Chapter 275 [God] finally came!

Lin Xian thought he was dazzled for a while.

Because this thing is incredible!

How can such a large device, a steel pipe that surrounds the entire equator, disappear when it disappears?

Lin Xian rubbed his dry eyes.

Open it again.

Look to the sky–


Still nothing!

“Liu Lu, what the hell is going on?”

Liu Lu was also anxious at this time like an ant on a hot pot:

“I, I don’t know! I was also called out by others. After I shouted out, I am just like you, and I don’t want to believe that this is the truth.”

“But it just disappeared out of thin air! There is not even any sound! There is no movement!”

“[Circular Equator Particle Collider] That is a miraculous epic that took 10 years to build by people all over the world! Everyone knows that it is in the sky and the ring of the earth! It is so big, how can it be out of thin air? Disappear?”

Lin Xian held Liu Lu to calm him down.

He wanted to understand Liu Lu’s emotions.

They are engaged in science, especially scientists engaged in cutting-edge theoretical research, in their eyes, the pursuit of truth far exceeds their own lives.

On the way here, so many scientists knelt and wept bitterly.

This is not their neurosis.

It’s that the spirit they’ve been entrusted with is gone, and the dream they’ve been pursuing has been taken away.

Make an analogy.

If a child’s most beloved toy is taken away by others, can he not cry?

A girl who is about to marry the boy she likes, but her boyfriend is snatched away by her girlfriend, can she not cry?

Before the harvest, a hail smashed all the watermelons in the world and the whole family’s harvest was gone. Can the farmer not cry?

For this group of scientists, the same is true.

In front of me, I can glimpse the truth of the universe, the secrets of material composition, the source code of the universe, and the establishment of the theory of the grand unity of the universe tomorrow.

But just a few hours before the start of the collider experiment, the [Circumequal Particle Collider] was “stolen”!

Can they not be sad?

“Don’t be sad Liu Lu, don’t panic, let me think about it, maybe this is just an accident.”

Seeing Liu Lu’s anxious tears almost fell, Lin Xian hurriedly tried to comfort him.

Liu Lu is a man with only mathematics in his head.

He said to Lin Xian more than once:

“Mathematics is my life, my life, and the meaning of my life”々. ”

“As long as 1+1 is equal to 2 in this world, then there is nothing terrifying for me.

But the current situation is for Liu Lu

Although 1+1 is still equal to 2.

But the sky is undoubtedly collapsed!

Facts have proved that the fall of the sky still affects Liu Lu a little.

“Wait, I suddenly thought of it! Liu Lu, could it be the weather?”

Lin Xian gave an example:

“When the fog is overwhelming, we can’t even see the road. Could it be because of heavy fog or thick clouds today that we can’t see the black pipe?”

Liu Lu shook his head firmly:

“Lin Xian, you are a layman in this regard, so don’t guess randomly. Everyone here is a top scientist. We must have tried our best to verify that the [Circular Equatorial Particle Collider] completely disappeared, so we will wake you up. what.


Liu Lu took Lin Xian and ran to the [Cable Elevator].

[Cable elevator], is the only means of transportation connecting the ground base and the sky command center.

The length is 12,000 meters.

It is made of rigid nano-steel material.

Lin Xian has done this section many times before and after [Steel Rope Elevator], so I have been to the ground ride many times.

Not far from here.

Lin Xian and Liu Lu trot all the way to the elevator boarding point–


Lin Xian was shocked again:

“Not even the steel cable?”

Liu Lu sighed:

“Don’t talk about the steel cable. Look, there is no room for the ride!”

“Now you believe it? This is not just the [circumequator particle collider] pipeline disappearing out of thin air.”

“It’s everything related! Equipment, elevators, materials, computers, everything disappeared out of thin air!”

Lin Xian did not listen to Liu Lu yelling there.

He is not blind..

Why are you shouting so loudly!

There should have been a house here as the starting point of the elevator, but now it is empty.

this moment

Even if you don’t believe it, you have to believe it–

[Mankind all over the world, the huge and thin building that took 10 years and 10 years of steel production capacity has indeed disappeared out of thin air!]

“It’s amazing how is this done?”

Lin Xian was pacing around the land in front of him, and couldn’t figure it out..

Such a big thing, together with all the countless equipment.

How did it disappear quietly?

This nightly change is far beyond human understanding

Just like Lin Xian said.

He could accept the collider tube collapse.

But this kind of disappearing out of thin air, is it an alien?

Da da da.

Da Da Da Da Da Da.

Teng Teng Teng Teng!!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!

There was a mess of footsteps.

The two looked back.

Hundreds of scientists and base staff were found running towards them:

“Professor Liu! Commander Lin! I have found you.”

“You also don’t take your mobile phones, you can’t contact you all the time, so you are here!”

“We have made a major discovery! This is the news that was just observed from the observatory. It is shocking!”

A female staff member ran up and handed Lin Xian a photo.

“Commander Lin, this is a photo from the observatory, almost suddenly! The earth suddenly has a halo!”

“Said it is a halo. In fact, they are all satellite rings that revolve around planets that are traveled by a huge amount of various substances, solid water, and solid gas. (There are pictures in this chapter).”

You should understand it? Just like Saturn, it has a beautiful halo, which is made up of comets, asteroids, or fragments of satellites torn apart by gravity.

Lin Xian nodded.

Of course he knows that Saturn has star rings.

Not only Saturn has rings, but Jupiter also has rings, and Uranus also has rings.

These stellar rings are basically composed of fine dust and fragments after the fragmentation of some planets, and the composition is very complex.

Assuming that the moon is shattered, various fragments will revolve around the earth like satellites, and the earth will also have a beautiful star ring.

But obviously.

The moon was not shattered.

So where did this star ring of the earth come from?

In the universe, so much matter appeared out of thin air, revolving around the earth, forming a ring?

Can anything more mysterious appear today?

“What substance are these rings made of?

Faced with Lin Xian’s question, the female researcher replied:

“According to preliminary observations, they are all extremely rare substances. Many compounds do not even exist on the earth. They are substances that we have never seen before.

“But these are all long-distance observations and calculations. What constitutes the (made) body stellar ring needs to be collected by a spacecraft and then analyzed and studied.

Liu Lu frowned tightly next to him.

What happened to this world?

Why has it suddenly become so incomprehensible?

First, the [Particle Collider] was strangely missing, and then the earth suddenly added a star ring

He feels that in another half an hour

Maybe 1+1 is not equal to 2 anymore!

“so ”

Liu Lu murmured to himself:

“So are we dreaming now?”

“[No, this is reality]!”


There was a strong and loud voice from above.

Everyone raised their heads.

I saw a ball of light falling from the sky, floating lightly next to Lin Xian, and gradually solidified into a human shape, and then turned into a person like magic!

This is a middle-aged man with terrifying facial features, like a stone sculpture model.

Lin Xian looked at him:

“Who are you?”

The middle-aged man was expressionless:

“Speak in the words you humans can best understand.”

“I am [God]!”.

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