Chapter 37 Einstein Code!


Lin Xian frowned when he heard it.

what happened?

Did Einstein also sell himself?

Is the incident that I can write to the past exposed?

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Xian dismissed this idea when recalling the content in “Einstein’s Biography”.

In order to ensure the normal development of history, Einstein didn’t even dared to publish the formula he painstakingly studied, which shows that he is a very strict-sounding person.

It shouldn’t be said about it.

In order to prevent the phone from suspicion, Lin Xian answered without any pause:

“Long admired the name, but…what does this have to do with me?”

“Mr. Lin Xian, according to my great-great-grandfather, he has a good friend named Lin Xian. You may be a descendant of Lin Xian in that era. We have something to give you.”

Lin Xian still couldn’t confirm the other party’s intention.

But I want to come, this is the Guotai Hotel, and the other party has a letter of introduction from the embassy. There is definitely no danger.

“Okay, give the call to the lady at the front desk.”

After giving the microphone to the front desk, Lin Xian continued:

“Help me arrange a reception room.”

“Okay Mr. Lin, do you have any requirements for confidentiality?”

“Yes, the highest level.”

“Okay Mr. Lin, it has been arranged for you, the 1002 meeting room, we will bring the foreign guests there.”

Then Lin Xian hung up.

Put the red mailbox into your backpack, close the door, and take the elevator to the 10th floor.

As a special place to entertain foreign guests and leaders, Guotai Hotel has many highly confidential meeting rooms.

No surveillance or eavesdropping equipment is installed inside.

This is the demeanor of a big country. If you say that you don’t have it, you won’t have it.

Every time the foreign guest team will use professional equipment to test, nothing is gained.

………………………………………….. …….


After arriving on the 10th floor, someone greeted him and helped him push the door of the meeting room.

“Mr. Lin, please, the foreign guests are already waiting. The embassy letter of introduction has been checked and it is true and correct.”

Lin Xian nodded and walked into the meeting room.


With the heavy secrecy door closed, everything said here will not be known to the outside world.

After seeing Lin Xian come in.

Two foreigners, a man and a woman, got up, bowed, and introduced themselves.

“Hello, Mr. Lin Xian, this is Kalman Einstein who just spoke with you, and this is my sister Jenny Einstein.”

Lin Xian and Kalman shook hands:

“Your great-great-great-grandfather’s name has been admired since childhood.”

“Thank you Mr. Lin Xian, but Albert Einstein is my great-great-grandfather.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter… let’s get to the topic.”

Kalman nodded.

Then took out a letter from behind:

“Mr. Lin Xian, this is a letter from my great-great-grandfather, His Excellency Einstein, in 1961.”

“The letter is an ancestral instruction for our descendants. He requires us to learn Longguo Chinese and fulfill an agreement for it after 2006.”

Lin Xian knocked Erlang’s leg and looked at him:

“What agreement.”

“This can’t be said for the time being.”

“Then why are you looking for me? Just because you have the same name as your great-great-grandfather’s friend?”

“I can’t say this either.”

“Then how are you sure that the person you are looking for is me? There are so many people in the Long Kingdom with the same name.”

“I can’t say this now.”

Ha ha.

Lin Xian sneered and looked away.

“Then what are we talking about?”

Kalman smiled embarrassedly, folded his hands and made a forgiveness gesture:

“Mr. Lin Xian, please forgive me, Zu Xun is embarrassed. But I also said that, these are only temporarily unable to be said.”

“When we are sure that you are the person our great-great-grandfather is looking for, we will naturally send this letter to you. All your questions can be answered in the letter.”

Lin Xian nodded.

For the prudent genius Einstein, this arrangement is also very reasonable.

From the conversation, Lin Xian has guessed 4 important things:

1. Einstein has something for himself.

2. This matter is very confidential, and even his descendants don’t know the reason.

3. Einstein left a way for future generations to find themselves.

4. Einstein determined that only the real self can get this secret.


This is a cross-domain time and space game.

A game between him and the smartest and greatest physicist in human history.

Lin Xian felt very interesting.

He spread his hands and looked at Kalman:

“I hope you are not here to waste my time.”

“Well, what do you need me to do?”

Kalman opened the suitcase on the ground.

Take out an iron box from inside.


The iron box is very heavy!

It seems to be solid!

Lin Xian took a closer look. It was a safe, and it was a very advanced one.

The whole is unpretentious black, with a lot of cryptographic gears on it.

“Mr. Lin Xian, this is the safe that my great-great-grandfather asked our descendants to keep properly.”

“I need to remind you that this is a self-destructive safe. Once it is damaged by any violence, the contents in it will be instantly destroyed.”

“We don’t know what our great-great-grandfather hid inside. No one knows the password for this safe.”

Lin Xian stared at the black safe.

Einstein was indeed a cautious man.

He hid some secrets in a self-destructive safe, ensuring that no one other than himself could get it.

“So, as long as I open this safe with a password, it means that I am the person your great-great-grandfather is looking for?”

Kalman nodded.

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“Don’t you think it is ridiculous? I was only born decades after Einstein died. How could I know the password?”

Kalman disagrees:

“Mr. Lin Xian, maybe you can think about whether your ancestors have a good friend with Einstein, maybe you can find some hints from him.”

“But…you don’t need to be nervous, we may find the wrong person. Before you, we have met 17 people named Lin Xian. But unfortunately, none of them was able to open this safe, indicating We found the wrong person.”

“You are the 18th Lin Xian we found. It’s not surprising to find the wrong person. Perhaps…this is just a prank left by our great-great-grandfather to our offspring.”

Kalman reached out and knocked on the safe:

“Mr. Lin Xian, you can start.”

“According to my great-great-grandfather’s ancestral motto, you only have 2 chances!”


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