yiyi said

Completely speechless!


Wang Hao, the crow’s mouth!

It’s too smart!

What do you say!

Lin Xian didn’t expect that Liu Yiyi really eloped with himself!

and …

It’s not that I eloped with myself when I was 24 years old.

But I eloped with myself since I was 18 years old and went to college!

For a girl, this basically means that she bet her life, face, and virginity on a man.

And this man who made her willing to bet on her life–

It’s me.

Finally, over the phone, Liu Yiyi’s mother spoke:

“Yiyi, my mother doesn’t like Lin Xian. On the contrary, my mother admires him very much. He is very famous throughout the country. He is also famous for doing justice, handing in cultural relics, and becoming the honorary dean of the Forbidden City.

Liu Yiyi was proud of this!

His face is full of smiles, full of expectations!

Is this a turning point?

But then–

The conversation turned over there:

“But Yiyi”

“These are fictitious names. We admire these great heroes. But many things in life, such as houses, cars, children’s education, future status, and the rise and fall of the family, are not something social heroes can give us.

“I also like a child like Lin Xian very much. If I had a son, I would also like him to be a person like Lin Xian.

“But my parents are selfish. I respect girls who marry heroes, but I don’t allow my daughter to marry such an ordinary family who will soon be forgotten by everyone.

“Yiyi, listen to what mom said, let’s go home and find a right person.

Lin Xian sits on the bed and has his hands to dig his ears.

She can’t say what Liu Yiyi’s mother said wrong, every parent will be selfish.

Just as expressed in a popular short video before.

A word from a mother to her daughter:

“Daughter, my mother is willing to marry a father who has no house or car, but my mother will never let you marry a man who has no house or car.

“I can suffer by myself, but I can’t bear to see you suffer.

But he did not agree with what Liu Yiyi’s mother said.

All think like her.No one is a hero, no one goes to the front line, who will guard the country?

But from the perspective of Liu Yiyi’s mother, it is also pitiful for the parents of the world.

Although Lin Xian is already a national celebrity.

Donghai City calls righteousness and bravery as a youth.

Honorary curator of the Palace Museum.

But like Liu Yiyi’s mother said, it’s all false names.

Compared with the richest man in Hangzhou, Lin Xian’s tens of millions of deposits are the same as Sesame.


Lin Xian knows it himself.

For his new life after he obtained the space-time mailbox, everything has just started

For the past half month, I have not rushed to make money with the postbox, but to be on the safe side, I first figured out the “rules of the postbox.”

After I am proficient, the richest man in Hangzhou?

Excuse me.

You don’t even deserve to lift my shoes!

Liu Yiyi did not hesitate to hear her mother’s words.

In these years, if she has any hesitation, she will not stick to Lin Xian until now!

“Mom, if it’s such a thing, don’t call me anymore.

“Even if I die, I must be buried with Lin Xian! In this world, the only person who can marry me is Lin Xian!”


Liu Yiyi directly hung up the phone.

She wiped the corners of her eyes and smiled and said to Lin Xian:

“Look, my mother hasn’t called for a long time, and she still talks about it when she calls.”

Lin Xian smiled helplessly.

Pity the parents of the world.

Everyone is right and wrong.

“Liu Yiyi, do you know that you owed me in your previous life? Do you really know that I have a life-saving grace for you? That’s why you have repaid your favor in this life? That’s why you stick to me like this.”

“I’ll give you a big head!”


Another pillow was thrown over.

All right.

She has no ammunition.

Liu Yiyi was not affected by the phone call, she was used to it.

But Lin Xian is different.

It was the first time he heard this kind of call.

At least

This is the first time before the memory is restored.

“I have a question, why did your parents leave you alone in college? Did your parents find out when we just fell in love?”

Hearing this question, Liu Yiyi blushed a little:

“Did you not wake up? How can it be like amnesia?”

“The birthday party dress was so grand that day, but my mother didn’t eat much of the big cake that I bought specially, and I drank a bottle of drink. They are not fools. I guessed it after a guess.”


Lin Xian scratched his head.

His memory has also been restored to this period.

Two 18-year-old children thought they were smart and hid them tightly, but the adults in the city can easily see through them.

Therefore, the parents who discovered Liu Yiyi’s love affair asked Liu Yiyi to break up with Lin Xian immediately!

