Chapter 36 Mysterious foreign visitors!


When Song Lao heard this, he immediately laughed:

“Push! Since my brother and sister have said everything, they must be pushed!”

“Hahaha, but having said that, if you want to be selected for the “Top 10 People Who Moved the Dragon Kingdom”… Lin Xian, I guess it’s no show.”

Nothing at all.

Li Ruoying and Dai Chuchan were both stunned.

“Why is there no drama, Uncle Song, I saw the people I commented on before, don’t they have the courage to do what is right?”

“Yes, Mr. Song, Lin Xian is the most positive young man at the moment!”

Dai Shuangcheng and Song Lao touched a glass of wine, hummed and said:

“You women, your mind is too simple. In the “Top 10 People Who Touched the Dragon Kingdom” over the years, which one is not the top elite in the industry? Which one has not made outstanding contributions to the country and society?”

“Lin Xian compares with them…the achievement is still a little bit worse. Unless…in the second half of this year, Lin Xian can do something big, otherwise like Song Lao said, No show.”

After listening to his father’s explanation, Dai Chuchan sighed, even more uncomfortable than failing the exam.

Li Ruoying smiled and filled Lao Song and Dai Shuangcheng with wine:

“That said, this kid is only in his 20s, so let’s not worry!”

………………………………………….. ..

The Imperial Capital is here–

The press conference has ended.

After Lin Xian took a photo with the big shot, shook hands and said goodbye.

Afterwards, Director Wu and his team ran to the constant temperature room non-stop to continue to study the authenticity of “A Dream of Red Mansions”.

Xiaoli sent Lin Xian back to Guotai Hotel to rest.

After Lin Xian returned to the room, he threw the pile of certificates in his hand onto the bed.

“Ah — so tired.”

“This time the imperial capital really didn’t come in vain. Although it didn’t make any money, it’s also a good reputation and status!”

Thanks to the influence of his handing in precious cultural relics, he and many big figures have gotten into the line, which will be of great help to the future development after going out of the East China Sea.

Lin Xian opened the red offer letter on the bed.

That was his letter of appointment as the honorary curator of the Forbidden City.

“It’s unique in the world…the real offer is really high in gold.”

Jingle Bell—— Jingle Bell—— Jingle Bell——

The landline phone in the room rang.

Lin Xian picked it up:


“Hello, Mr. Lin Xian, this is the front desk of Guotai Hotel.”

“what’s up?”

“That’s it, Mr. Lin Xian, here are two foreign guests who want to meet you. They are not ordinary foreign guests. They have a letter of introduction from the embassy of country D. Do you have an appointment?”

Lin Xian thought for a while.

He doesn’t have any friends from country D, besides… Since the other party came with a letter of introduction from the embassy, ​​it is even more impossible to know him.

So Lin Xian said into the microphone:

“I haven’t made an appointment with any guests from country D. I asked them if they were looking for the wrong person. If you are sure to find me, please tell them what they are coming for.”

The front desk over the microphone nodded.

Then I said something in a foreign language.

Guotai Hotel is an official hotel of the highest standard. The front desk staff are all well-established and well-educated. They have a good command of many foreign languages.

Lin Xian heard the foreigner over there say in sloppy Chinese:

“I…I can speak Chinese! Please let me directly…talk to Mr. Lin Xian!”

After getting permission from Lin Xian, the front desk handed the microphone to the foreigner.

After the foreigner got the phone, he said politely:

“Mr. Lin Xian, hello! I am a friend from country D, please rest assured, we have a letter of introduction issued by the embassy, ​​and we have no malice.”

In normal times, Lin Xian would definitely like to meet them for the sake of international relations.


Lin Xian glanced at the red mailbox on the bed.

The other party’s purpose is unknown, Lin Xian thinks it is better to be careful.

So he asked back:

“Hello friends from country D, I don’t think we know each other, what can you do with me?”

“Mr. Lin Xian…this matter…we’d better meet and talk in detail, please trust our sincerity!”

“Give me a reason to see you.”

The two foreigners over there exchanged a few words fiercely in foreign languages.

Then he picked up the microphone again and said seriously:

“Well, Mr. Lin Xian. According to the ancestral instruction, we cannot reveal our identity before confirming your identity.”

“But… we think that there is a high probability that you are the person we are looking for, so we are willing to show our sincerity and show you your identity.”

Lin Xian gave a hmm, feeling that this foreigner was really long-winded.

“Mr. Lin Xian, my name is Kalman Einstein, and my sister Jenny Einstein is accompanying me.”


“We are the descendants of Albert Einstein, a great physicist and proponent of the theory of relativity!”


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