And threaten:

“If you don’t break up, no living expenses or tuition will be given from now on! Don’t go to university!”

But the loyal and brave Liu Yiyi believes that girls, like boys, are responsible for their love affairs!

She is a traditional girl, and she will only fall in love for a lifetime!

Only this time, never leave!

Therefore, Liu Yiyi relied on his scores to be admitted to Huaqing University, so he and Lin Xian went to the mere Tunghai University.

The two applied for student loans, grants, part-time jobs during college, work-study programs, and even handed out flyers and plates.

Relying on the insistence of saving one point, the two paid off their student loans when they finished their studies.

Later, Lin Xian found a job designing.

The salary is good, coupled with the hard work, the leader appreciates it.

The annual income is enough to cover the rent and Liu Yiyi’s postgraduate tuition. By the way, I can save a little.

Memories flood into my mind

Those scenes of working together, hard work, poverty, but happy and happy, are like movies, scenes of scenes flash in front of you

Under the 40-degree sun, Liu Yiyi and herself distributed flyers at the train station in order to earn 80 yuan.

At twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, in the dormitory after the lights were turned off, Liu Yiyi was still doing cross-stitching with a lamp. Such a can sell for 200 yuan, and her hands were once full of cocoons!

During the summer and winter vacations, Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi have never returned to their hometown. They work at McDonald’s. Although they are tired, they have the highest hourly wages.

Recalling this, Lin Xian felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This is Liu Yiyi

This is the only daughter of Hangzhou’s richest man, and the goddess school flower Liu Yiyi who has collected thousands of favorites!

Her life should be LV, Cartier, Mercedes-Benz, flower applause, red carpet!

It shouldn’t be cocooned hands, tanned legs, cheap sunscreen, and greasy dishes!

but …

In order to be with Lin Xian.

She is willing to suffer these sins, and she is also willing to suffer these sins!

As long as I can be with Lin Xian.

These sins are in her eyes, it is not sins, but happiness!

The scorching sun issued a leaflet:

“I am dating Lin Xian!”

Embroidering cross stitch in the middle of the night:

“Hee hee, in the future, our children will definitely be as naughty as Lin Xian. They have to learn to sew clothes.”

Dirty dishes in the restaurant:

“I’ve never washed a bowl before! After getting married, I can’t let a man finish it! He is already tired from work!


All the things Lin Xian thinks are painful and painful, in Liu Yiyi’s eyes, they are extremely happy.

That’s because–

Liu Yiyiai Lin Xian.

This kind of love is to love with life and life.

One day, a table of guests came very late, and they drank very late. They had to wait for them to leave before they could get off work.

While waiting outside the door, Lin Xian asked:

“Liu Yiyi, do you regret living such a life?”

Liu Yiyi shook his head decisively:

“If I couldn’t be with you at the beginning, I would regret it for the rest of my life!’

“The love in my fantasy looks like this. Only a couple who share the joys and sorrows can go further.”

“Besides, I have never felt bitter! I feel very happy! Anyway, it’s all about dating. Where can I go for a date instead of an appointment? There can be money here! Hehe!”

In the best years of a girl, she did not choose to go to parks, shopping malls, Erhai Lake, playgrounds

Instead, he accompanies Lin Xian through the street corners, fast food restaurants, and part-time job agencies in every city

Lin Xian’s best youth time was spent with Liu Yiyi.

High school, university.

Lin Xian believes that his youth, because of Liu Yiyi’s existence, has no regrets!

In this world,It turns out that there is such a girl.

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling.

Young do not understand love.

original …

His love has long been engraved on the lid of the five-dollar bottle of yogurt

Lin Xian got out of bed.

stand up.

Holding Liu Yiyi’s hand:

“Yiyi, I made you suffer before. But I promise that in the future, there will be no more suffering for you in this world!”

Liu Yiyi was taken aback:

“What are you doing ah–”

Lin Xian held it in his arms!

“You promise me a lifetime, and I will pay you back the first glory!”

Lin Xian let go.

Liu Yiyi pounced and laughed.


She quietly Lin Xian’s brain:

“Disgusting! Cut, where did you learn the local love story? By the way, you are a bit weird today, why do you have amnesia?”

Lin Xian had an idea and smiled:

“Yes, I just lost my memory, and I accidentally forgot what happened last night.”

“Last night? What happened last night?”

“Look, you see, you also forgot, then let us review it again!”

“! E(?A?ノ)ノ”

“(?w?)!!!!! ”

Lin Xian felt something was wrong.

“What about you?”

Liu Yiyi covered her face and shook her head:

“Don’t talk!”

Lin Xian stepped back.

He feels

Liu Yiyi didn’t cooperate at all.

He thought of an unlikely idea

“No, no!!!!”

Didn’t I have this six years

Is Liu Yiyi still a novice?

! !!

What’s wrong with myself?


Liu Yiyi saw Lin Xian’s doubts.

Cover your head.

“What the hell do you want to do!!! I hate it!!”

Liu Yiyi is really angry!

What’s up this guy

She was already mentally prepared.

Do not

It would be better to say.

She was already mentally prepared.

Just Lin Xian

It’s just that Lin Xian has always kept his vows, and he has to wait for the vigorous and famous people to get married.

She got up and ran directly to the toilet.

When he left, Lin Xian gave Lin Xian a stern look:

“Bad! Don’t scare me if you don’t have the guts!”

Lin Xian was left with a look of regret.




The faucet in the bathroom turned on.

Liu Yiyi began to wash.

On Lin Xian’s side, there are some fragments of memory pouring into his mind…

That is..……

Soon after Liu Yiyi’s birthday party…

The underground romance between the two was discovered by Liu Yiyi’s parents.

Big quarrel at home!

Must let the two break up!

Liu Yiyi cried to find Lin Xian:

“Lin Xian! Let’s cook the rice with raw rice!”

Lin Xian shook his head decisively:

“I can’t be so irresponsible to you! Liu Yiyi, your parents don’t recognize us now, but one day, I will become richer than your dad and even more powerful than your grandfather! I want to convince the whole world- You Liu Yiyi is my woman!”

“So before that, please wait for me. I will be responsible for you, vigorously! The famous family is getting married! I will marry you home!”

Liu Yiyi nodded moved and wiped tears:

“Yeah! I believe you, as I said, you will definitely become a great person in the future!”

“But to me, it doesn’t matter whether you have money or not, as long as you are willing to marry me.”

Just because of the promise that this famous family is getting married.

Proud and conceited Lin Xian has kept his promises for six years, showing his masculine demeanor.

Lin Xian now can’t help but give a thumbs up!

“Hehe! Cow P! Good job!

“True TMD deserves to be an 18-year-old stupid 13 child!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help cursing!

This kind of shit convention, I believe that many boys think it is cool when they are young! Very good P! Very MAN!

But in the end they will find

This is all silly 13!

If you like someone, not only do you have to hold on to it, you have to hold on to it!

Don’t come to the end, you think you are a real man! A real hero!

It’s cheap for others.

“But at the age of 18, I also respect you as a man.”

The past self, endured for six years, leaving this precious first time to the present self.

This kindness

There is nothing to report!

“What do you report? It’s me, so why are you polite.”

“I was exhausted yesterday. Today I enjoy life!’


Lin Xian also thinks.

I can’t live up to the true feelings of the “past me”, this precious thing, I will accept it sooner or later.

But the adverbial adverbial of the past own pride.

I will definitely do it for him:

Vigorous, famous people are getting married!

Let the whole world convinced–

Liu Yiyi! It’s my Lin Xian’s woman!

“Sometimes the air mail box is there. It’s not difficult.”

Lin Xian estimates that in less than two months, he can make Liu Yiyi her father her own “sesame”!

Let Liu Yiyi’s former grandfather be beyond the reach of his own status and strength!

By the time.

It’s the moment when the famous family is marrying Liu Yiyi!

At the same time it is one-


The toilet door was pushed open.

“What are you smirking? Get me a bath towel!”

“Oh where?

“on the chair!”

Liu Yiyi seemed to be ready to go out.

Lin Xian checked his cell phone. Today is Sunday, so there should be no classes in school.

“Why are you going?”

“Go to school! Class is coming tomorrow, I can’t go back to school today.”

Lin Xian looked at the table below.

This is only past seven o’clock in the morning!

What’s the hurry!

A day is so long!

“Why are you leaving so early! Tunghai University is so close, I drove you to him in an hour.”


Liu Yiyi laughed, and the eyeliner was almost crooked:

“Hahahaha, Lin Xian, what are your dreams? Where do you have a car? Do you ride a shared bike to send me?”


Lin Xian doesn’t care anymore.

The Laozi is equipped with a fully modified Ferrari 488. Although it is not a luxury car, it is more than enough to send you to school, right?

Who do you look down on?

Lin Xian walked over, stood behind her, and looked at Liu Yiyi’s beautiful face from the makeup mirror:

“Why didn’t I have a car? What about my red Ferrari 488? Haven’t you seen it?”

“I pooh! Give it back to Ferrari!

Liu Yiyi smiled and couldn’t hold his lipstick firmly:

“I see you, driving a Ferrari is almost the same!”


This bitch!

Lin Xian ran directly to the study and overturned the keys.

“Huh? Where’s my car key?”

After leaving the bedroom, Lin Xian found that the various layouts in the room had changed a lot.

There is a lot of mess.

At least 70% of the space in the home is occupied by Liu Yiyi’s stuff.


Look at quality

They are basically cheap Taobao goods.

“This is not my style?”

In Lin Xian’s house before the historical change, although there were not many things, they were all exquisite and luxurious brands.

Lin Xian is a very tasteful and particular person.

“Understood. Before I got the mailbox, we were still “poor couples”. My salary had to pay tuition, rent, and support the two of us. It’s definitely not as rich as I was before by myself.”

He didn’t care.

How can life be lived.


From now on, such poor days will pass completely.

He wants to give Liu Yiyi one, Ronghua’s life!




“Eh, it’s not right! Where’s my Ferrari key?”

Lin Xian found it strange.

Even with the influence of the butterfly effect, since I have so much money, how can I not buy a car?

Lin Xian returned to the bedroom:

“Liu Yiyi, where did you hide my Ferrari keys?”

Liu Yiyi gave her a white look:

“It’s endless, right? Wash your face and brush your teeth, and take me to the subway station.

Ha ha.

Lin Xian sneered.

“Well, now I will give you a cold knowledge of popular science.”

Lin Xian picked up his mobile phone from the bedside table.

“Today’s luxury cars are equipped with high-tech car machines, which can not only be remotely activated with mobile phones, unlock and open the air conditioner, but also can find car keys through mobile phone Bluetooth!,

“Oh, so what? So what?

Liu Yiyi patted her face without paying attention.

Lin Xian clicked on his cell phone and looked for the Ferrari car app.


could not find it!

Obviously installed!

“Forget it, download it again.”

Lin Xian re-downloaded the Ferrari car app from the app store.

Then click on the application icon.

Requires login verification.

Enter the account password.

【Account does not exist!】


Did you enter it wrong?

Lin Xian lost again.

【Account does not exist!】

“Hey, let me go!

This is his mobile phone number, Lin Xian can’t remember it wrong!


This software provides login by swiping your face.

Lin Xian clicked to swipe his face to log in.

Aiming at your handsome face recognition–

【Account does not exist!】

So it seems

It’s already a real hammer!

In this era after history has changed, I have not bought Ferrari at all!Lin Xian clicked on his bank deposit and found that the money was still there.

21.45 million.


It is a good thing that the money is still there.

Oh no! The amount of money is also wrong!

Lin Xian frowned.


20 million is Dai Shuangcheng’s gift to himself.

This shows that the history of saving Dai Chuchan has not changed.

The 1.35 million is the lottery winning + stock income, which shows that in this era, I still have an air mailbox.

The remaining 100,000 is Donghai City’s bonus for righteousness and bravery.

All my money is here.

But only missing–

The prize money of the World Mathematics Masters!

With a bonus of 125 million U.S. dollars, he also kept 15 million yuan in exchange for Long Yuan.

Nearly 1 billion dragon yuan!

How to say it’s gone if it’s gone?

“This shouldn’t be

According to Lin Xian’s speculation.

The resurrection of Liu Yiyi has nothing to do with Longguo’s Olympic mathematics championship.

Therefore, even if Liu Yiyi is resurrected.

It didn’t affect Long Guo’s Olympics championship in the slightest.

Then everything will develop as a matter of course

I will represent the Dragon Kingdom in the competition, and then prove [Goldbach’s conjecture], and finally win the game and bonus..0

These things.

No reason will change!

Lin Xian turned his head and looked at Liu Yiyi:

“Liu Yiyi, where did I go the other day?”

Liu Yiyi replied casually:

“You didn’t go anywhere a few days ago. You said that your unit has set up a team, and Dai Chuchan’s father handed over all the company’s design work to your team. You are the team leader, so you are very busy.

“No, right”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“Mathematics World Masters. I’m talking about this. Didn’t I go to the U.S. to participate?”

“Just you still participate in the World Mathematics Masters? Oh, can you be more normal? Since the early morning, you have been nervous again!’

“I haven’t heard of these competitions before, but I got the news about the Olympiad competition a few days ago.

Lin Xian sat next to Liu Yiyi and looked at her seriously:

“Yes, this is the cause, the Olympic Mathematical Competition! After the Dragon Kingdom won, the United States refused to accept–”

Liu Yiyi interrupted Lin Xian impatiently:

“Which Dragon Kingdom won? You live in a dream, right? This year’s World Olympiad, it was obviously the American team won!”


Lin Xian frowned.

Why is it so.

Why has this history changed?

It shouldn’t.

Lin Xian believes that he has made little changes to history and the world line. In the long years, he only left Liu Yiyi alive.

In this world, there is only one more person out of thin air.

How much influence can she have on the world by herself?

Can it affect the Olympiad?

This is too much!

At this time, when Liu Yiyi opened WeChat, Eryi’s circle of friends, clicked on a picture to show Lin Xian:

“Look! This is a photo after the final. Three middle school students from the United States won the gold medal. Three young boys from the Long Kingdom won the silver medal.”

Lin Xian picked up his phone and went to see the picture of this podium.


History has completely changed

The top winner was the US national team.

In the world before him, it was the Dragon Kingdom team that won. In the subsequent series of math masters, I met Ding Yi, Liu Lu, and Liu Lu to calculate 42 by hand, and invested 100 million US dollars in Liu Lu.

They all started with “Long Guo won the Olympic Mathematics Championship”.

If this starting point is not there.

Any math masters competition after that will not happen.

I naturally didn’t have that 15 million dollars.


He still couldn’t understand.

Why do you lose in a good Olympiad?

Lin Xian looks at this photo by himself.

Finally found a blind spot!

“The members of the Dragon Kingdom team participating in the Olympic Games should be two men and one woman. How come you have become three boys here?”

Lin Xian remembered.

When I was scanning the short video, I watched the award-winning photos many times.

There were three middle school students in the Dragon Kingdom team.

On the podium, two boys were in the middle, and a little girl with braces stood in the middle.

But now on this picture!

The two boys on both sides are still there.

But in the middle, it was supposed to be the position of the braces girl–

He became a short boy with glasses again!

What about the little girl with braces who was supposed to help Long Guo win the gold medal?

“What’s wrong?”

Liu Yiyi asked blankly:

“Our country went to these three children, there is nothing wrong.”

Lin Xian shook his head stubbornly.

Pointing to the little boy with short glasses in the middle:

“Who is this person? He shouldn’t have gone! If he doesn’t go, change to a little girl with braces, Long Country will definitely win.”

“Who is this little boy?”

Liu Yiyi was not surprised to see the boy with glasses.

Instead, scratch his head.

I am embarrassed and smiled:

“Hey this little boy”

“It’s my cousin”

in the room.

Quiet and weird.

“No wonder you lost!”

Lin Xian feels like he has seen a ghost:

“How did your brother get the quota?”

Liu Yiyi is also a little sorry:

“Oh, this cousin from my second aunt’s family. He also studied Mathematical Olympiad since he was a child and has won many places in China.”

“This time representing the country to participate in the world competition, the last five to choose three, he did not choose! My second aunt dragged him, haunting my dad, and telling him to walk away.””My dad disagreed at first, but then he couldn’t help them, so he asked someone to mention it casually, and finally replaced my cousin.”

Liu Yiyi saw Lin Xian not speaking.

Thought he was rising.

So, hurriedly took his hand:

“Hey, don’t be angry! I know you hate this phenomenon

“But you also know that after I eloped with you, my dad hasn’t spoken to me for six years. If it weren’t for my second aunt’s Moments, I don’t know!”

Lin Xian sighed silently.

Start to sort out ideas in the brain.

Without this Olympiad champion, there would be no subsequent world competition in mathematics, and there would be no Liu Lu to prove that Einstein’s constant was 42, and there would be no investment in Liu Lu.

If Liu Lu did not receive 200 million US dollars in research funding, the research on 42 would have stagnated again!

I will never be able to solve the puzzle of 42 by myself!


No wonder who.

No one is a god, can this kind of thing be expected?

Nothing more

These are all historical changes caused by [Let the damn people live]. The butterfly effect is also responsible for itself.

Liu Yiyi took Lin Xian’s clothes and acted like a baby:

“Okay, okay, don’t be angry, it’s just that Longguo lost an Olympiad champion, can’t I compensate you?”

Lin Xian laughed:

“How do you pay? How much are you worth?”

Liu Yiyi smiled and hugged Lin Xian:

“Of course I am a priceless treasure!”

“But well!”

“With you~~~I~no~you want~money~”

After everything is cleaned up.

The two went downstairs, preparing to send Liu Yiyi to school.

Lin Xian thought it over.

Before getting all the memories, don’t tell Liu Miaomiao that you have a lot of money.

So far.

The history of the past six years has changed a lot.

He needs time to sort out the current situation.

Before figuring out the situation.

The status quo cannot be changed rashly.

Everything is for your own safety, the safety of the space-time mailbox.

After going downstairs, Lin Xian reached out to take a taxi.

“Eh!!! What are you doing Lin Xian!!!”

Liu Yiyi directly pressed Lin Xian’s hand:

“Crazy, you still take a taxi! How expensive is a taxi!”

Lin Xian was really dumbfounded.

He wished to tell Liu Yiyi immediately:

“Wife, we have money! We don’t need to live poorly anymore!”


Now that the memory is incomplete, it’s not the time yet, let’s talk about it tomorrow.

“If you don’t take a taxi, how can we get there?”

“Riding a shared bicycle! You have a monthly pass, it doesn’t cost you money!”

Liu Yiyi pointed to a row of shared bicycles next to him.

Lin Xian nodded.


Environmental protection, and exercise.

“Then you sweep one too.”

“What kind of sweep? It’s the same as before. I step on the rear wheel and put your shoulders on your shoulders. We can ride one.”

Lin Xian is a little broken!

“Sister! Don’t let it happen! Don’t save to this level!

He suddenly remembered.

There is a sum of money that Liu Yiyi can know.

“That’s right! You should know that the bonus for me to act bravely is 100,000? We are not poor!”

But Liu Yiyi is very stubborn:

“You still save 100,000 yuan!”

“Why do you keep it, as a betrothal for you.”

“You don’t need to spend money to marry me! Of course, you don’t need a bride price, but you still have to spend money on hotels and weddings. You should save it.”

finally ……

Lin Xian still hasn’t slapped Liu Yiyi.


It’s embarrassing

The two rode a shared bicycle

Lin Xian felt ashamed and flushed while riding, but don’t let colleagues see it!

Shared bicycles do not have a back seat.

Liu Yiyi stood on the screws on both sides of the rear wheel, banging Lin Xian’s shoulders with his hands.

This is dangerous.

But Liu Yiyi is very happy!

Throughout the university, she and Lin Xian rode like this!

Good memories!

“Liu Yiyi! Don’t shake it!”

“I didn’t shake it! Why did your riding skills drop? You used to ride very steadily.

Lin Xian was unable to complain.

He hasn’t ridden a bicycle in years!

It’s not bad to be crooked




A familiar engine sound!


Grimy brakes!

A performance beast, topped with a fully modified Ferrari 488, parked in front of Lin Xian.


The Ferrari front window was lowered, and a man with sunglasses stretched his head out.

“Hi! Liu Yiyi! I didn’t expect to meet here!”

Liu Yiyi jumped off the shared bicycle, held Lin Xian, and greeted him:

“Lei Haolong, what a coincidence!”

“Introduce you, this is my boyfriend 5.3, Lin Xian!”

Lei Haolong smiled politely, unfastened his seat belt, and got out of the car.

Bow slightly.

Shake hands politely with Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, admire your name for a long time! Your previous act of righteousness and bravery is really admirable! You are really an idol we should learn from!”

Lin Xian smiled casually, without speaking.Dragon

No impression of knowing this person at all.

This man wears exaggerated sunglasses.

not tall.

Only to Lin Xian’s nose.

Lin Xian can even see the hanging on top of his head.

After all, the memory has not recovered yet.

Lin Xian wasn’t sure whether he should know him or not.

so …

It’s better to talk less.

After Lei Haolong greeted Lin Xian politely, he looked at Liu Yiyi:

“I’m not afraid of getting tanned on such a hot day.”

Liu Yiyi was very happy holding Lin Xian:

“Don’t be afraid, I am naturally beautiful! I really like to let Lin Xian take me like this, the whole university, we all came here like this, I miss it!”

Lei Haolong laughed after listening:

“Yes, you can, then I won’t show your ugliness and take you a ride.”

Talk about it.

Lei Haolong shook hands with Lin Xian again and sat in the Ferrari again.

Sticking out his head again:

“Mr. Lin~ We will meet again soon!”

Lin Xian smiled.

Although this person is very polite.

But Lin Xian can still feel the jealousy and hostility:

“Okay, when is it?”

“I have a gossip, for the “Top 10 Outstanding Youths in Donghai City” to be selected soon, both of us have entered the qualifier list.’

Lei Haolong put on his sunglasses and snapped his fingers:

“I hope that both of us will be able to appraise in the end and accept the award together at that time!”


Boom!!!!! !!!

Ferrari is fully powered and disappears into the heat

Lin Xian is a bit speechless

Does this person think he is cool?


It must feel good about myself.

Lin Xian turned to look at Liu Yiyi:


Liu Yiyi shook his head vigorously:

“Not handsome! Far from you!”

“Sister, I mean cars!”

“That’s not handsome! It’s ugly! I still want to be your shared bicycle!”

“Well, I like the Ferrari 488. It’s very comfortable to drive.”

“Tsk, don’t buy this. Lei Haolong, you know, I hate him very much.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

He really doesn’t know

Because the memory has not been integrated yet!

But for this kind of thing, Lin Xian wouldn’t pretend to be a fool to ask

Anyway, after the fusion of the memories at night, I will know everything.

Why are you in a hurry at this moment?

If you ask about everything, Liu Yiyi will see that something is wrong after a while.


Liu Yiyi was taken aback suddenly and looked at Lin Xian:

“Speaking of which, you and Lei Haolong are quite related.”

Lin Xian is a little big:

“We both? We have never seen each other, what’s the fate.”


Liu Yiyi knocked Lin Xian’s head:

“Pretend! Just continue to pretend amnesia!”

“Go go! If you want to say it, hurry up, if you don’t want to say it, pull it down!

Lin Xian didn’t have any interest in that little boy with dark glasses at all.

after all …

Not boasting.

In front of him, he really has no combat effectiveness at all.


All aspects are.

Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Xian suspiciously.

I don’t know if he really forgot or faked it:

“Have you forgotten? You were transferred to our class in your second year of high school, and Lei Haolong went to Canada to study abroad after finishing your first year of high school.”

“So, he happened to be transferred from our class, and you, happened to be transferred to our class. You two missed perfectly.

Lin Xian disagrees.

I thought it was fate, it turned out to be shit!

“This is too normal for my eldest sister. The transfers are all new semester transfers, and all classes are the same.

Liu Yiyi hasn’t finished speaking:

“There is even more coincidence! Both of you had the same student ID at the time! The first day you came, the teacher clicked on Lei Haolong’s student ID to answer the question, and you just stood up and everyone laughed.”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“I don’t remember well, we have the same student number?”

Liu Yiyi nodded with certainty.

Lin Xian carefully recalled his high school student ID


Can’t remember it!


I transferred from a high school in the county.

At the beginning, I wore the school badge of the county school.

Later, after transferring to the city’s No. 1 High School, he re-applied another one.

What is the specific student ID, I must not remember clearly after so many years.

Liu Yiyi naturally didn’t know what Lin Xian was thinking, and continued:

“At that time, we discussed it in private, and we all thought it was a coincidence. But I didn’t think you knew Lei Haolong, so I didn’t tell you.”

“It’s really fun! The students who are transferred, and the students who are transferred have the same student number, just as if they were arranged by heaven!

“I still remember it, both of you have school numbers–”

“42! ”

Hear this familiar number

Lin Xian turned his head silently.

Looking at Liu Yiyi’s simple and unlucky eyes.

In my mind,

Remember what Liu Lu said in the [World Mathematics Masters]:

“In this world, there is no accident at all.

“Accidental is inevitable and inevitable!

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